Sword Emperor

Chapter 4740: Deep Spring

At the same time, Youquan, who had completely entered the inexplicable space, also noticed something was wrong around him.

Although there are still many auras of death sweeping through it, it is completely different from the outside world.

And after careful sensing, you can even notice that the space seems to be blocked, and it is completely impossible to reverse the void.

In an instant, Youquan's face looked quite ugly, and he glanced around with a vigilant face:

"Who on earth dares to pretend to be a ghost in front of me? Come out quickly!"

As he spoke, Youquan secretly used his power to send messages to the previously missing Yuyi Clan Chief, Qingming Clan Chief and others.

After all, if these missing clan leaders were here, then the message he sent would definitely be responded to.

However, what is disappointing is that the messages sent by Youquan are like sinking into the sea, and they have not received any response at all.

This situation made his face full of solemnity, and then he no longer had any scruples and tried his best to attack the surroundings.

As the Lord of the Era, every word, every action, and every move contains great power.

With a full burst, it can easily tear apart space.

Suddenly, only a bone claw could be seen passing through the sky, and even the space could not help but make bursts of distorted sounds.

Especially the surface of the bone claw is still

The rising black demonic flames can easily corrode the surrounding area.

In terms of attack alone, looking at the entire Buzhou Mountain, Youquan ranks among the best.

The demonic flames that corroded everything continued to burn, and the originally stable void began to become unstable.


But at this moment, a serious voice resounded directly from all directions.

Immediately afterwards, all kinds of Dao Yun continued to gather, many formations criss-crossed, and the extremely powerful force unexpectedly restored calm to the gradually turbulent void.

Seeing this, Youquan's pupils suddenly shrank, and then he spoke without hesitation:

"I have long guessed that there must be something behind this, and it seems that this is indeed the case. Since it has been exposed, why do you still hide it?"

As these words fell, Sun Bing slowly appeared in the void.

At this moment, after Youquan saw Sun Bing, his face was full of shock that could not be erased, and he even had a look of sudden realization:

"I never thought that the disappearance of so many of my colleagues would be related to you."

Hearing this, Sun Bing nodded subconsciously, and then murmured softly:

"Since you said these words, it seems that all races must have noticed my actions.

I didn't expect to be discovered so soon, but now that it has been discovered, then

It is time to consider sending those who were previously suppressed on their way. "

Looking at Sun Bing who was talking to himself in front of him and completely ignoring him, Youquan could be said to be furious, and at this moment he couldn't help but roar:

"To decide the life and death of those colleagues in front of me, your Excellency, you look down on me a little too much, right?

If you want to kill my colleagues, you must first ask me if I agree. "

As soon as the words fell, Youquan immediately took action.

"Ghost Claw"

Suddenly, countless skeletons appeared in the vast sky, and thousands of sharp claws swept towards Sun Bing in unison.

The cold light above the ghost claws is so cold that even though they are far apart, they can still feel the terrifying power contained in it.

The previously stable space became distorted again under these attacks.

At the same time, Sun Bing on the other side also noticed Youquan's attack, but there was no fear on his face.

After successively suppressing the clan leaders of more than fifty ethnic groups, Sun Bing had a rough understanding of their strength and methods.

When facing the first few people, he was still very cautious, but as the number of people suppressed increased, he gradually became more familiar with it.

So at this moment, Sun Bing didn't hesitate at all. With a thought, the surrounding formations immediately

Unimaginable power burst out at this moment.

Although the strength of a single clan leader is powerful, the formation arranged by Sun Bing is based on the strength of the divine master, Taoist master and even the immortal master.

He is just an ordinary clan leader. In the face of such absolute strength, he has no power to resist at all.

For a moment, all that could be seen was thousands of formations crisscrossing each other, turning into prisons and moving directly towards Youquan to suppress them.

Facing this force, although Youquan's face was solemn, he did not have any fear.

Then, under Sun Bing's gaze, he gradually became illusive, actually left the constraints of the formation, and successfully escaped.

Seeing such a scene with his own eyes, even Sun Bing's eyebrows were filled with surprise:

"How can this be?"

You must know that based on his experience, this formation can generally trap the opponent, and then adding the Chaos Qinglian can easily suppress it.

Among the more than fifty clan leaders, Youquan in front of him was the first one to successfully escape from the constraints of the formation.

However, Sun Bing's way of expressing his surprise was quite direct. He suddenly swung the Qingping Sword in front of him:

"Destroy the Way"

The dark sword light had already crossed the layers of space in an instant.

However, what was unexpected was that when the sword light fell on Youquan, it passed directly by without causing any damage to it at all.


If it could be described as an accident before, then this time it is undoubtedly an ironclad fact.

Even Sun Bing couldn't believe it.

Because in the long time, this was the first cultivator who could dodge this move.

As for Youquan on the other side, his face was full of sarcasm, and he couldn't help but say coldly:

"What a powerful outsider, he is still powerless in front of the innate magical powers of my Nether Clan."

Hearing this, Sun Bing's brows knitted together slightly, and very long memories kept emerging in his mind.

I still remember that in Jiuzhou, the Nether Clan was not too strong, but this clan was completely different from other clans. It could only survive in places where the Nether Aura gathered.

Ordinary creatures would often die in this place.

But this Nether Clan is very suitable for this kind of Jedi. The magical power of this clan seems to be able to make itself illusory to avoid physical attacks.

It's just that the Nether Clan back then seemed to be weak, so this magical power had many limitations.

Whether it is the Holy Way of Light or the use of force to break it, it can easily kill the Nether Clan.

I never thought that the once useless innate magical power could be cultivated to such a level by this Nether Spring. It is really incredible.

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