Sword Emperor

Chapter 5263 Brother, please take action

Because Kunlun Tian's situation at this moment is even more miserable than his.

There are so many stars in the vast universe, and the Zhoutian Star Array that connects countless stars is naturally extremely terrifying.

The Tai Chi diagram is indeed powerful, but it is still too small in front of the vast universe. How can it resist all the star calamity light?

At this moment, Sun Bing is controlling the rest of the power in the Zhoutian Star Array and directly attacks Kunlun Tian.

Although Kunlun Tian has many means and can transform into various kinds of mythical beasts.

But the most desperate thing is that they are now inside the Zhoutian Star Array.

For example, the Peng bird form can be said to be the fastest in the world, and can even transcend time, but now the vast universe is a cage;

The Xuanwu form has unparalleled defense, which can be said to be indestructible, but under the endless star robbery light, it can only suffer regret;

The White Tiger form has terrifying attacks, but it is difficult to tear apart this terrifying formation;


In short, being under this Zhoutian Xingdou formation, Kunlun Tian is like a turtle in a jar.

Let him use endless means, but there is no way to fight back.

Now, in just a short moment, Kunlun Tian has fallen five times, which means a full five lives.

Although Yuntian has many treasures in his hands, he is actually struggling now.

As for Shengtian, who had been communicating with them before, it seems to have completely disappeared.

No matter how Yuntian and Kunlun Tian called, they did not get any response.

In the endless time and space, this is the first time that Yuntian has faced such a desperate situation.

Even though he fell into Sun Bing's ambush last time, he had never had such an experience. It is conceivable how dangerous the current situation is.

The most important thing is that in the face of such a situation, even if he racked his brains, he could not think of any way to break the situation.

Just when he was at a loss, a familiar voice suddenly came:

"Please rest assured, we are here to help."

The moment he heard this, Yuntian, who was still worried, spoke as if he had grabbed a life-saving straw:

"Okay, okay, okay, as long as you can rescue me, not only will I keep my previous promise, but I will also reward you heavily."

Looking for the sound, he could see that the God Lord and the Immortal Lord were late.

However, it was precisely because they were a step slower that they did not enter the territory covered by the formation.

According to Yuntian's understanding of Sun Bing, this formation is indeed very powerful, but if you are in the outside world, it is easy to break the formation.

So at this moment, the God Lord and the Immortal Lord are the most perfect people to break the formation.

On the other side, the God Lord and the Immortal Lord who received Yuntian's promise also showed excitement on their faces.

In the face of such huge benefits, they did not hesitate at all and took action directly.

The surface of the Axe of Creation was seen to be surging with thousands of streams of light, and the sharp edge descended directly.

At the same time, the Chaos Gourd was also shining, and many forces such as gold, wood, water, fire, and earth swept in all directions.

Two terrifying powers came one after another, and the aftermath of the spread alone made countless stars turbulent.

Seeing this situation, Yuntian and Kunluntian smiled at the same time.

Especially Yuntian, who couldn't help but sneer at Sun Bing:

"Human Emperor, after I escape, I will definitely pay for my blood debt with blood."

Who knew that after hearing this, Sun Bing's mouth suddenly curled up, revealing a sarcastic sneer:

"Wait for you to come out? In the next life!"

Before Yuntian could figure out the meaning, he could see Sun Bing suddenly raised his head:

"Brother Dao, take action!"

These five simple words made Yuntian and Kunluntian's faces change, as if they thought of some unrealistic possibilities.

The next moment, a soft murmur resounded through the sky:


As the words fell, the terrifying eye of heavenly punishment that originally enveloped the entire universe suddenly turned around and launched an attack directly at the God Lord and the Immortal Lord.

Suddenly facing this situation, whether it was Yuntian, Kunluntian, or even the God Lord and the Immortal Lord, they couldn't help but stand there in a daze.

Never expected that the allies who had always been there would suddenly betray themselves.

The most shocked person was Yuntian. Although it could be seen from the fact that Shengtian had not appeared just now that something might have happened.

But he never thought that Shengtian would betray him.

Because both parties were of the same heavenly way, they were of the same kind.

As for Sun Bing, Jiuli Great God and others, no matter how powerful they were, they were just ants in their eyes.

However, it was incredible that such a strange change would happen in the end.

No matter how shocked Yuntian and others were, the black thunder instantly crossed the layers of time and space and came to the Lord of God.

In the face of life and death crisis, no matter how much the Lord of God coveted Yuntian's reward, he could only take back the Axe of Creation and direct all his strength at the thunder in the sky.


Accompanied by a shocking sound, the black thunder was even cut off directly.

And the aftermath of it was raging, still making the Lord of God's muscles tremble and his hair stand up. Although it seemed that there was no damage on the surface, countless thunder snakes were actually flowing in his body.

The violent force flowed through the meridians. Even the God Lord, who was regarded as the best physical being in Buzhou Mountain, could not withstand such terrible force.

Although the Immortal Lord's experience was a little better than his, his situation was still very difficult and he could only rely on the Chaos Gourd to survive.

This was the power of the entire universe when it exploded with all its strength.

In fact, it was not just the God Lord and the Immortal Lord, Yuntian and Kunluntian were in even more dangerous situations.

Because they placed all their hopes on the God Lord and the Immortal Lord, and now that these two people were severely injured, the blow to them was unimaginable.

In a trance, Kunluntian was hit by the star calamity light again, and another life was dissipated.

As for Yuntian, because of this momentary trance, the Tai Chi diagram paused for a moment.

The endless star power that had been accumulated for a long time completely exploded, and even the catastrophe thunder armor and the sky-resistant shield could not block this attack.


Accompanied by a shocking sound, Yuntian, who had persisted for so long, finally sacrificed his first death.

As the saying goes, strike while the iron is hot. Facing this golden opportunity, Sun Bing and Jiuli Great God were quite decisive.

Now one person controlled the formation, and the other raised the phantom of the Axe of Creation in his hand and chopped it in front of him without hesitation.

As for the Great Siming, he was still disguised as Shengtian, and continued to target the Lord of Gods and the Lord of Immortals.

Although the three people did not communicate at all, they cooperated with each other tacitly.

Even if Yuntian and other Tiandao were powerful, they had no power to resist such a series of attacks.

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