Sword Emperor

Chapter 4992: Crushing

As the words fell, the many figures in the sky no longer hesitated and attacked at the same time.

Because the moment they stood up, they had already made a break with the old man Changsheng and the others.

So even if they didn't take action now, Sun Bing would settle everything in the end. In this case, how could they sit back and watch?

The power that could be unleashed by more than a dozen epoch masters at the same time was very terrifying. Just their momentum made time and space turbulent.

Seeing this, the old man Changsheng, the evil emperor Xuantian and even the emperor Shiyuan wanted to take action.

After all, they still had their own bottom line and would not allow their savior to be born in front of them.


Only bursts of earth-shaking loud noises could be heard, and countless avenue rules collided on the Sun, Moon and Star Lake.

The aftermath caused by this even caused billions of feet of waves, and countless lake waters turned into raindrops and splashed towards Penglai.

The creatures on the island could only hear bursts of dull sounds, and then countless three-light divine waters fell.

Such a strange situation made countless cultivators full of doubts.

Ordinary creatures could not perceive the hidden secrets, but the pupils of those emperor-level masters were full of shock:

"Isn't a dinner party being held in the Sun Moon Star Lake to welcome the unknown master?

Why does it look like a world-shaking war is breaking out?

Is there any hidden secret? Or is it that the Five Turbidities have revived?"

At the same time, the turbulent space in the Sun Moon Star Lake returned to calm.

Sun Bing appeared in everyone's sight again. Even though he was besieged, he was still not affected.

After nodding to the Changsheng Elder, Xuantian Evil Emperor and other masters, a sharp cold light flashed in Sun Bing's pupils:

"As the saying goes, it is impolite not to return the favor. Fellow Taoists, please take my blow."

"Creation of Heaven and Earth"

As the words fell, the Qingping Sword immediately burst into a bloody stream of light, and the extremely sharp edge suddenly descended.

At this moment, countless cultivators in Penglai felt like they were on edge.

As for the powerful people like Ge Luan, Ming Juan and others, they seemed to feel the opening of the universe, the destruction of the world and many other strange phenomena.

It can be said that only when they really stood in front of the sword light did they feel the terrifying oppression contained in it.

In the face of life and death crisis, they did not dare to have any reservations at all, and the vast power in their bodies was fully displayed:

"Cholera World"

"Cuckoo Blood Long Cry"


In the blink of an eye, the sword light had already arrived in front of Ge Luan and others.

At such a critical moment, you can see streams of light flashing, and treasures appear one after another.

Each one is an innate spiritual treasure. Although it cannot be compared with the innate treasure, it cannot be easily destroyed.

Accompanied by the sound of distortion, the dazzling sword light finally dissipated.

However, after enduring this sharp edge, the light of those innate spiritual treasures dimmed a lot.

At the same time, the attacks of Ge Luan and others also came to Sun Bing.

Sun Bing had no intention of resisting, and almost let these forces fall on him.

But then, a shocking scene appeared.

Even though various avenue rules emerged, the world also brought various disasters out of thin air.

However, let alone wanting to kill Sun Bing, even his body's defense could not be broken.

After all, this is the ultimate flesh body. The Lord of Gods, Yuntian and others can easily ignore it because they are the strongest.

Although these cultivators in front of them are strong, it is still difficult to break Sun Bing's defense.

Fortunately, in addition to the previous power, there are still extremely terrifying sound waves coming.

Even time and space are twisted and cracked under this sound wave, which is extremely terrible.

This is Mingjuan's method, controlling the power of sound waves, and being able to ignore most defenses.

Even though Sun Bing's immortal golden body is very terrible, in this case, he can clearly perceive that his flesh and bones are resonating.

It was the first time that Sun Bing encountered such a strange method. Unless he activated the treasure, there was no way to resist this force.

In front of everyone, Sun Bing's body exploded like a balloon.

Seeing this, Mingjuan, Geluan and others looked at each other with excitement on their faces.

Just as they were about to set off to collect various treasures, a familiar voice suddenly sounded:

"I am not dead yet, are you guys moving too fast?"

Looking for the sound, you can see a firebird with its wings spread out appearing in the original place.

Then, Sun Bing's figure slowly walked out of the firebird.

He glanced at Mingjuan, Geluan and others not far away, and frowned slightly:

"Let's end everything here. I don't want to waste time any more."

The moment they heard this, a sense of crisis suddenly emerged in the hearts of Mingjuan, Geluan and others.

Before they could make any move, Sun Bing took action.

"Destroying Dao"

A black sword light descended, and the power of annihilation swept all around. Everyone felt the threat of death.

Although they were scrambling to collect Sun Bing's treasures, they fled at an extremely fast speed under such a threat.

Glancing at the retreating figure, Sun Bing's brows showed a hint of sarcasm.

"Jiuzhou Boundary"

Accompanied by a dull sound, the Jiuzhou Cauldron emerged, and many obscure rules of the avenues intertwined.

An extremely huge barrier instantly enveloped the entire Sun, Moon and Star Lake.

The fastest fleeing people ran into the barrier and had to stop.

Now there is a barrier in front and a sword behind. In such an environment, everyone's face is gloomy.

Even at this moment, many people have already felt endless regret.

Originally thought that they had a sure win and could easily get a lotus, but they never expected that the final result would be like this.

If they had known this earlier, they would never have stood up before.

However, no matter how regretful they are now, they have no room for regret.

Many thoughts flashed through his mind, and then Ge Luan spoke directly:

"Fellow Daoists, we indeed underestimated this man's strength, but now we have no room to retreat.

In this case, why not fight with him? Even if he wants to kill us, he will have to pay a certain price."

At the end, Ge Luan's face was full of ferocity.

Because he is a smart man, this matter was provoked by him from beginning to end.

The rest of the people may be forgiven, but there is only one end for him.

So at this moment, Ge Luan is impossible to compromise, and may even add fuel to the fire, just to find a glimmer of hope.

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