Sword Emperor

Chapter 5251 Seeing Everything

After hearing these words, the expression of Shengtian in Da Siming's body changed in shock, and the power of the entire universe resonated with him, as if he wanted to forcefully escape from this body.

I saw that the seemingly insignificant soul-suppressing bead bloomed with a faint fluorescence. No matter how fierce the resistance was, when it touched the fluorescence, it was like encountering a nemesis and had no choice but to retreat.

The body that Shengtian had been deliberately trying to seize has now become his prison. Under the blockade of the soul-suppressing beads, there is no way to escape.

Although Da Siming's original will was blocked by Shengtian's means, such a huge momentum would be damaged no matter how tight the blockade was.

I saw that his other face gradually showed an aura completely different from that of Shengtian.

Although the current Da Siming is sealed in the sky, he is indifferent and ruthless, treating all living beings like ants;

The other side is peaceful and indifferent, full of the temperament of loving all living beings.

These two completely different momentums intersect with each other, giving people an indescribable sense of separation.

Before taking a clear look at the surrounding environment, Da Siming, who had recovered, was immediately keenly aware of the changes in his body.

There is clearly an extremely terrifying strong man hidden in that extremely powerful body.

Such a change made his face change in shock, and a sharp voice sounded directly from his mouth:

"Who are you and why are you in my body?"

After hearing this, the other student couldn't help but snorted:

"I never thought that my eternal plan would be exposed in the end due to such an accident.

Da Siming, you are really lucky. If you are reincarnated for a few more epochs, you will be completely helpless. "


At this moment, the two sides were asking and answering questions, and in the eyes of Sun Bing and Jiuli, the two faces were communicating with each other, as if talking to themselves, which was very strange.

With the wisdom of Da Siming, even though he had no memory of previous reincarnations, through this short period of communication, he was aware of Shengtian's true identity.

Especially knowing that the other party was trapped in his body made his face full of smile.

During the exchange, Da Siming also saw the figures of Sun Bing and Jiuli.

Although there was no worry on his face, there was a hint of doubt.

After hesitating for a moment, you can hear him slowly speaking:

"I dare to ask you two fellow Taoists, are you..."

Before he could finish his words, Sun Bing and the Great God Jiuli looked at each other and smiled. Then with a thought, the world-transmitting divine boat appeared in the vast void.

There was no need for him to explain at all. When he saw this familiar figure, Da Siming froze on the spot.

As a person who was born with knowledge and saw the existence of the Great Destruction just after he was born, he naturally knew that this was the divine boat he would build for the future.

And as something created by oneself, it obviously contains its own brand.

Even if this treasure is claimed by others, the mark will not disappear.

Thinking of this, Da Siming didn't hesitate at all. He took a step forward and came to the control room of the World-Transcending Divine Boat.

There is no need for complicated master recognition or other rituals. When the great commander comes, the various rules and rhythms in the control room flow directly into his body.

In just a short moment, his whole temperament had undergone earth-shaking changes.

If the previous Da Si Ming was very immature, with only cultivation but no corresponding strength, then now he has lost his prosperity and returned to his essence, able to perfectly control everything about himself.

Although his own cultivation level has not changed at all, the power he can unleash is several times greater than before.

The most important thing is that, taking this opportunity, Da Siming also integrated his own memories that he specifically stayed here.

When He opened his eyes again, a trace of vicissitudes of life even appeared in his pupils.

Regarding the changes in his body, Da Siming no longer had any surprise on his face, and he even couldn't help but sigh with emotion:

"Shengtian, after so many reincarnations, we can finally stand together and communicate."

After hearing this, Shengtian's face looked extremely gloomy, and he even couldn't help but sneered:

"If it weren't for these two people in front of you, you would already be in my possession."

Regarding these words, Da Siming did not refute at all, he just chuckled and said:

"Is it possible that you haven't realized that they are also part of my plan.

Without outside help, how could I possibly obtain the soul-suppressing bead that you hid before I was born? "

Hearing this, Rao Shishengtian couldn't say anything for a while.

However, it was impossible for him to give up so easily. The power in his body continued to circulate, and he subconsciously wanted to mobilize the power of the entire universe to suppress Da Si Ming.

However, when his power touched the Soul Suppressing Pearl, it disappeared without a trace.

Because if you want to control the power of the universe, you must have a will that resonates with the way of heaven. Only in this way can you control the universe.

But now that Shengtian has been imprisoned in Da Siming's body, not to mention a trace of will leaked out, even a trace of Tao Yun can't break away from the blockade of the soul-suppressing beads.

It seems to be a simple and useless innate spiritual treasure, even if it is thrown aside, it will be despised by all living beings, but at such a moment, it has exerted an unimaginable effect.

It is no exaggeration to say that in the face of this situation, even the Chaos Qinglian is not as useful as imagined.

After realizing that the connection between his will and his body was severed, Shengtian was still a little unwilling, and the power in his body started to work again.

But this time, it was the power that activated Da Siming's body, and it seemed that he wanted to die together with Da Siming.

After noticing such fluctuations, a sarcastic sneer appeared on Da Siming's face:

"Shengtian, after being separated from your own body, you are really disappointing.

This is my body. You want to control my body and die with me. Have you ever asked me for my opinion? "

As the words fell, Da Siming finally took action.

There was no huge force as expected, and within a matter of seconds, Shengtian was already suppressed.

As Da Siming said, this is His body.

Although half of his body has been taken away by the gods, after absorbing the memories left by himself, he can perfectly control his own power.

Coupled with the help of the soul-suppressing beads, the fight between Shengtian and Da Siming was over in an instant.

After suppressing Shengtian, Da Siming turned his attention to Sun Bing and Master Jiuli, and said with gratitude:

"Thank you two fellow Taoists for coming to help me. If it hadn't been like this, after a few more reincarnations, I might have completely disappeared."

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