Sword Emperor

Chapter 4827: The Movements of All Races

It's a pity that nine out of ten things in the world are unsatisfactory, even though the entire Jiuli clan is praying silently.

But since the God Lord and others knew that the soul beast had fallen into the hands of the Jiuli clan, they moved very quickly.

After all, they couldn't just wait for the wounded Jiuli clan members to recover, and this was their best chance.

As a result, in the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races at this moment, one can see that the God Lord and others directly summoned the envoys sent by each race to this place.

Because this action was too hasty, many people were awakened from seclusion, and many people were complaining at this moment.

In this regard, the God Lord's face was quite calm. He glanced at everyone coldly, and then slowly spoke:

"I know that this time it was really a bit hasty, but now that we have reached the most dangerous time for all races, this is a last resort."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere at the scene changed. Everyone's face was filled with solemnity, and the original whispers disappeared without a trace.

After the surroundings were completely quiet, the Lord God continued:

"Just yesterday, the Soul Clan was almost wiped out."

As he spoke, the power within the body of the god continued to circulate, and he directly took out a stone, and then the scene in the soul world was completely revealed to everyone.

Although most of the people present have never been to the Soul World, they have a certain understanding of the Soul World.

Flowers, plants and trees that can nourish the soul can be seen everywhere, which is the most obvious feature of the soul world.

But now, the flowers, plants and trees that could be seen everywhere have disappeared without a trace, leaving only a piece of ruins. Only the missing sporadic spiritual objects can show the identity of the Soul Clan.

Suddenly, everyone present fell silent, and at the same time, a strong sense of crisis emerged in their hearts.

You must know that the Soul Clan is the fiftieth largest ethnic group, and it is at the top of all races in terms of both heritage and strength.

But now that they are almost wiped out, at this moment, whether it is a huge group like the Fallen Heaven Clan or the Demon Clan, or a small group like the Owl Eagle Clan or the Lieshi Clan, there is an inexplicable sense of urgency.

Especially the location of the soul world is changing all the time, even they don't know the location of the soul world.

Even if they were all wiped out, could the other ethnic groups escape?

Thinking of this, the envoy of a small ethnic group spoke without hesitation:

"Alliance leader, those Jiuli remnants are simply bullying others too much. We absolutely cannot let it go like this!"

After hearing this, the God Lord looked at the messenger with great satisfaction, and then his expression immediately became serious:

"It is precisely because they are too arrogant that we must take the initiative.

You must also know that some of Jiuli's wounded suffered the sequelae of Blood Soul Zhi, and the purpose of their attack on the Soul World was to solve this sequelae.

If they wait until their wounded have fully recovered, the consequences will be disastrous. "

In fact, there is no need for the Divine Master to speak. Everyone present is a monk who has experienced the great battle tens of billions of years ago. Naturally, they know the powerful strength of the Jiuli clan.

After hearing this news, even a little panic appeared on the faces of the monks.

You must know that they are the strong men of the Jiuli tribe who can defeat many people. Once these wounded people recover, they can completely compete with the strong men of ten thousand tribes who are several times their own.

Immediately, you can hear the envoy of the Shadow Clan speak directly:

"In this case, then we will follow the alliance leader and take action together. Our Shadow Clan will definitely be able to assemble an army in the shortest time."

After seeing that one person was taking the lead, the remaining envoys nodded quickly:

"Yes, now is the most critical moment. We must not let these Jiuli remnants affect us. Our army is ready to go."

"No matter what, we cannot sit back and watch the remnants of Jiuli..."

One messenger after another kept speaking, and even the demons, who had always been at odds with the gods, were not holding back.

Because he knew that no matter what conflicts the Demon Clan had with the God Clan, it was ultimately a matter within the Wan Clan.

But now facing the Jiuli clan, they must unite as one.

Seeing the angry crowd, the Lord God and others nodded with satisfaction, and then spoke directly:

"In that case, then please go back and gather the army. We will set off in seven days."

After finishing speaking, the Lord God and others did not stay where they were, they turned around and left directly.

After all, letting the major ethnic groups gather armies is just the beginning. They still have many things to deal with next.

On the other side, the envoys of each major ethnic group left the hall with solemn faces. After sighing, they immediately used various methods to send messages back to the ethnic groups.

As for the current Divine Lord and others, they came to the altar where they had contacted Guitian, and the Immortal Lord stood directly on the altar.

After paying a lot of price, an obscure fluctuation came, and then the phantom of Weitian appeared.

Seeing this, the eyes of the Divine Master and the Taoist Master showed a hint of joy, but they did not show it.

I saw the Immortal Master looking straight at the sky, and then slowly spoke:

"We have agreed before to attack the Jiuli clan together. I wonder when your reinforcements will arrive?"

Hearing this, the weird aura around Weitian surged, constantly distorting the surrounding space, and the low and hoarse voice sounded:

"I also want to solve this serious problem as soon as possible, but the reinforcements have not arrived yet, so you can wait for a while."

After hearing this, whether it was the Lord of Gods, the Lord of Dao, or the Lord of Immortals, they all felt a raging anger.

You know, although it was very troublesome for Sun Bing to come to Buzhou Mountain from the Sea of ​​​​Ten Thousand Worlds, it didn't take long.

So Guitian's words were simply an excuse.

However, considering that this time they were asking for help, the Lord of Immortals and others suppressed their anger and spoke again:

"Then I dare to ask Brother Dao, when will the reinforcements arrive?"

In response, Guitian glanced at the three people, and then said helplessly:

"Now the forces behind me are fighting with many parties, and it is very difficult to draw reinforcements.

Please rest assured, reinforcements will definitely arrive within a year."

Speaking of this, Guitian's aura suddenly changed, and then he said in a panic:

"Not good, the Nine Li God is resisting with all his strength, I must go back to suppress them."

After speaking, Guitian disappeared directly from the sight of the three people.

After Gui Tian disappeared, the anger in the Lord's heart could no longer be suppressed, and a powerful momentum instantly spread out in all directions:

"Damn it, he is obviously refusing, wanting us to perish together with the remnants of the Nine Li, and then he will reap the benefits."

How could the Immortal Lord and the Taoist Lord not know this? But unfortunately, when the two sides discussed last time, there was no agreed time at all.

Besides, the situation is stronger than people now, and Gui Tian can sit back and do nothing.

Could it be that if they don't join the battle, they won't take action?

After sighing helplessly, the Lord and others could only turn around and leave this place to prepare for the next battle.

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