Sword Emperor

Chapter 5368: Taking a Break in Secret

At the same time, Zang, who was not far away, was very keenly aware of the arrival of nine gazes.

This seemingly simple gaze contained the vast power of heaven and earth, as if the entire world was oppressing him.

For a moment, Zang's face was extremely ugly.

Although a single rule incarnation was not his opponent, you have to know that there are now nine incarnations.

For strong men of their level, the pressure they endure in the battle will double out of thin air with each additional strong enemy.

If he really falls into the encirclement of the nine rule incarnations, even he may be completely destroyed.

Many thoughts flashed through his mind in an instant, and just when Zang was about to burst out his angry shout, the attack of the nine incarnations came directly.

In a hurry, Zang could only curse inwardly, and then the ferocious palm directly grabbed Zang's coffin and blocked it in front of him.

At the same time, the power in his body continued to surge, and thousands of resentful souls flew out of Zang's coffin in an instant.

The next moment, a shocking sound came directly, and Zang's body flew backwards like a kite with a broken string.

The terrifying aftermath exploded, and countless resentful souls dissipated.

However, the resentful souls that shared power had a very obvious improvement in strength, and almost all of them reached the realm of the Great Emperor.

Thousands of resentful souls that were comparable to the Great Emperor, now under the urging of Zang, rushed towards the nine rule incarnations one after another.

Each resentful soul mastered the avenue of his life, and now it burst out with all its strength, which was considered to be a huge momentum.

In addition to the large number of people, it was able to contain the nine rule incarnations for a while.

This was Zang's real method. With those resentful souls, it can be said that he was invincible.

It was a pity that Sun Bing had the universe in his body, which naturally restrained his methods, otherwise he would never have been able to escape so easily before.

Of course, although the strength of these resentful souls was good, the rule incarnations of heaven and earth were familiar with thousands of avenues.

After the initial panic, these rule incarnations soon came to their senses, and the power of the reincarnation avenue burst out.

In addition, there are many obscure Dao rhymes such as annihilation and exile.

It can be said that in just a short moment, those rule incarnations have already noticed the weaknesses of these resentful souls.

The familiar roar sounded again. Under the targeted attack, even Zang was far from being the opponent of these rule incarnations.

He glanced at Wanjie who was standing in the distance watching the show, and then glanced at Sun Bing who was slowly moving forward behind him. His heart immediately surged with endless anger:

"My two fellow Daoists, as the saying goes, lips and teeth are cold, I believe you should know that if I fall, your situation will not be much better.

Is it possible that even so, you still have to stand by and watch?"

As soon as these words came out, Wanjie's face changed immediately.

Although he is now independent and contented, he also knows that this is based on the premise that Zang attracts firepower.

Once Zang and even Sun Bing fall, no matter how well they hide, they will also be targeted by the world.

Moreover, the two sides are now allies, so it is understandable to make some small moves.

If Zang is allowed to fall, it will definitely be a huge loss.

After thinking this through, Wanjie's power started to work, and his figure instantly appeared on the spot.

After sensing his breath, the original nine rule incarnations were in a trance for a moment, and then immediately separated four of them to attack Wanjie.

On the other side, after reducing the pressure by half, Zang felt much more relaxed.

But the power of the five rule incarnations combined is still very terrifying, and Wanjie, who is standing aside, is now in a difficult situation.

Although he mastered the way of avoidance, as a rule incarnation, he knows all the ways, and no matter what kind of power the enemy exerts, he can find the corresponding power.

So at this moment, those rule incarnations mastered the way to hit the target, and every time they launched an attack, no matter how hard Wanjie tried to resist, it would fall on him.

In just a short moment, Wanjie's body was covered with many scars.

Fortunately, after escaping countless disasters, he gained countless opportunities. With these foundations, he can barely hold on now.

However, judging from the current situation, they can't hold on for too long.

The attack of the rule incarnation has not stopped, and at this moment, Zang and Wanjie's eyes fell on Sun Bing at the same time:

"Daoyou, you did make great contributions when the world was in chaos before, but you know the current situation. It is impossible to be immune. I don't know..."

Before he finished speaking, Sun Bing waved his hand very casually:

"Don't say more, I know what to do."

As the words fell, he did not continue to delay time. He took a step forward and passed through layers of space.

Realizing that someone else had arrived in the forbidden area, the nine rule incarnations showed obvious changes.

Just when Zang and Wanjie were about to breathe a sigh of relief, they could hear Sun Bing speak directly:

"My two Taoist friends, you have already said before that I played a great role in the previous level. I don't need to take action now, but I still took action due to the situation.

It's just that my strength is low, and I can only withstand two rule incarnations. If there are more, I can't guarantee that I can successfully resist."

Simple words made Zang and Wanjie feel relieved.

But at such a critical moment, it was precious to reduce a little pressure, so they could only nod their heads hurriedly:

"It's okay, it's okay, it's already precious that Daoyou can take action, how can we ask for more?"

As the words fell, the power in their bodies circulated, and each of them separated a rule incarnation and flew towards Sun Bing.

Now the situation is very clear. Zang is the strongest, targeting four rule incarnations with his own strength.

As for Wanjie, he dealt with three rule incarnations at the same time.

And the last two incarnations are Sun Bing's opponents.

In stark contrast to Zang and Wanjie, who were struggling and frightened at every step, Sun Bing's situation was quite safe.

Although these rule incarnations are proficient in all ways, he has now comprehended tens of thousands of holy ways, and even in this respect, he is superior to those rule incarnations.

The reason why these incarnations are so powerful is that they can burst out a variety of powers at the same time.

Now, in front of Sun Bing, these methods were completely ineffective, and they even fell behind him.

For a moment, the situation between the two sides could be said to have undergone a completely opposite change.

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