Sword Emperor

Chapter 5169: Unpredictable Death

For a moment, there was silence in the huge world, and everyone's expressions were quite ugly.

If the accident to the first person was due to their negligence, then everyone was concentrating on surveying the surroundings just now.

But even so, damage still occurred, which was a slap in their face.

In particular, the powerful man who disappeared earlier was named Tuan Qian. He had mastered the qi and blood totem and had a very strong vitality. He had gone through several battles without any injuries on his body.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if the God Lord comes, he cannot be killed easily.

But now he disappeared in an instant, which was really weird.

In response, Sun Bing frowned slightly, and with a thought, the Kunlun Mirror appeared above his head, and the shadow of the river of time also appeared.

As he took one step forward, he was already in the shadow of the long river of time, and the time around him immediately began to rewind.

In just a short moment, he has returned to the time a moment ago.

Under Sun Bing's gaze, a blurry shadow suddenly appeared in the sky, and then Tuan Qian disappeared.

The whole process was quite fast, and even with his eyesight, he didn't notice any clues.

However, not only was there no worry on Sun Bing's face, there was even a sarcastic sneer.

Because no matter how fast you are, your figure will be revealed in the face of stagnant time.

As the surface of the Kunlun Mirror shone brightly, time flowed backwards again to a moment ago, and the time of the entire world also stagnated.

At this moment, Sun Bing could clearly see that a very blurry figure appeared behind Tuan Qian.

And this figure is almost exactly the same as Tuan Qian's face.

A look of fear appeared on its face, and the next moment Tuan Qian let out a miserable roar.

Then he completely disappeared from Sun Bing's sight.

Seeing such a scene with his own eyes, Sun Bing's brows knitted together tightly, and his face was full of solemnity.

Although he only saw this side, he was sure that this was a regular creature.

And what is completely different from the previous faceless men and corpses is that this rule-based creature is even more difficult to deal with.

Because through this short confrontation, Sun Bing also learned that the other party had the ability to die instantly.

Two simple words, but they mean a terrifying power that is absolutely terrifying.

Ignoring the difference in cultivation between the two sides and being able to instantly kill the enemy, this power is enough to drive anyone crazy.

Facing this kind of enemy, even Sun Bing would have a headache.

After sighing helplessly, with a thought in his mind, he was separated from the long river of time and returned to the original time period.

Seeing Sun Bing's figure, the faces of Chi You, Fei Lian and others were full of expectations:

"Brother, did you find anything?"

Facing those pairs of eyes full of expectation, Sun Bing could only nod, and then shook his head helplessly:

"During that stagnant time, I did see the enemy who murdered the two fellow Taoists before, but the situation was very strange.

Their appearance turned out to be exactly the same as the faces of the two fellow Taoists. "

As he spoke, the power in Sun Bing's body continued to circulate, directly manifesting the scene he had seen before in front of everyone.

After seeing the scene clearly, everyone's expressions were quite ugly.

Because there was a very obvious pattern in the faceless man's actions before, but the phantom that took action this time had no pattern at all.

It is as unpredictable as life. Every time it appears, someone will disappear.

Regarding this, even though many of the powerful men present were all Lords of the Era, there was also a hint of fear in their hearts.

But at this moment, miserable wails and roars sounded one after another.

After scanning the surroundings, Sun Bing was shocked to discover that in just a short period of time, a dozen strong men had been killed.

Such a weird situation made the already panicked crowd completely excited.

"help me."

"What the hell is going on?"


Various voices sounded one after another, and in this huge world, one strong person disappeared one after another.

Even Chi You and Fei Lian, who have experienced countless wars, can hardly see their extreme expressions now.

You must know that everyone present is the mainstay of the Jiuli clan and can be called a priceless treasure.

Even if one person dies, it is considered a huge loss to the Jiuli clan.

Chi You, filled with rage, even rose into the air and roared to the surroundings:

"For God's sake, you are such a hidden person, could it be that you only attack in secret? Do you have the guts to appear in front of me?"

But not only were these words useless, the wailing sounds became more and more frequent.

In just a few moments, hundreds of people completely disappeared, which made the entire universe even more panicked.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Sun Bing frowned.

He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he always felt that the situation in front of him seemed familiar.

But he could confirm that he had never been here before today, and he had never seen such a scene.

So where does this familiar feeling come from?

Just as Sun Bing was filled with doubts, the situation of many Jiuli monks became increasingly difficult.

It seems that because more and more people are disappearing, there is now a chain reaction, and more people are disappearing every moment.

Just after entering this universe, there were more than 5,000 epoch masters.

But now, in just a moment, the number has dropped sharply by 500.

You must know that each of them is an epoch master. Such a huge loss makes Chi You, Fei Lian and others bleed in their hearts.

But no matter whether they launch an attack on the void or activate the other treasures for defense, they cannot stop this force.

In desperation, almost everyone looked at the familiar figure:

"Brother Sun Bing, what should we do now?"

Simply a sentence, but it put Sun Bing under great pressure, so that his brows were tightly knitted, and he kept muttering softly:

"What is the rule of this world? Could it be that the fewer people there are, the faster they will be wiped out?"

This idea just appeared in his mind, and he shook his head and rejected it.

After all, if this is the rule, then what happened to the two people who disappeared at the beginning?

You must know that everyone was in their prime at that time, and there was no shortage of people, but they were still persecuted.

Obviously, it is absolutely impossible to be this rule.

But if it's not this, then what is it?

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