Sword Emperor

Chapter 5091 Human Skin Letter

As for Sun Bing at this moment, he looked at Fei Lian, Hou Yi and others, his pupils full of doubts:

"What happened? Why did the Jiuli God suddenly send a message for help?"

You must know that when they left Buzhou Mountain, the Jiuli God had already made it clear that they could hold on for another ten years.

This point was deeply remembered by both Sun Bing and many strong men in the Jiuli clan.

Although a few years have passed, according to Sun Bing's calculations, there is still a long time before ten years.

So it was really strange that the other party suddenly asked for help during this period of time.

In this regard, Fei Lian, Chi You and even Hou Yi were also full of doubts on their faces. Facing Sun Bing's questions, they could only shake their heads helplessly:

"Brother Sun Bing, we don't know what happened, but the Jiuli God suddenly asked for help.

This is the letter for help."

While speaking, Fei Lian directly sent a bloody human skin to Sun Bing.

Suddenly, the whole void was filled with a strong bloody smell, and in a trance, it seemed that countless mountains of corpses and seas of blood could be seen, which was quite terrifying.

The most important thing was that on this human skin, Sun Bing keenly felt a familiar wave.

This discovery made his face change, and then he looked directly at Fei Lian and others, and said in disbelief:

"This, this, this is not..."

Before he finished speaking, Fei Lian, Chi You and others nodded in unison:

"Yes, after repeated verification by us, this is the skin of the Jiuli God!"

After really learning this news, Sun Bing was shocked physically and mentally, and even a little bit couldn't believe the facts in front of him.

Seeing this situation, Chi You and others did not explain anything, and directly turned the human skin over.

There were two very mysterious words of Tao written on it - Save me.

Through these obscure words of Tao, one can even feel the shock and despair of the writer, as if to show that his situation is quite bad.

At this moment, Fei Lian slowly told what had just happened:

"I was in retreat a moment ago, but suddenly an inexplicable force passed through the layers of formations and came in front of me.

After opening my eyes, I could see this bloody human skin."

Through these few words, Sun Bing could feel the shock in Fei Lian's heart.

It should be noted that the formation where he was in retreat was arranged by himself. Once it was opened, not to mention ordinary people, even Chi You, a close relative, could not enter it.

But even so, this human skin still appeared in front of him, which was really too terrifying.

In response, Chi You nodded slowly, and said with a sad face:

"In fact, when I received this news, I also didn't believe it, but no matter what method we use, the feeling of blood connection cannot be erased.

The most important thing is that when we inject our own power into this human skin, our own blood is suppressed.

In the entire universe, countless Jiuli cultivators seem to have heard the roar of Jiuli God.

It is precisely because of this that we gave up luck and went to tell you this news."

After hearing this, even Sun Bing couldn't help but be silent.

Because the Jiuli clan's cultivation system is a blood totem, the connection between blood is quite close.

As for Fei Lian, Chi You's blood is considered the top existence in the entire Jiuli clan.

No matter how strong the others are, they can only keep pace with him in terms of blood.

And there is only one person who is qualified to suppress him, and that is Jiuli God who founded the Jiuli clan.

That means that the message for help is very likely to be true.

Thinking of this, Sun Bing frowned, his face full of solemnity.

Originally, the Great God Jiuli was trapped in an unknown space by Hongmeng's Heavenly Dao and the sacrificial spirits of the major tribes in the Wanjie Sea.

Now that Hongmeng has suffered a severe blow and has reduced his strength, the situation of the Great God Jiuli should be getting better and better.

I don't ask him to successfully escape, but at least he can hold on for a while longer.

But looking at this message for help, the Great God Jiuli seems to be in more danger, and there is obviously another hidden story.

Many thoughts flashed through his mind, and soon Sun Bing regained his composure and spoke directly:

"My fellow Taoists, the war has just ended, and the Wanjie Sea has barely recovered its peace. We are preparing to move to Mount Tai, but suddenly we received this letter for help.

I believe you can also sense the weirdness in this, and it is precisely because of this that we can no longer be concerned."

In response, Fei Lian, Chi You and others were full of bitterness on their faces:

"Even if we know there is something fishy going on, what can we do? Do we have to stand by and watch?"

After this, even Sun Bing didn't know what to say.

Because if this is not a coincidence, then it is a complete conspiracy, and if you go, you will fall into a trap.

But if you don't go, it doesn't matter. From the previous movements, we can see how much influence this letter for help has reached, enough to affect the entire Jiuli tribe.

If Fei Lian really decides not to go, then he may even be besieged by other Jiuli tribe strongmen.

Even the mastermind behind the scenes did not ask for a successful ambush. As long as the Jiuli tribe could be divided, the other party's goal would be achieved.

No matter how large the Jiuli tribe was originally, once it was divided, it would be easy to defeat them one by one.

How long can the human race last without the help of the Jiuli tribe?

Thinking of this, Sun Bing sighed:

"Don't worry, you should take a good rest first, and then I will arrange things and go with you to rescue the Jiuli God."

Suddenly, many Jiuli tribe strongmen present bowed to Sun Bing at the same time:

"We are grateful for this great favor."

Even though they had guessed Sun Bing's choice long ago, Fei Lian, Hou Yi and others were still very grateful after hearing this answer.

After all, Sun Bing, an outsider, can achieve this level, which is really precious.

Now that time is urgent, Sun Bing did not say too much politeness. After nodding to everyone, he turned around and left this universe directly.

With a thought, Sun Bing had returned to the Lingxiao Palace.

After leaving Fei Lian and the others' sight, his face was full of helplessness and bitterness. It must be said that the timing of the Jiuli God's request for help was too exquisite. Now was the most critical moment in the Wanjie Sea.

But the Jiuli tribe almost led the entire tribe to help him fight against Hongmeng, so no matter what, Sun Bing would never do something ungrateful.

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