Sword Emperor

Chapter 4823: Late Arrival

Half a day later, the space above the volcano where the soul world is located was twisted and then suddenly cracked.

The Lord of God, the Lord of Taoism and even the Lord of Immortals led many subordinates to successfully land here.

Although they arrived here half a day later, you should know how huge Buzhou Mountain is. As for the distance from the Ten Thousand Races Alliance to this place, it is even farther away.

Although the alliance has the means of teleporting people, such as the Heaven and Earth Instrument.

But before Chi You was exposed, he used the secret method known by the Jiuli tribe to affect this treasure, so that its effect was greatly reduced.

Now, both the cultivators who can be teleported and the teleportation distance have been greatly weakened.

At least it is difficult for strong men at the level of the Lord of God to use this treasure.

In this way, the group was still able to arrive here within half a day. It can be imagined that they paid a lot of price for their attention.

After looking around and taking a look at the surrounding environment, the Lord of God and others soon realized the direction of the Soul Realm, and then they headed straight for the volcano without any hesitation.

Even though the temperature in the volcano was quite hot, it did not affect the group at all.

In a short moment, everyone had arrived in front of the Soul Realm.

When they saw the damaged world membrane wall, the faces of everyone present changed, and a strong sense of badness emerged in their hearts.

After all, the Soul Clan is considered a large clan among the Ten Thousand Clans, especially the strange soul power that makes people hard to defend against, which can be said to be the top combat power of the Ten Thousand Clans.

Could it be that an accident really happened?

Thinking of this, the Lord of God and others increased their speed a lot, and their figures flashed through the huge scar and entered the Soul Realm directly.

However, after entering the Soul Realm, the group's hearts sank to the bottom of the valley.

As the three leaders of the Ten Thousand Clan Alliance, the Lord of God and others have naturally been to the Soul Realm.

The former Soul Realm was beautiful, with all kinds of flowers, plants and trees that could nourish the soul, making people not want to leave once they came here.

Now, let alone the flowers, plants and trees, even the soil has been looted.

Looking around, only cold gravel was left scattered everywhere, which was quite shocking.

For a moment, everyone present was quite silent, because through this scene, they had already realized that the Soul Leader and others should be in danger.

However, along with the Lord of God and others, there were also strong men from the Soul Clan guarding the alliance.

At this moment, his face was full of ferocity and even madness, and he kept muttering:

"Alliance Master, Alliance Master, our clan still has secret methods, and we can hold the enemy back for a while anyway.

These looted things are harmless, the real key place is still the battlefield, we still have a chance."

However, everyone present knew that even these flowers, plants, trees and even soil that were not of much value to the emperor were looted.

How could the Soul Leader and others continue to exist?

After all, before the major problem was solved, the Jiuli clan would definitely not care about such a small goal.

But seeing the crazy look of the soul clan cultivator, and the contributions of the soul clan all the time, they did not say much, and immediately patrolled the entire soul world.

However, as they went deeper and deeper, the faces of the people became more and more ugly, especially the soul clan cultivator, whose pupils were full of despair.

Because the scene they passed was even more miserable than the edge of the membrane wall of that world, many medicinal fields disappeared, and countless spiritual objects were taken away.

When they came to the location of the soul-soothing wood, the soul clan cultivator completely collapsed and kept wailing:

"How is this possible? Why did my clan suffer such a disaster? Could it be that the leader's strength can't stop them?"

Looking at the scene in front of him where almost all the lives were destroyed, the face of the Lord of God was also quite ugly.

This is not only because the soul clan was destroyed and the myriad clans lost a force, but most importantly, they knew the purpose of the Jiuli clan coming here.

Now that the Soul Clan is in such a state, the Jiuli Clan has obviously taken many soul beasts away.

While the Soul Clan was destroyed, those Jiuli Clan monks who suffered from the blood soul fungus were able to get rid of the damage.

With this reduction and increase, the gap in strength between the two sides has been reduced a lot.

Thinking of this, the hearts of the Lord of God and others were full of worry.

Immediately, the Taoist master could be heard speaking directly:

"As the saying goes, if you defend for a long time, you will lose. We can't keep enduring like this, otherwise all the clans will be destroyed.

Although the Jiuli Clan has taken away the soul beasts at this moment, it will take some time for them to recover the wounded.

For us, this is the best opportunity. If we miss this time, the consequences will be disastrous."

After hearing these words, neither the Lord of God nor the Immortal Lord refused, because at this moment they also felt a strong sense of crisis.

After a long silence, the God Lord finally spoke directly:

"The remnants of Jiuli are indeed too many this time. After we go back, we will immediately gather the people in the alliance.

At the same time, Immortal Lord Daoist, please contact them. If they can go to battle, then we will kill them in one battle.

If they cannot go to battle for the time being, then we will take the lead.

Even if we cannot eliminate all the remnants of Jiuli in the end, we must weaken their strength."

For this proposal, the Immortal Lord and Daoist Lord did not speak, but nodded slowly.

From the solemn expressions on their faces, it can be seen that the two of them quite agree with the decision of the Lord of God.

Now that the decision has been made, everyone does not want to waste any more time.

Because every second of delay at this moment means that one of the wounded in the Jiuli tribe will recover from his injuries.

However, just as everyone was about to leave, they could see that the Soul Clan cultivator stopped in front of them, looking at the group eagerly.

Seeing this situation, the Lord of God and others had mixed feelings in their hearts.

Because this person can be said to be the only remaining Great Emperor Realm cultivator in the entire Soul Clan.

But the Soul Clan used to be ranked 50th among all the clans. Even if the clan is now plundered, the remaining wealth is still unimaginable.

With only a Great Emperor-level cultivator, how can he keep such a huge wealth?

You must know that even the weakest clan among all the clans, the clan leader is a strong man at the level of the Lord of the Era.

But now, the Soul Clan, which was once enough to rank 50th among all the clans, will drop to more than 9,000 in strength.

Except for the tribes whose clan leaders were killed by Sun Bing in the Annihilation Abyss, the Soul Clan can be regarded as the weakest.

Although this person did not say a word, how could the Lord of Gods and others not know what he meant.

After a moment of silence, the Taoist master could be heard saying slowly:

"In consideration of the Soul Clan's past contributions, we will certainly protect your Soul Clan from extinction. Everything will remain as it is now, and no one can take action.

In addition, we will also provide you with certain opportunities to strive for a breakthrough in your cultivation."

Hearing this, the only remaining Soul Clan cultivator was full of joy on his face, and he quickly saluted to everyone:

"Thank you three leaders for presiding over justice for my Soul Clan. From now on, my Soul Clan will definitely follow your lead."

Although the Soul Clan's strength has been greatly reduced, hearing such words that are almost loyal, a smile appeared on the faces of the Lord of Gods and others.

Then, in order to help the Soul Clan, when he left, the Lord of God took the Soul Realm away directly and went to the Alliance Station.

Because this place is the safest place for all races. If this place falls, all races will be close to extinction.

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