Sword Emperor

Chapter 5241 Era Collapse

Such a weird situation directly prevented Sun Bing and Master Jiuli from exposing their thoughts, so they tried their best to contain their auras and hide them in the vast universe.

Time passed by like this, and I have to say that Da Siming was indeed a perfect leader.

Although he is extremely powerful, he is not arrogant or domineering at all. He treats everyone, no matter how strong or weak, very kindly.

If when he was born, those innate gods surrendered to him instinctively, then now they are sincerely surrendering.

Under the leadership of Da Siming, the innate gods of the entire universe did not break out any disputes, and united as one to jointly deal with the great catastrophe that may break out in the future.

With the passage of time, the natural rules of heaven and earth evolved into acquired creatures.

Their strength is quite weak, let alone in front of the Great Siming, even in front of the weakest innate gods, they are still like ants.

But even in the face of such a weak group, Da Siming still did not do anything to overwhelm others with force, and even specially sent his subordinates to teach those born souls to farm and hunt.

Because the two sides are completely different creatures, the cultivation methods of the innate gods cannot be used by the acquired creatures.

Therefore, for these acquired beings, Da Siming worked very hard and created a new training system specifically for the acquired beings.

Faced with such kindness, countless incarnated souls knelt down together and obeyed the great commander's orders to become king.

Nowadays, He is no longer the simple king of gods. He also rules over the incarnate beings. It can be said that humans and gods share the same respect.

Under the leadership of Da Siming, the entire universe is united as one, and there are no disputes at all.

Such a scene is completely the pure land that countless creatures dream of, so that those innate gods and acquired creatures are very happy all the time.

However, only Sun Bing and Jiu Li knew the dark side of Da Siming.

Through such a long period of observation, they have discovered that the great commander in the daytime is upright and majestic, embodying all justice in the world, and is a leader that countless people respect from the bottom of their hearts.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as He gives orders, countless living beings in the entire universe are willing to go through fire and water for him.

But Da Siming was completely different at night. The original kindness and kindness disappeared without a trace, leaving only indifference, as if he didn't care at all about all living beings.

Moreover, Da Siming at night is still using his power to break the taboos of life with his own way of life, and conduct horrific experiments on the bodies of various creatures.

Sun Bing and Jiuli God had witnessed with their own eyes that the Great Siming called an innate god to his residence at night, forced the avenue of life into his body, and finally got a ferocious monster.

Through the appearance of the monster, Sun Bing clearly recognized that it seemed to be the ancestor of Taotie.

As a newly forcibly created creature, its strength is extremely powerful, and it not only has the power to devour everything.

At the same time, it can also digest everything it swallows, and its physical body will explode accordingly, possessing almost infinite terrifying power.

Fortunately, in the end, with the help of countless innate gods and the personal action of Da Siming during the day, the Taotie Ancestor was finally suppressed.

But even so, Sun Bing and Jiuli are still full of cold sweat behind their backs.

What frightened them was not the terrifying ability of the Taotie Ancestor. The main reason was that, from the previous details, it could be seen that the Great Siming at night seemed to have all the memories of the Great Siming during the day.

However, even after such a long time, Da Siming during the day did not notice any clues.

After seeing such a scene with their own eyes, Sun Bing and Master Jiuli felt not only frightened, but also filled with joy.

Fortunately, Sun Bing stopped the Great God Jiuli in time and did not appear in front of the Great Siming, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Because of such an accident, Sun Bing and the Great God Jiuli had already made up their minds and would never show up.

He must wait until all the truth is found out before he appears in front of that great commander again.

While the two of them concentrated on hiding, the reincarnation of the third era continued.

With countless creatures united as one, a very prosperous civilization developed.

Here, no matter you are a high-ranking god or a very weak acquired creature, you all get along very harmoniously.

Everyone performs their own duties, the innate beings sow and cultivate, the innate gods move the clouds and provide rain, and the two sides cooperate in an incomparable tacit understanding.

The most spectacular thing is the huge figure at the center of the entire universe.

Although it has not yet been completed, Sun Bing recognized it at a glance. This was the divine boat that would cross the world.

Now most of this huge and majestic Shenzhou has been completed. Everyone who looks at the Shenzhou will have an excited smile on their face.

Because this is their hope, everyone firmly believes that as long as they follow Da Si Ming, they can transcend heaven and earth.

In the following time, under the personal control of Da Siming, the last part of the world-transmitting divine boat has been completely completed.

The entire universe was turbulent because of this, and countless creatures gathered in this world-transcending divine ark.

Because they do not plan to wait for the great destruction to come, but plan to forcefully travel through time and space from now on.

At every moment, countless creatures enter the divine boat from all over the vast universe.

This seemingly small Shenzhou seems to contain an entire universe inside, and it can perfectly accommodate no matter how many creatures come here.

About a year passed, and finally all the creatures in the entire universe were accommodated.

Then, without any hesitation, the Great Siming stood at the front of the World-crossing Divine Boat and looked up at the sky:

"Today is the beginning of our transcendence!"

As the words fell, endless power emerged from his body, and he even forcibly summoned the long river of the world.

Then, the heavy World-crossing Divine Boat slowly sailed towards the long river of time.

It should be noted that the Great Siming has two faces. At this moment, his other face seemed to reveal a sneer of conspiracy.

However, at this moment, the face in front of him seemed to have noticed something, and his face immediately became extremely ugly, and he even exclaimed:

"It's you..."

Before he finished speaking, the cold face was immediately filled with a sarcastic sneer, and the whole universe resonated with it.

Even the Great Siming could not stop this kind of great power.

Fortunately, at the last moment, endless time flashed in his pupils, and he seemed to have discovered something, and the power in his body surged.

The divine boat sailed into the long river of time without any hesitation.

But it was a pity that the countless lives carried on it were completely left behind by the heaven and earth.

In response, the face of the Great Sima was full of ferocity, and he even roared directly:

"Since you have controlled my memory, you should know how far my life path has reached."


As the last word fell, a strong power burst out, and the vitality of the entire universe was forcibly deprived by it.

Just as Sun Bing and the Great God Jiuli were preparing to wait and see what happened next, the entire era came to an abrupt end.

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