Sword Emperor

Chapter 5040 Yun Tian is at his wits' end

As the words fell, a wave of majestic and unfamiliar momentum rose to the sky, and many forces swept directly towards Yuntian.

Being surrounded in such a way, even though he was invisible and intangible, Yuntian still felt a chill covering his whole body.

In such a flash, he had no chance to escape, but he felt the dangerous aura contained in those powers, and all his potential burst out.

"Heaven's destiny"

"Heaven's abandonment and earth's abandonment"

Two obscure powers fell on him and even around him, and at the same time, the Tai Chi diagram that was fighting with the Chaos Green Lotus immediately returned.

The next moment, many powerful people such as the Origin Emperor and the Xuantian Evil Emperor immediately felt that various accidents were coming one after another.

Or the meridians in the body were reversed, or cracks appeared in the space beside him, or meteors fell from the sky, etc.

On the contrary, Yuntian was like a god, and for various reasons, he successfully avoided most of the attacks.

Originally, more than 20 people joined forces, but in the end, only a few people's attacks fell on Yuntian.

And this kind of damage is nothing to him.

Although Yuntian successfully defended against many powerful people such as Xuantian Evil Emperor, Sun Bing, who had been waiting for a long time, now showed his fangs.

"Destroy Dao"

In an instant, you can see the black sword light flying straight in front of you, and at the same time, Chaos Green Lotus also showed its majestic power.

The vast power descended, and the space and time within a radius of billions of miles were forcibly suppressed.

Yuntian, who had just blocked the attacks of many powerful people such as Xuantian Evil Emperor, now had a shocked expression and was about to use the Tai Chi diagram to resist such an attack.

But the Chaos Green Lotus had already descended, and he had no choice but to move his body and retreat step by step.

But the black sword light followed closely behind like a poison attached to the bones, which made Yuntian more and more frightened.

In an instant, he used various means, such as activating many treasures, to resist such a sharp edge.

But every time a treasure appeared in front of him, a corresponding treasure would appear on Sun Bing's side and entangle with it.

In a short moment, Yuntian had retreated hundreds of millions of miles, but the distance between him and the sword light not only did not increase, but even became closer.

For a while, Yuntian's face kept changing.

After all, if he was killed by the sword light, he would be completely destroyed.

After taking a deep breath, the power in Yuntian's body burst out, and then it turned into countless Dao rhymes, gradually dissipating in the world.

Seeing this scene with their own eyes, all the cultivators present couldn't help but take a breath.

Because the Dao rhyme of one's own belongs to the world, it means self-destruction.

Never thought that facing the sword light, Yuntian would make such a choice.

Just when the Origin Emperor and many other powerful people were in a trance, thousands of Dao rhymes gathered at the original place, and Yuntian, who had previously self-destructed, appeared at the original place again.

After all, if you kill yourself, you will only lose one life. If you fall in the sword light, it will mean complete extinction.

But even so, Yuntian stared at Sun Bing with hatred in his eyes.

Sun Bing didn't take it to heart at all, and even sneered:

"I really didn't expect that Yuntian would need to commit suicide to save his life. This is really a joke."

Hearing this, Yuntian's face changed, and he was so angry that he couldn't speak at all.

Taking this opportunity, Sun Bing immediately looked at the people in the distance, and immediately sent a secret message:

"Fellow Taoists, thank you for coming to help me. This colleague in front of me is the top Tiandao in Hongmeng, named Yuntian.

He has mastered the avenue of luck, and I believe you have already noticed the strange power in it.

Next, I hope that fellow Taoists can help me kill him completely together."

At the end, Sun Bing's pupils were filled with cold light.

In this regard, many powerful men such as Xuantian Evil Emperor had no intention of refusing, and even nodded without hesitation:

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty, we will do our best."

The moment the words fell, Mingjuan took the lead, and the obscure and strange sound waves immediately emerged and swept directly towards Yuntian.

As for the other powerful men present, they did not stand by and watch. After looking at each other, many obscure powers descended instantly.

"There is a beginning and an end"

"All ten directions are destroyed"


Many obscure powers burst out instantly. The power gathered by more than 20 epoch masters is quite terrifying anywhere, enough to change the situation on the battlefield.

Even Yuntian, without activating the treasure, can hardly compete with this force.

But now Sun Bing is on high alert. Once the Tai Chi diagram leaves, the Chaos Green Lotus will descend instantly.

As for the other treasures, there are also corresponding treasures entangled with them, so that although Yuntian is rich, he has no corresponding way to resist these attacks.

Although he controls the avenue of luck, this power is ultimately limited.

After all, Xuantian Evil Emperor and his people are strong men of the same level as him.

Even if he escaped most of the power by luck, the remaining power was enough to cause him serious damage.

Just when Yuntian was extremely entangled in his heart, those terrifying Dao rhymes had already crossed time and space and arrived in front of him.

On one side was Sun Bing, and on the other side were some ordinary epoch masters. They had to choose the lesser of two evils.

After all, if they fell into the hands of Sun Bing, they would be completely destroyed, but if they died in the hands of others, they would only lose one life.

In a short moment, Yuntian's mind flashed with thousands of thoughts, and in the end, he did not make any move at all, allowing those Dao rhymes to fall on him.


A series of earth-shaking sounds resounded in all directions, and the confrontation between Dao and Dao was extremely terrible.

Every moment, countless inscriptions dissipated, and many rules collapsed. After barely holding on for a moment, Yuntian's body exploded.

At this point, another life of Yuntian fell.

Then, many streams of light flashed, and Yuntian, who had exploded before, appeared again.

But at this moment, his face was extremely ugly. It was hard to imagine that in such a short time, he had lost two lives.

The most important thing was that at this moment, Xuantian Evil Emperor, Shiyuan Emperor and others had surrounded him and were staring at him covetously.

Feeling the cold light in that gaze, even Yuntian was helpless.

At the same time, Sun Bing looked directly at the figure not far away, with a smile on his face:

"I wonder what cards you have next? Fellow Taoists, follow me to send him off today."

For a moment, many powerful people present burst out their momentum at the same time.

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