Sword Emperor

Chapter 5149 Abacus

But even so, Sun Bing would never allow Suantian to take Gutian away easily.

If possible, even if it was Suantian, he would force him to stay.

He took a deep breath and swung the Qingping Sword again in front of him.

"Creation of Heaven and Earth"

"Guanghan Qinghui"

"Karma Retribution"

In an instant, three sharp edges descended instantly, and the power and Taoism contained in them were completely different, which could be said to be unstoppable.

But the moment he saw the dazzling sword light, Suantian's pupils had already emerged with all kinds of Taoism.

Even the invisible and intangible blade of karma was also in his sight.

He was quite familiar with Sun Bing's cultivation and moves.

So now he didn't waste any time at all. The moment he saw the sword light, Suantian moved.

"Wuji Guiyuan"

Then, an obscure power suddenly erupted, and black and white yin and yang fish appeared out of thin air in the world.

The yin-yang fish circulated with each other, and they neutralized the sharpness of the two sword energies with a clever move.

For the causal blade, Suantian had no fear at all, and let the sword light fall on him.

After all, he was a transcendent heavenly way, and the thousands of causalities he had once carried had long disappeared with the collapse of the era and the destruction of the universe.

Now all that remained were the causalities between him and the Hongmeng Heavenly Way, and such causalities could not be affected by the small causal blade at all.

Even taking this opportunity, Suantian's body flashed, and in the blink of an eye he passed through a lot of space, and was much closer to the core position where Gutian was.

Seeing this scene, Sun Bing's heart was full of anxiety, and the power in his hand changed again.

"Three Disasters of Karma Fire"

Even in the face of this new sword move, Suantian's face was still quite calm, and he saw his big hand suddenly swinging out.

"Three Thousand Weak Waters"

A wave of shocking water emerged out of thin air in the sky, and this was not ordinary water.

Endless water surged, and the firebird was extinguished.

At the same time, Suantian's extremely calm voice slowly sounded:

"Human Emperor, I have to say that your talent is amazing, and your strength is even more terrifying, but all these are useless.

I have carefully checked all the battles since you came out, and I know all your various moves and trump cards.

Although you and I have never fought before today, the result of the battle has already been determined."

Hearing this, Sun Bing's face was extremely ugly.

Because this was almost exactly the same as what he said to Gu Tian before.

After a brief anger, he could only feel a chill behind him. If it was really as the other party said, then Suantian was definitely a big enemy.

Many thoughts flashed in his mind, and then the edge of the Qingping Sword suddenly turned.


I saw a road flying straight towards Suantian, in which all kinds of Tao rhymes surged, and many rules were crisscrossed.

Facing this move, the previously calm Suantian's expression also changed slightly.

In fact, he was very familiar with this move, which could be regarded as one of Sun Bing's trump cards.

This move was created by Sun Bing's integration of his own avenue. The so-called Wanxiang means changing everything, which can change at any time.

In the long years, Suantian thought of countless ways to crack this move, but all ended in failure.

As for the current Suantian, he was very free and easy. Since he couldn't crack it, he didn't crack it.

"Suantian Plate"

Accompanied by a dull sound, a white jade plate appeared above his head.

It was filled with endless heaven and earth truths. Even if it was just a quick glance, Sun Bing also saw the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches, the reincarnation of the universe, etc.

The most important thing is that through the aura emanating from it, it can be known that this is an innate treasure.

At this moment, the Suantian Plate increased by hundreds of millions of times, like a shield against the sky, blocking the sword light.


Accompanied by a dull sound, the sword light completely exploded.

As for the Suantian Plate, it was an innate treasure after all, so it was naturally impossible to be very weak. It just shook a little and then returned to calm.

Seeing that all his methods were easily resisted by the opponent, even Sun Bing could not accept this fact.

After all, since he broke through the Great Emperor realm, he would encounter some setbacks, and even sometimes had to flee in a hurry.

But no matter who the opponent was, he had a certain ability to resist.

On the contrary, now he was too powerless, as if he had returned to Jiuzhou hundreds of thousands of years ago and was powerless when he encountered a powerful enemy with a cultivation level far superior to his own.

But fortunately, through this short confrontation, Sun Bing had already noticed the approximate ability of Suantian.

The opponent obviously studied and analyzed all of Sun Bing's information specifically, and had calculated it countless times in his mind.

It was precisely because of this that he was so calm and composed now.

The only way to deal with such a powerful enemy was to use some methods that he had never seen before.

Many thoughts flashed through his mind, and then Sun Bing suddenly swung his hand in front of him, and cracks in space appeared immediately.

But before the Jiuli tribe ran out, the surface of the Suantian Plate flashed, and many rules emerged.

Accompanied by a burst of thunder, an extremely heavy force descended instantly.

The many space tunnels in the void disappeared instantly, and then Suantian's voice slowly sounded:

"It's not good for the great emperor to bully the few with the majority, right?"

Although the words seemed grand and majestic, Sun Bing clearly heard some sarcasm in this calm voice.

This change made Sun Bing's already difficult situation even worse, but he didn't look too panicked.

With a thought, the Kunlun mirror appeared above his head, and then Sun Bing's figure disappeared instantly.

Seeing this scene, Suantian frowned slightly, and murmured softly:

"Could it be that this emperor wants to escape? But today, although I am slightly better, it is a luxury to kill him.

In this case, why did this emperor leave suddenly?"

Shaking his head, clearing the extra thoughts in his mind, Suantian subconsciously walked towards Gu Tian in front of him, wanting to save him quickly.

But as soon as he took a step forward, the whole person froze instantly.

Because at this moment, Suantian suddenly found that there was an unfamiliar memory in his mind.

This change made his face change.

As Suantian, he calculated the world and was extremely calm, and he understood himself to the extreme.

So he could conclude that the memory that emerged in his mind was definitely a memory that had never existed before.

In connection with Sun Bing who suddenly disappeared before, he seemed to think of something, and the vague figure disappeared without a trace in an instant.

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