Sword Emperor

Chapter 5089 Something bad is happening

As time went by, the originally black Nuwa Stone gradually revealed its original appearance under the bombardment of fire, bright light and even thunder.

This is a jade stone with colorful rays of light. The light it emits is quite gentle and there is no stimulation at all.

Even though the Nuwa Stone has not completely removed the pollution, it can clearly feel a strong vitality coming towards it.

Recalling what Xuanwu said before, this Nuwa Stone is the ultimate of life, and Sun Bing roughly guessed the other party's ability.

Maybe the power of this Nuwa Stone is similar to the "Nirvana" Heavenly Book, of course, its effect is naturally more terrifying.

To activate the "Nirvana" Heavenly Book, you still need to consume your own blood. No matter how powerful your blood is, there will be a moment when it is exhausted.

But this Nuwa Stone, it is likely that holding this treasure will make you immortal.

It may not seem like a big deal, but you can feel the horror of it when you think about it carefully.

Because once you refine this treasure, you don't need to consider defense at all, and you don't even need to worry about anything else.

As long as you master this treasure, you can be like those monsters in the Broken Soul River, exhausting your own blood, body and even lifespan, and bursting out a peak attack.

Even if you die because of too much consumption, you can be resurrected soon.

In the Broken Soul River, Sun Bing, Xuanwu and others were strong and had terrible defense, but in front of countless weirdness that didn't care about their own life and death, they could only retreat.

Imagine, if in the next battle, there appeared an epoch master who was not afraid of life and death, what would it be like?

Just thinking of such a scene, Sun Bing was fascinated.

In such a big battle, if there is such a treasure, then the confidence of the Ten Thousand Worlds Sea can be much more sufficient.

Immediately, infinite power burst out from Sun Bing's body, the Chaos Green Lotus in the starry sky kept running, and various avenue powers descended one after another.

In addition, the endless power of the entire universe is gathered together. Even if Gui Tian personally came here, he would be blasted into pieces in an instant.

However, it is very strange that after the pollution on the Nuwa Stone reaches a certain level, the speed of purification is instantly slowed down countless times.

Originally, dozens of strange powers could be wiped out in every instant.

But now, only one can be wiped out in a moment.

The most important thing is that as the pollution on the Nuwa Stone gradually decreases, the resistance becomes stronger.

At this moment, it took half a day to barely wipe out a strange power.

Looking at the Nuwa Stone that is blooming with colorful light, there is still a trace of dark and inky strange power, and Sun Bing frowned tightly.

You know, what the Ten Thousand Worlds Sea lacks most now is time. He can't always stay in this internal universe and drive the Chaos Green Lotus to wipe out the strange power.

But it is impossible to give up halfway, because he is only one step away from success.

Many thoughts flashed through his mind, and then a hint of determination flashed in Sun Bing's pupils.


It seemed as if a thunderous explosion could be heard faintly, and Sun Bing came directly to the Nine Heavens, and the entire universe was under his control.

Then, with a thought, the Chaos Pearl came directly across time and space, and the Kunlun Mirror also appeared in front of him.

Looking at the two treasures in front of him, Sun Bing's face showed a smile, and then his long gaze fell directly on the Nuwa Stone:

"Even the strange sky has been completely eradicated by me, not to mention that you are just some residual curses.

I want to see how long you can hold on."

As the words fell, Sun Bing thought, and the Chaos Green Lotus had merged with the entire universe.

Endless avenues crisscrossed and directly condensed into heavenly fire, flying straight towards the Nuwa Stone.

And this is just the beginning.

With the bursting of many avenues, countless stars in the entire universe burst into dazzling light.

The dark starry sky became quite bright under the illumination of this light.

In addition, there were bursts of dull noises above the Nuwa Stone.

The dense black clouds continued to gather, and in a short moment, they had condensed into a very large eye of heavenly punishment.

Without any signs, the purple thunder had already fallen from the sky.

In addition, various lights gathered, the blazing sky fire swept, and so on, and the endless power of the entire universe was released in an instant.

The earth-shaking noises continued to spread around, and this kind of momentum and scene can be said to be extremely spectacular.

At this moment, the only remaining strange power on the Nuwa Stone seemed to have sensed the crisis and continued to gather together.

In the end, it condensed into a black dot, which was almost imperceptible if not carefully observed.

Ordinary people might not care about such a small defect, but Sun Bing had to ensure perfection.

Because in a battle, even such an inconspicuous defect could directly determine the outcome of the entire battle.

In an instant, all the power fell at the same time, and the entire universe in the body became dazzling.

It was a pity that even this mighty power that was enough to destroy the way of heaven could not do anything to the seemingly insignificant strange power.

In response, Sun Bing's expression remained unchanged, and the power in his sea of ​​consciousness was activated again, and the previous attack came again.

Time passed by gradually. I don’t know how long it had passed. The space on the island in the center of the Sun Moon Star Lake was distorted, and Sun Bing appeared directly at the original place.

Although he didn’t seem to have changed much, if you look closely, you can detect the fatigue in his pupils.

Looking at the beautiful scenery around him, Sun Bing felt a sense of unfamiliarity with the passage of time. Fortunately, a smile soon appeared on his face.

With a thought, a colorful jade bead appeared in front of him.

Even with the obstruction of many formations, the rich vitality continued to spread around.

This was the Nuwa Stone that was successfully purified.

Recalling what happened before, Sun Bing can be said to be full of emotion.

Because the difficulty of the last bit of strange power was far beyond his imagination.

Even if the power of the entire universe in his body was gathered, it still consumed Sun Bing’s hundred years.

It was because of this that he felt that strange when he returned to the island in the Sun Moon Star Lake.

Fortunately, Sun Bing has the Chaos Pearl and Kunlun Mirror, two treasures that can speed up the flow of time. Otherwise, it would have been too late to make the flowers grow cold.

Although it cost a lot, it was all worth it.

Just when Sun Bing was excited, a cry of surprise suddenly rang through the layers of space beside him:

"Brother Sun Bing, something bad is happening..."

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