Sword Emperor

Chapter 4804 Action to be taken tomorrow

"Actually, the living environment of the Soul Clan is completely different from ours, so the place where they live is also very obvious."

After the night lark was silent for a moment, his little hand immediately pointed in another direction:

"If you walk in this direction, you'll be almost three hundred thousand miles away. It's very obvious there. You won't be mistaken."

After learning the news, Sun Bing could no longer suppress his excitement and saluted directly to Ye Bailing in front of him:

"Thank you, fellow Taoist, for telling me. I am deeply grateful."

After he finished speaking, he thought for a while, and then with a thought, he took out more than ten completely different kinds of supreme holy medicine and gave them to the other party:

"A few gifts to show your appreciation, but I hope you won't be polite."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and left the place without waiting for the other party to respond.

As for the place Ye Bailing was pointing to, even though it was 300,000 miles away, it was nothing to Sun Bing.

In just a blink of an eye, he had already crossed the layers of space, and then looked around, only to see a wooden house appearing in his sight.

What is completely different from ordinary wooden houses is that this wooden house is entirely made of soul-nourishing wood, which can be said to be quite precious.

Needless to say, when he saw this wooden house, Sun Bing already knew that the Soul Clan monk was here.

But he didn't take action directly.

After all, he now knows nothing about the soul monk in this wooden house, and he can't guarantee whether the other party has any trump cards.

So at this moment, the best we can do is to check the surrounding environment. Once we decide to take action, we will definitely not allow any risks.

While Sun Bing was inspecting the environment, in the deepest part of the Tianyun Immortal Valley, in a palace located directly below the Heavenly Planet, there were sounds of arguments.

If you look closely, you can clearly see two Bailing monks, one black and one white, arguing fiercely.

Moreover, the white lark monk has a scorching sun between his eyebrows; as for the black one, there is a crescent moon between his eyebrows.

These are clearly the two kings of the Bailing clan.

I saw the Ribailing King very excited and said:

"Ye Ling, why did you leak the whereabouts of that soul clan for no reason? Don't you know how much this matter will affect our clan?

If the God Lord and the others come to question me, how do you want me to give them an explanation? "

In this regard, King Ye Bailing's expression was quite calm, even a little indifferent:

"Then just say that he is seeking revenge. After all, our clan is not very powerful. It is impossible for our clan to protect that soul clan, right?"

After hearing these words, the Ribailing King took a deep breath and was ready to continue speaking almost the next moment.

However, King Bai Ling's patience seemed to have reached its extreme that night, and he even said a little impatiently:

"When did we, the Bailing clan, care so much about the opinions of all races? Our clan used to be the most neutral clan in the entire Buzhou Mountains.

But what about now? Now our clan can only be regarded as one of the ten thousand clans. Is this the result you continue to pursue? "

After hearing these questions, Sun Bailing King's momentum suddenly paused, and then his voice became much softer:

"Ye Ling, I am really helpless. After all, since the Jiuli clan disappeared, I can only make peace with them.

The purpose of all this is to preserve the Bailing clan. "

However, as soon as he said these words, King Ye Bailing shook his head:

"Stop saying these words. If you really want to protect the Bailing clan, you won't question me at all.

My clan has heavenly planets, why have we ever been afraid of them? All this is because you are too timid.

You can keep holding back, but I don't want to.

When the Jiuli clan was still there, I didn't hear the wailing from heaven and earth.

But now, the wailing of heaven and earth is getting worse and worse. I don’t believe you can’t notice it at all.

So I must resist. Even if I fail today, there will be another time, and the next time..."

At the end of the sentence, King Sun Bailing didn't know what to say at all. He glanced at the dozen or so completely different supreme holy medicines and could only sigh longly.

It seemed that I could vaguely hear a soft murmur:

"Maybe you are right..."

Sun Bing knew nothing about what happened among the Bailing clan.

At this moment, after careful inquiring, he confirmed that there were three people living in the wooden house.

Two of them are emperor-level monks, and the remaining one is the Lord of the Era.

It should be noted that there are only three or four Epoch Lords in the entire Soul Clan, but the other party has sent one person to garrison here.

This alone shows how much the Soul Clan attaches importance to this place.

Those two great emperors were naturally nothing to Sun Bing, but the last epoch master needed to pay more attention.

After all, he had fought against the Soul Emperor before, which made him really afraid of this kind of creature.

Because if he hadn't been superior in skills back then, he might even have fallen into the hands of the Soul Emperor.

Therefore, in order to avoid any accidents, he must be fully prepared before taking action this time.

Immediately, Sun Bing would hide in the city for hundreds of days every day, while spying and hiding himself.

But at night, he would transform into a dwarf and carefully carve patterns around the wooden house.

Fortunately, the Soul Clan monk naturally prefers peace and quiet, so the territory with a radius of 150,000 miles is completely uninhabited.

It is precisely because of this that the area where Sun Bing can perform is quite large.

After some investigation, he decided to start setting up the formation 100,000 miles away from the wooden house.

As long as the final formation pattern can cover the wooden house, it is time to take action.

Because there is no one around, there is no one to disturb, and the actions of the soul cultivator are quite regular.

Every day, he only goes to the medicinal field to investigate in the early morning, and then returns to the wooden house, so Sun Bing's actions are quite fast.

After just three days, although it may not seem a big deal on the surface.

But in fact, a huge formation has enveloped the entire wooden house.

Even because of the fear that the soul cultivator will escape, Sun Bing also engraved various formation patterns specifically for the soul in this formation.

With Sun Bing's attainments in formation, he can confidently say that this is absolutely foolproof.

After making all the preparations, Sun Bing finally decided to take action tomorrow.

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