Sword Emperor

Chapter 5191 The Taoist Master Returns to the West

Although the Immortal Lord, Dao Lord and even God Lord have all surrendered to the Heavenly Dao and become their lackeys.

But the three of them are still the leaders of the Ten Thousand Races Alliance, not only have a great say, but also a very high status.

Especially the Dao Clan, the Immortal Clan and even the God Clan, they are standing on the top of Mount Buzhou.

Even the Heavenly Dao such as Suantian and Gutian, when communicating with the God Lord and others, they must show an equal attitude on the surface.

From this, we can see how high the status of the three of them has reached.

Precisely because of this, their life safety is naturally very important.

If they fall, at the least, their respective tribes will rebel, and at worst, the Ten Thousand Races will be in turmoil.

It's just that because of their strong strength, usually no one would think that such a strong person would be at risk of falling.

But no one expected that when everyone was extremely negligent, this accident suddenly occurred.

So when seeing this scene, everyone present was full of disbelief on their faces.

After a brief moment of shock, whether it was the Lord of Gods, the Lord of Immortals, or the Lord of Demons, Shura and many other sacrificial spirits, almost all launched attacks on the Heaven Burial Coffin.

Because everyone knew that the major clan leaders among the Ten Thousand Clans were rushing here at full speed.

For every minute of fighting, there would be a little more reinforcements, and they would not be afraid even if they had to fight a war of attrition.

Compared with this, what really made them care about was the safety of the Taoist Lord.

Even if the opponent died in this battle, it would not be a big deal, because with the foundation of the Taoist clan, it would be easy to let him return.

But the key to the problem is that the Taoist Lord is now in the Heaven Burial Coffin.

Everyone present knew that once they died in this treasure, it meant complete extinction.

Even the Lord of Gods and the Lord of Immortals did not know what actions the Taoist clan would take after the Taoist Lord completely died.

So what they had to do at this moment was very simple, that is, to save the Taoist Lord at all costs.

The Lord of God took the lead. Although he did not move much, he held the Axe of Creation tightly in both hands.

"The Third Form of Creation"

At such a critical moment, the Lord of God did not dare to hold back at all. The meridians on the surface of his muscles were like the roots of an old tree, directly urging the moves that put a great burden on his body.

The sharp axe light swept towards the Axe of Creation. It is no exaggeration to say that once hit by such power, even if the Burial Heaven Coffin is an innate treasure, its spiritual light will dim.

Although it will not collapse completely, it will at least suffer heavy damage.

The same is true for the Immortal Lord on the side. The Chaos Gourd on his head is looming, and various colors of light are directly gushing out.

Each one is a very unique chaotic airflow, and the power bursting out at the same time is very terrible.

There are also many sacrificial spirits such as the Fallen God and Shura, although they do not have the power of instantaneous explosion.

But now they are also burning with faith, using all their means to attack the Burial Heaven Coffin.

Not only these people from the outside world, even the Taoist master who was in the Heaven Burial Coffin did not sit still and wait for death.

Because after such a long fight, he knew Sun Bing very well, and naturally knew what the Heaven Burial Coffin meant.

It was under the pressure of such a life-and-death crisis that the power he could burst out was even stronger.

I saw that many great ways around him were competing for glory, and the Three Thousand Heavenly Dao Map was already draped over his body. His aura could be regarded as extremely sublimated.

Under such a desperate struggle, even the Heaven Burial Coffin was constantly shaking.

After all, this treasure is powerful, but the Taoist master trapped in it is not an ordinary person.

Although the current situation has been expected, Sun Bing's face is still full of surprise when he really saw such a scene.

Fortunately, he soon regained his composure, the mental power in his sea of ​​consciousness continued to operate, and the energy in the universe in his body rushed into the Heaven Burial Coffin crazily.

It was under such efforts at all costs that the Heaven Burial Coffin was shaking, but it never let the Taoist master escape.

However, the most troublesome thing is the attack of the Lord of Gods and others.

Because at this moment, a very strange balance is formed inside and outside the Burial Heaven Coffin. Once any external force comes, the balance will be broken.

At that time, the Taoist master can also escape smoothly.

However, since he has decided to take action, how could the Great God Jiuli not be prepared?

When many attacks were about to fall on the surface of the Burial Heaven Coffin, the momentum of the Great God Jiuli suddenly changed.

Then, the space around the Burial Heaven Coffin immediately became illusory.

Then, this piece of space was forcibly divided by the Great God Jiuli.

Although all kinds of violent attacks came directly the next moment, those forces passed directly from the void and had no effect on the Burial Heaven Coffin.

However, because he had been besieged for tens of billions of years, even with the coordination of the five elements pine cones, the Great God Jiuli had never recovered to his peak.

After forcibly performing this move, he also reached his limit.

After realizing that the eyes of the God Lord, the Immortal Lord, and even the sacrificial spirits were focused on him, he did not dare to waste any time and threw the Heaven Burial Coffin in front of him:

"My friend, it's up to you from now on."

As the words fell, the Heaven Burial Coffin came directly in front of Sun Bing.

In response to this, Sun Bing was very decisive. He put the Heaven Burial Coffin into his internal universe with a thought, and at the same time, his own will was forced to descend.

The Heaven Burial Coffin appeared in the starry sky of the vast universe in an instant.

As the master of the entire universe, he was like the way of heaven here, and was completely invincible.

At ordinary times, he did not dare to pull enemies of the same level into his internal universe, because he was afraid that they would resist with all their strength and blow up the universe.

If that happened, Sun Bing's biggest trump card would be completely ineffective, and even he himself would be seriously injured.

But now it is completely different. No matter how powerful the Taoist master was in the past, he is now just a captive trapped in the Heaven Burial Coffin.

Especially now that he has been sent to the internal universe, it is basically no different from the meat on the sticky board.

Many thoughts flashed through his mind in an instant, because considering that the battle outside was not over, Sun Bing did not dare to delay any time at all.

His will was in operation, and the endless power of the entire universe swept over madly. As for the surface of the Heaven Burial Coffin, countless black lines were covered in an instant.

The Taoist master in the coffin only felt a powerful force that was almost unstoppable suddenly descending.

For a moment, his face was full of fear, and he opened his mouth and was about to say something.

The power of the Heaven Burial Coffin burst out completely, and the Path of Nirvana directly wrapped around him.

Indistinctly, it seemed that a miserable wailing sound resounded through the world.

Then, the universe in the body returned to peace again.

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