Sword Emperor

Chapter 4967 Five Turbidities

On the other hand, after receiving the order from Empress Longji, Tiger Stick left the Heavenly Palace and rushed straight to the distance.

For the strong men of their realm, Penglai is not that big. It took only a moment for Tiger Stick to reach the first destination.

During the whole process, he did not waste any time. After informing the other party of the general information of the Five Turbidities, he turned around and left the place.

In the following time, Tiger Stick's figure shuttled back and forth in Penglai Fairy Island. When they learned the information, every strong man was full of surprise.

As the cultivators standing at the top of Penglai, they are not only powerful, but also needless to say their own wisdom.

So it is naturally impossible to attack rashly because of such a little rumor, not to mention that the target of Tiger Stick's mouth is the strongest man in Penglai.

This also led them to be extremely cautious, fearing that this was a plan to kill with a borrowed knife.

But even so, many strong men soon noticed some clues very keenly.

Because behind every top powerhouse, there is a very large force that knows secrets that ordinary people don't know at all.

Through the many secrets they know themselves, plus the communication between each other.

Soon, those powerhouses clearly noticed the changes in Daiyun Sect and even the Five Turbidities.

For a moment, the faces of many strong men changed in shock, and they even roared in anger:

"I really never thought that the Five Turbidities would hide so deeply and have not been exposed for so many years.

If they succeed, the consequences will be disastrous."

"I originally thought that the Sun and Moon Shaped Lake was very calm, and they were in a stalemate with each other, and no party could monopolize the Pure World White Lotus.

But now it seems that the Five Turbidities have never given up, and they almost succeeded."

"One billion years ago, I was slightly better than the Five Turbidities. Now it seems that all this is the other party's disguise.

I really never thought that he hid so deeply and almost let him deceive the world."


Similar voices kept ringing in various places in Penglai, and I don't know how many strong men's pupils were filled with endless anger.

Although these strong men did not act rashly for the time being, the water of the entire Penglai Fairy Island has been muddied.

Originally, because of the confrontation between Sun Bing and the Heavenly Court, Penglai was quite boiling, and countless creatures were scrambling to escape from the Heavenly Court.

But now, the number of people running away suddenly decreased a lot, and even unconsciously, more and more monks returned to the heaven.

The entire Penglai Fairy Island seemed to be calm, but in fact it was the calm before the storm.

At the same time, the Daiyun Sect was even more boiling.

You must know that their sect is the most powerful force in Penglai Fairy Island, with countless strong men.

Even if those strong men have not taken action now, the strange atmosphere in Penglai has instantly attracted their attention.

At this moment, in the main hall of the Daiyun Sect, Zishuang looked at the figures around with a gloomy face, and said directly:

"Something is wrong recently. First, the sect's Tianjiao Jin Zhan suddenly died, and even a trace of his true spirit could not be found.

In addition, Lan Qiang was also silent in the past two days, as if he had completely disappeared.

In addition, the atmosphere in Penglai has changed suddenly in the past two days. I suspect that it is very likely that someone is targeting my Daiyun Sect."

At the end, Zishuang's face was filled with endless anger.

This was not only because someone provoked Daiyun Sect and he was angry, but more importantly, he was worried about Lan Qiang.

Although he and Lan Qiang were mortal enemies in the sect, they were constantly fighting like enemies.

But in fact, they were both enemies and friends. Although they competed with each other, they also made great progress.

Except for Zishuang, the remaining supreme elders could not help but nod their heads at this moment:

"Yes, recently I had a sudden impulse, as if some crisis was coming, but after careful investigation, I found nothing.

Maybe someone is planning some conspiracy behind the scenes, we must be on guard early."

"This matter has endangered the safety of the sect. Should we tell the sect master this news? Otherwise..."

One after another, the atmosphere of the entire Daiyun Sect was quite serious, and everyone's face was very ugly.

Although the strength of these supreme elders was quite strong, they were only comparable to that of Lan Qiang.

There were even a few who were weaker than Lan Qiang.

Since even the powerful Lan Qiang has disappeared quietly, will it be their turn next?

Just thinking of this scene, they couldn't help but sweat coldly.

Just when people were panicking, a cold and majestic voice sounded directly:

"What are you panicking about?"

These three simple words made the originally complicated hall immediately become silent.

Turning around, I saw a towering figure suddenly appeared on the high hall of the hall.

He looked like a human, but his body was shrouded in a layer of light black mist. Although he didn't deliberately show himself, everyone felt a strong oppression from the black mist.

This was the leader of Daiyun Sect - Wuzhu.

After a brief surprise, the faces of every cultivator present were full of joy:

"Master, are you out of retreat?"

"Meet the master!"

"Master, I finally got you. The situation has been very delicate recently. If you don't show up, the sect will be in danger."

Hearing the noisy voice, Wuzhu's face immediately darkened:

"You are all the top cultivators in Penglai. How can you be so panicked? If someone didn't know, they would think that the enemy had come to the door."

For a moment, everyone present was silent and didn't dare to say anything.

Because over the years, Wuzhu had already forged his supreme majesty.

After a light glance at everyone, Wuzhuo's eyes fell directly on Zishuang, and then he said directly:

"Tell me what happened."

Hearing this, Zishuang did not dare to hesitate at all, and said directly:

"Master, seven days ago, we noticed that the Pure World White Lotus suddenly appeared and flew towards the east.

Although the White Lotus was stopped by us at the last moment, there was obviously another hidden story.

So the sect immediately sent elite disciple Jin Zhan to investigate, but Jin Zhan disappeared in less than half a day, and even his life lamp went out.

Next, we wanted to investigate the hidden story under the leadership of Elder Lan Qiang.

But the strange thing is that Elder Lan Qiang also disappeared.

Before we found the whereabouts of Elder Lan Qiang, the atmosphere in Penglai suddenly changed.

So we suspect that someone is secretly targeting the sect."

After the words were finished, the whole space was extremely silent, and everyone's eyes fell on Wuzhuo at the same time.

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