Sword Emperor

Chapter 4829 Mermaid

At the same time, the East China Sea, which had always been very calm, now set off a huge wave.

The huge waves of billions of feet high surged, and the overwhelming power fell, even shattering the space. The divine power of the vast sea was fully displayed at this moment.

Standing in front of this huge wave, people only felt that they were extremely weak.

Because even ordinary emperor-level cultivators would feel panicked when facing this huge wave.

Of course, for Sun Bing, Chi You and others, let alone the raging waves, even if all the water in the East China Sea was poured out, they could not shake them at all.

Unless the origin of the four seas erupted, with the power of the four seas, the overwhelming power emerged, it could cause damage to them.

Otherwise, it was just a huge wave, which was nothing at all.

Immediately, you can see Chi You taking a step forward, the power in his body running, and subconsciously preparing to calm the huge wave.

Although they are not afraid of these huge waves, there are still many wounded people recuperating on the island behind them.

In any case, they could not allow these huge waves to affect the recovery of the wounded.

However, at this moment, a very pleasant voice sounded directly:

"Brother Chiyou, please show mercy, we are not enemies."

Hearing this, Chiyou's eyebrows showed a hint of surprise, but the movement of his hands stopped directly.

Then, everyone present stared at the huge wave at the same time, and a hint of doubt appeared in their pupils.

The huge wave stopped directly when it was about to reach everyone, and then a group of figures could be seen walking directly out of the huge wave.

Their bodies were fish tails, and they walked on the waves, which looked quite strange.

The most important thing was that Sun Bing and others keenly sensed the breath of the East China Sea from these figures.

Just when everyone was extremely confused, they could see the leading figure speaking directly:

"My name is Quanke, and I am the patriarch of the mermaid tribe.

Before the Great Venerable left, he once said that our tribe would lend you a helping hand at the critical moment.

If you don't obey, you will never be able to survive in the East China Sea.

So at this moment, I am leading the strong men in the tribe to help you."

After hearing this, Sun Bing and Chi You and others looked at each other, and then nodded at the same time:

"So that's it."

Through these words, they already knew that this should be the backup plan left by the water unicorn.

Immediately, Sun Bing and others' faces were full of smiles, and then they quickly stepped forward:

"Hahahaha, fellow Taoists, you are helping us in times of need, and we will definitely remember this kindness in our hearts."

While speaking, everyone kept looking behind Quanke.

It can only be seen that there are ten epoch masters among them, and as for ordinary emperors, there are as many as 1,500.

No matter where they are, this is a very powerful force.

However, the East China Sea is so vast, and the resources in it are endless, and there is only this one race in the East China Sea.

It is normal for the mermaids to have such power.

If Chi You and others were still a little panicked about the upcoming war, after the mermaids joined, their original worries even dissipated a lot.

"Brothers, you are too serious."

However, seeing the excited people, Quan Ke suddenly showed an embarrassed expression on his face, and then continued:

"Although my tribe is willing to join forces with the Jiuli tribe to fight against all races, my mermaid tribe also has a big disadvantage."

As soon as these words came out, Sun Bing, Chi You and others frowned immediately.

After many thoughts flashed through his mind, Fei Lian could be heard speaking slowly:

"May I ask what the drawbacks are? There are many treasures in my Jiuli clan. Can this problem be solved?"

In response, Quanke and even many powerful people in the entire mermaid clan looked at each other, and then sighed in unison:

"My mermaid clan was nurtured by the origin of the four seas. It is precisely because of this that it is loved by the ocean.

Being in the sea, my clan cultivates very quickly and can control the power of the four seas.

But if you leave the sea, you will not be blessed by the four seas. It is still okay within ten thousand miles from the seashore. Neither the cultivation strength will be affected.

However, once it exceeds ten thousand miles and is less than one hundred thousand miles, the strength will only be 90%.

If it exceeds one hundred thousand miles and is less than one million miles, the strength will be 80%.

As for the gradual decrease in the next step, if it exceeds one trillion miles, then only 10% of the strength will be left.

At this point, let alone my clan wanting to help you, even self-protection is a luxury."

After receiving this news, Sun Bing and others were stunned.

I never expected that although the mermaids are strong, they have such great limitations.

It is no wonder that the mermaids are strong, but they have never set foot in Buzhou Mountain for a long time.

In fact, it is not that they don't want to, but they are really restricted by their bloodline and can't do it at all.

Although this restriction made Sun Bing and others feel frustrated, they soon came to their senses.

Although the mermaids cannot enter the land because of this restriction, they can completely guard against the enemy's sneak attack in the ocean.

After all, even if the Jiuli tribe came out in full force, there are still wounded on the island who need strong protection.

Immediately, Chi You, Fei Lian and others were full of smiles again:

"It's just a few restrictions, it's not a big deal, you can just stay on this island from now on."

After hearing this, Quanke nodded slightly, and then he could be seen waving his hand.

As if he had noticed the doubts in Sun Bing and others' hearts, he quickly explained:

"Although my clan cannot enter the land, my clan occupies the four seas. Although this vast sea is not as big as Mount Buzhou, it also grows some spiritual creatures.

Before coming, I learned that many fellow Taoists were seriously injured, so I brought some spiritual creatures here.

I think these should be able to help those fellow Taoists recover from their injuries."

As the words fell, baskets of shells appeared in front of everyone.

As for Quanke, he took out a shell directly, opened it, and demonstrated it while saying:

"This thing is a specialty of my clan. It is not a seashell, and it contains a huge space."

Through the open shell, everyone could suddenly find that it was full of various spiritual creatures.

In stark contrast to the common spiritual medicines grown in Buzhou Mountain, most of the spiritual objects in the East China Sea are blood corals.

But their efficacy is definitely not inferior to any spiritual medicine.

Seeing this, the entire void was extremely silent. After a while, it could be seen that Chi You, Fei Lian and even the entire Jiuli clan cultivators all bowed to the mermaids at the same time.

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