Sword Emperor

Chapter 5184 The God Lord is exhausted

Regarding the battle in the distance, Sun Bing just glanced casually and then focused his attention on the opponent in front of him again.

After all, compared to the battlefield over there, it was his battle that really decided the outcome of the battle.

At the same time, many sacrificial spirits such as the God Lord, Tu Bo and even the Fallen Angel also turned their attention to Sun Bing.

Although the sacrificial spirits lost in the battle, it was not harmful, as long as they used their lives to delay the Jiuli clan.

As for the next step, as long as they kill Sun Bing in the shortest possible time.

And without Sun Bing's help, no matter how large the number of the remaining Jiuli clan is, they are not taken seriously by the God Lord.

It should be noted that after receiving Gu Tian's signal, all races quickly gathered here.

As time goes by, more and more powerful people will come here. What he has to do now is very simple, he just needs to delay it.

Without any communication at all, Sun Bing suddenly exploded.

"Put on the strong and persevere"

Along with the surge of obscure power, a layer of luck armor appeared out of thin air on Sun Bing's body.

Because the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Realms is becoming larger and larger, and the more ethnic groups it commands, the more powerful and powerful it is now.

At this moment, he saw that the Heavenly Treasure of the Era had turned into his crown, and the stars, universe, wild universe, etc. had turned into armor, protecting all directions.

As for the many star cities that were once extremely magical, they are now just shadows dotted on the armor.

It seems inconspicuous, but it actually plays a vital role in connecting the major universes.

In addition, the most eye-catching thing is the cloak behind him, which is made of Penglai Immortal Island.

Endless power poured into Sun Bing's body from the crown, armor and even the cloak, so that at this moment, his aura reached its peak.

Seeing such a scene with his own eyes, even Suantian, who knew Sun Bing very well, had a flash of surprise in his pupils.

Because Penglai Immortal Island was an unexpected accident.

Even Suantian was surprised. As for the God Lord, Tu Bo and other powerful men, their faces were full of solemnity.

Without any hesitation at all, you can see that the Lord of God takes action without hesitation.

"The Second Style of Opening the Sky"

The Kaitian Divine Ax suddenly fell, and the light of the ax flashed past, and it came directly in front of Sun Bing.

Completely different from the previous panic, Sun Bing's face was full of indifference at this moment. The Qingping sword suddenly turned, and infinite power surged in his body.

"The sword divides yin and yang"

The long sword fell, and the yin-yang fish swam away, condensing into a very huge Tai Chi shadow, using softness to overcome hardness, and forcefully resisted the attack.

Taking this opportunity, Tu Bo, Fallen Angel, Demon Lord and other sacrificial spirits attacked.

In the vast sky, countless shackles of the underworld spread out from the Nether City. Nine days away, thousands of feathers can be seen scattered in the wind.

The various momentum was quite huge, but Sun Bing had no means of defense.


Accompanied by bursts of thunder and explosions, these seemingly terrifying attacks came to an abrupt end when they landed on the surface of Sun Bing's body.

Even though billions of Dao Yun swept through it, countless rules crisscrossed it, but not even that layer of armor that looked very fragile was penetrated.

It can be said that Pijian's tenacity is far beyond everyone's imagination.

It was not Sun Bing's habit to remain silent without fighting back. He glanced coldly at the powerful enemy in front of him, and his eyes fell directly on the Divine Lord.

What is completely different from other sacrificial spirits is that Sun Bing is certain that the faith of these sacrificial spirits such as Tu Bo, Fallen Angel, and Demon Lord must be very powerful.

It is impossible to completely kill them all in a short period of time. If this is the case, then the only breakthrough is the Divine Lord.

Many thoughts flashed through his mind, and then the Kunlun Mirror appeared directly on top of Sun Bing's head.

The fluorescent light on the mirror flashed, and his figure instantly entered the river of time.

Although the God Master was holding the Sky-Opening God Ax at the moment, Sun Bing did not have much fear, because he who was in charge of the Kunlun Mirror was born to be invincible.

In the blink of an eye, Sun Bing had arrived at the East China Sea, where he had his first confrontation with the God Lord.

Standing in the long river of time, he could see that he could only retreat step by step under the attack of the God Lord, and he was in a very difficult situation.

In response, a sneer appeared on Sun Bing's face, and the Qingping Sword pierced directly from the river of time.

"Destroy the Way"

The black sword light instantly crossed the layers of space and came to the back of the God Lord.

But at the same moment, the God Lord, who was in the prison world, suddenly became keenly aware of the approaching fatal crisis.

At such a critical moment, his strength was running wildly, and his will came to the East China Sea in the past in an instant.

Before taking a clear look at the surrounding scene, the God Lord instinctively dodged to the side.


All that could be heard was a shocking loud noise. Although the Lord of God barely escaped the attack, the black sword light still left a ferocious sword mark on his back.

Seeing that one of his moves failed to achieve his goal, Sun Bing had no intention of continuing to take action, and the fluorescent light in the Kunlun mirror above his head flickered.

Immediately afterwards, his figure completely disappeared from the place.

Only the God Lord was left, still looking around with an angry face:

"Who is it that dares to take action against me?"

However, when he saw the sword marks behind him, his face immediately became gloomy.

Unlike Sun Bing, he did not have the Kunlun Mirror to go back to the past and eliminate his opponents.

So at this moment, there was no one else besides himself on the East Sea.

After a helpless sigh, he could only return.

When the Lord of Gods reappeared in the Prison World, he could see a hideous and terrible sword mark on his back.

The low and endlessly angry voice sounded:

"You did all this, right?"

In response, Sun Bing did not speak, but sneered at him, and the Kunlun Mirror on his head once again glowed with a faint fluorescence.

In an instant, he had returned to the Annihilation of the God Abyss.

Now outside the long river of time, the Lord of Gods and others are doing their best to encircle and suppress the God-killing Spear.

But at this moment, Sun Bing suddenly launched an attack.

Feeling the familiar deadly threat, the Lord of Gods immediately returned to the past, but Sun Bing would leave directly because of this.

In the following time, no matter how powerful the God Lord was and how powerful his methods were, he could only run away from Sun Bing.

Because in front of such a powerful force, if he was careless, it would mean complete demise.

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