Sword Emperor

Chapter 5099: Troublesome Mosquitoes

No wonder he saw traces of battles along the way, but he didn't see any corpses at all.

Not only corpses, but also the natural treasures in the original Xianyun Immortal Valley and Sun Moon Lake disappeared without a trace.

Now it seems that the corpses that fell in the battle, as well as various natural treasures, and even Sun Moon Lake, were all devoured by these mosquitoes and turned into food to improve themselves.

After all, only this kind of race that wants to devour everything will not let go of even a weed or a bit of lake water.

However, it is precisely because of such a terrible talent that those seemingly insignificant mosquitoes have transformed into life exterminators.

Especially for a large ethnic group, this kind of mosquito is extremely dangerous.

After all, in a large ethnic group, there are certainly many strong people, but the number of weak people at the bottom is more, even hundreds of millions of times that of the strong.

But when fighting with this kind of mosquitoes, those weak people will become a burden. Once they die in the battle, they will become the enemy's rations and improve their strength.

You may not see anything in the short term, but as time goes by, the number of people on your side will become increasingly scarce.

As for those mosquitoes, they will also perish, but because of the talent of their tribe, the fewer mosquitoes are left, the stronger they will be.

One day, these mosquitoes will evolve into the existence of the Great Emperor or even the Lord of the Era, thus exterminating the entire tribe.

Facing this strange race, even the knowledgeable Sun Bing feels extremely headache.

Of course, although these mosquitoes are indeed strange and difficult to deal with for a tribe, Sun Bing has no such worries at the moment.

Since those mosquitoes have the ability to evolve by devouring the flesh and blood of their companions, the solution is also very simple. At most, I won't attack you.

Thinking of this, Sun Bing's mind moved, and the Qingping Sword immediately flew back to the sword box, and then completely ignored these mosquitoes and continued to survey the surrounding environment.

However, these mosquitoes have no wisdom, and they still fly towards Sun Bing one after another, and their sharp beaks pierce his body.

"Ding ding dong dong"

Sun Bing's body is so strong that it can be compared with the innate treasure. Only bursts of crisp sounds can be heard.

Even if the beaks of these mosquitoes were smashed, they still couldn't break through the protection of his body surface.

After realizing that ordinary methods were useless, the beaks of those mosquitoes immediately flashed with a very obscure light.

Immediately afterwards, the devouring power emerged, and those beaks were like straws, madly devouring all the power around them.

Finally, the target was aimed at Sun Bing.

As many beaks fell, the Devouring Avenue directly collided with Sun Bing's own Dao, and the aftermath spread from it made the surrounding space turbulent.

Instantly, I don't know how many mosquitoes exploded in the aftermath.

But before time and space returned to calm, many mosquitoes behind had already stepped forward and completely devoured the corpse residues in the void.

However, before they digested these residues, they exploded, and more and more mosquitoes swarmed from all directions.

Although all the mosquitoes attacked at the same time, they could not cause any damage to Sun Bing.

But being surrounded by countless mosquitoes was quite troublesome. Not only did it block his sight, but it also made him very irritable.

The most important thing was that he couldn't kill them. Even though he was furious, he couldn't vent it.

Many thoughts kept flashing through his mind, and finally he could hear Sun Bing snorting coldly.

The buzzing sound that originally resounded in all directions suddenly stopped, and time instantly stagnated.

Under such great power, the endless mosquitoes all stopped in place.

The whole world was silent, and only Sun Bing could be seen slowly walking out of the tight encirclement.

Turning his head to look at the densely packed mosquitoes behind him, a trace of disgust flashed in his pupils:

"Do you really think that this little trick can trap me? It's really overestimating your own ability. Isn't it just the power of devouring? I can do it too."

At the end, a cold light flashed in Sun Bing's pupils, and he put his two fingers together and waved them straight in front of him.

"Swallow the sky and devour the earth"

Accompanied by the surge of an obscure power, a black light directly emerged, and a terrifying attraction burst out.

In just a short moment, the previous black light turned into a very large black hole.

Compared with this black hole, the devouring power of these mosquitoes is not worth mentioning at all.

The terrifying devouring power burst out instantly, and even light could not escape successfully, and the world was even darker.

In an instant, the world showed light again, and the black hole at this time had disappeared without a trace.

The mosquitoes that just filled the whole world disappeared with it.

Although I looked around, I could still see some tiny figures flying back and forth.

But this was just a lucky escape from the black hole, which was much better than the previous overwhelming attack.

In response, Sun Bing only glanced at the remaining mosquitoes, and his sharp edge immediately burst out.

They were just a few ants in the realm of the Heavenly Venerable, and even Sun Bing's gaze could not bear it.

In an instant, the previously noisy battlefield was left with only Sun Bing.

Recalling the previous scene, his brows knitted tightly together, and he even whispered to himself in confusion:

"This mosquito is indeed very difficult to deal with. Not only are there countless numbers, but they also have the power of devouring and evolve very quickly. They are considered a strong enemy for any tribe.

But the Bailing tribe is a large tribe that can compete with the Dao tribe, the God tribe, and even the Immortal tribe. It has an unfathomable foundation and should not be destroyed so easily."

You must know that although there are many restrictions, it is not difficult for him to deal with this mosquito.

Since it cannot be killed, then sealing or exiling is a very good way.

It is obviously impossible for such a large Bailing tribe to not have these means.

But even so, there is still a wasteland in front of them, so the only possibility is that the danger they face is not only these mosquitoes, but also other powerful enemies.

Thinking of this, Sun Bing's face was immediately full of vigilance.

Sure enough, soon there was another strange sound coming from all directions.

And as time went by, the sound was getting closer and closer.

He scanned the surroundings again, and at the end of the sky, there suddenly appeared shadows of many colors, black, red, green, or purple.

Although they were far away, Sun Bing could see at a glance that these shadows were similar to the mosquitoes before, and they had the power to subvert all living things.

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