Sword Emperor

Chapter 4791 Blood Soul Ganoderma

Half a day had passed in the blink of an eye, and everyone had just placed the wounded who had been rescued by Miemeng and others when another group of people quickly approached from a distance.

Obviously, this is the team heading to the Life Prison Cave.

Thinking of the injured people they saw earlier, everyone present had worries on their faces.

But even so, they still didn't hesitate and quickly galloped towards each other.

From a distance, you can see the gloomy look on the face of the red turtle at the front. This situation directly casts a layer of gloom in everyone's hearts.

In just a few moments, the two sides had already merged.

Looking at the familiar figures in front of him, Chi Qiu could be said to have mixed feelings.

Seeing this, Chi You, who was quite grumpy, said directly:

"Didn't you say that you have rescued those tribesmen in the Life Prison Cave? What is the situation like?"

After hearing this, Chi Qiu let out a long sigh, then gritted his teeth and said:

"All races are truly unworthy of human beings. They actually resorted to such taboo methods. They really deserve death."

Even though they had expected it, when they saw Chi Qiu showing such an expression, the expressions of Chi You and others could not help but change.

Then they reacted very quickly and immediately stepped forward to snatch the boundary stone from Chi Qiu's hand.

Immediately afterwards, just like before, the strong man from the Jiuli tribe who was originally placed in the boundary stone flew out directly.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Sun Bing frowned slightly, and there was a trace of doubt in his pupils.

Because in his sight, there were no scars on the bodies of these Jiuli tribe strongmen at all, and even their aura had not been reduced at all.

But what is very strange is that each of them has their eyes closed tightly, as if they are in a coma, which is really puzzling.

Just when he was filled with doubts, Chi You's low but endlessly angry voice sounded directly:

"I never thought that they would dare to use the bodies of our people to cultivate Blood Soul Zhi. They are really bullying others."

And not just Chi You, every monk of the Jiuli clan present was very angry, looking like they shared the same hatred.

Seeing this situation, a trace of doubt appeared between Sun Bing's eyebrows:

"Blood Soul Zhi?"

As if seeing the doubts in Sun Bing's heart, Fei Lian on the side immediately slowly explained:

"Fellow Taoist, you are not from Buzhou Mountain, so you don't know anything. Among all the tribes, there is a tribe called the Soul Tribe.

They abandoned their bodies, leaving only their souls, and ordinary means could not cause any damage to them.

In addition, it comes and goes without a trace, making it difficult to guard against.

Although it only ranks 50th among the Ten Thousand Clan, it has given our clan quite a headache. "

Having said this, Fei Lian paused, and then his eyes were filled with fire:

"If that's all, then the Soul Clan is just suffering from scabies. But the most important thing is that the Soul Clan has a magic medicine in their hands, which is this Blood Soul Mushroom.

Although this is just a magical medicine, it is quite strange. As long as it is cultivated properly, it can be comparable to the innate spiritual root. "

After hearing this, Sun Bing instantly realized that there should be something key in this, so he subconsciously said:

"Is it possible that the cultivation of this magical medicine is completely different from ordinary magical medicines?"


Fei Lian nodded with a gloomy face, and then gritted his teeth and said:

"Most of the ordinary magic medicine spiritual roots grow in the ground, even if they are slightly special, they grow in water, snow, etc.

But this Blood Soul Zhi is completely different. As the name suggests, it needs blood as a guide.

If it is cultivated with the flesh and blood of ordinary Emperor Realm monks, it can be condensed into low-grade Blood Soul Seed.

This item can not only restore the soul damage of ordinary Emperor Realm monks, but is also a great tonic for the Soul Clan.

And if it is cultivated with the flesh and blood of the Great Emperor, it can be condensed into a middle-grade Blood Soul Mushroom, which is the best of the miraculous medicines.

Not only can it restore the soul damage of all emperor-level souls, it even has a considerable effect on the Lord of the Era.

If one can collect ten middle-grade Blood Soul Seeds, a Soul Clan monk can successfully advance to the Great Emperor Realm.

As for the last type, it is the high-grade blood soul mushroom, which is completely comparable to the innate spiritual root.

This item can heal all damage to the soul, and it also has a great promoting effect on the physical body.

The most important thing is that one hundred high-grade blood soul mushrooms can allow a great emperor to cross the bottleneck and achieve the highest level. "

This simple sentence made Sun Bing's expression change in shock.

It seems that the difference between the Great Emperor and the Lord of the Era is just a realm, but the gap is like a natural chasm.

Over the ages, let alone anything else, there have been so many great emperors in Buzhou Mountain.

How many people can become the Lord of the Era? For example, those ethnic groups at the back of the ten thousand ethnic groups, the entire ethnic group together only has one person.

This alone shows how precious this Blood Soul Mushroom is, especially the high-grade Blood Soul Mushroom, which can be said to be a priceless treasure.

However, after a brief period of shock, Sun Bing quickly came to his senses and immediately spoke:

"The Lord of the Era is already at the top of his game. He is supposed to be immortal. Even if his flesh and blood are extracted, it shouldn't cause any harm, right?"

After hearing these words, Fei Lian's face became even more angry:

"The growth of this Blood Soul Zhi first needs to be guided by blood, and secondly based on the soul.

Once ordinary creatures are implanted with Blood Soul Zhi, they will eventually die, but for the Great Emperor or the Lord of the Era.

This thing is like a bone-eating poison, deeply rooted in the body, extracting blood, flesh, soul and even all vitality.

Although these tribesmen do not have any injuries on the surface, their bodies are full of the roots of the blood soul fungus.

Even the sea of ​​consciousness is not immune. After billions of years of oppression, they must have only one breath left. "

After learning the news, even Sun Bing felt his scalp tingling.

In the long years, although he had experienced countless dangers, he had never had such an experience.

You must know how firm the willpower of the Lord of the Era is, and how tenacious his vitality is.

They were very sober throughout the whole process, and could even clearly sense how their vitality, soul, and even flesh and blood were taken.

This is an unimaginable torture for anyone.

After realizing this, Sun Bing knew why Chi You and others were so angry.

The most important thing is that after the vitality, flesh and blood, and even the soul of an epoch master are forcibly extracted, it is not an easy thing to restore them.

Not only does it require a huge amount of resources, but it also takes a long time. On the contrary, the Jiuli clan, which got these wounded, has to worry about these people and waste time.

So the actions of the Ten Thousand Races are really cruel and hard to guard against.

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