Sword Emperor

Chapter 545: Arranging a secret move

Time passed slowly, and everyone was silent. The only one who could see Liang Feiyu not far away was closing his eyes and performing deductions. After a while, he seemed to have guessed a key point, and his brows even frowned slightly. .

And just like this level, after a full day, I could only see a glimmer of light emerging from the opponent's body, but he finally broke through it, and the whole person felt a lot more relaxed.

As for Ye Huan on the other side, seeing this performance, there was a hint of surprise on his face, and then he asked: "I wonder what Brother Feiyu's harvest will be this time? Can you be sure to break this formation?"

Liang Feiyu slowly opened his eyes, and a trace of lingering fatigue could still be seen between his brows, but his face was filled with an unruly and confident smile: "Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life."

Ye Huan could be said to be overjoyed at that moment, because it was almost certain that the other party had cracked the formation, so the many elixirs hidden in it could be said to be within easy reach.

Of course, even after hearing this confirmed news, Ye Huan didn't feel too relaxed. After all, their lives were extremely noble, so before that, they still had to verify it first.

Immediately he waved his right hand, and then looked at Sun Bing instantly, as if giving alms: "The formation at this moment has been completely cracked. You don't need to have any scruples. I just let you have a little exploration in front. It will be good when the time comes. Indispensable for you."

Sun Bing didn't refute now, but with a slight sneer on his face, he slowly walked forward. During the whole process, no one among the casual cultivators spoke.

Everyone is happy, as long as Sun Bing succeeds, then they will be safe.

On the other side, Liang Feiyu and Ye Huan saw that Sun Bing was so sensible, and they couldn't help but nodded slowly. After all, if they were all the kind of people who would rather die than surrender, even they would have a headache without a suitable person. Pathfinder Stone, should I let myself run over and pass through it myself?

When Sun Bing walked to the front, Liang Feiyu slowly spoke: "You must have memorized the previous steps. Next, you only need to take three steps to the right, then two steps to the left, and then Then take five steps forward.”

After listening to the other party's introduction, Sun Bing slowly shook his head in his heart. It was really nonsense. He even guessed. If he really followed the other party's words, then even eight lives would not be enough to die. , It’s really not good at learning.

But even so, a cold smile appeared on Sun Bing's lips, and he walked slowly towards the formation without any further rebuttal.

Even though there were many terrifying and incomparable inscriptions flashing in front of him, Sun Bing seemed to see nothing, and walked directly through it. Suddenly he came into the formation, and Sun Bing was able to notice that there was something in the surrounding space. There have been obvious changes, and it seems to be two different worlds from the outside.

Then he slowly took a step forward. Even if it was just one step away, there was still a distance of hundreds of feet. This made Sun Bing have to sigh. It was indeed worthy of those towering giants in ancient times. It's amazing how mysterious it can be arranged. Even after such a long time, it still exudes such majestic power.

Fortunately, it’s because of the passage of time

, after all, it slowly calmed down, otherwise, even Sun Bing would definitely not be able to analyze any of the mysteries in it, and might even be completely lost in it just after touching it.

However, after entering this formation, Sun Bing was able to feel the mystery within it, because the formation was broken and all the secrets in it were revealed to Sun Bing.

There are certain records of this situation in the many ancient books he saw in the Baihua Cave, but at that time Sun Bing was not able to understand the content shown in them. At this moment, he finally had some insights.

Directly following Liang Feiyu's words, he walked like that, with traces of terrifying power faintly conveyed around him. If he was not careful, he might completely fall.

But in such an environment, Sun Bing felt that he was at ease. His understanding of the formations had deepened, and he was improving rapidly, without any danger at all.

Suddenly, Sun Bing's face was full of solemnity, because he had reached a very critical point. If he followed Liang Feiyu's previous words, he would naturally need to take two steps to the right.

But if that really happens, they will be killed by the explosive formation in the end. With their current cultivation level, they are completely unable to withstand such terrifying power, and the final end will be to change to another person.

However, now a faint smile emerged from the corner of Sun Bing's mouth. At some point, a piece of jade appeared in his hand, with mysterious inscriptions carved on it. Sun Bing put it down with an undetectable movement. The inscriptions appeared and finally disappeared into the void.

The whole person spent time quite safely and relaxedly like that

He encountered such a crisis without any accidents. Seeing Sun Bing pass through it safely, Ye Huan had a hint of joy in his expression. After all, this meant that he was not far away from the elixir. Getting closer.

Only Liang Feiyu frowned slightly, because he was full of uncertainty about the distance Sun Bing had passed before. After all, according to his reasoning, there should be danger here, but why didn't anything happen? happened?

But in an instant, this idea was abandoned without a trace. After all, the cannon fodder in front of him had already said it himself, so there was no need to trust his intuition at all, and he continued to move towards

"Now you need to take three steps forward, then two steps back, and finally five steps to the left."

In the following time, Liang Feiyu was always directing from behind, while Sun Bing understood the power and mystery of the formation and made up for his mistakes. Everything seemed to go smoothly.

It can even be said that such a strange situation is beyond people's imagination. Looking at Liang Feiyu with a hint of reverence, at this moment they really believe that the previous two times were accidents. After all, it has not happened for such a long time. anything.

At the same time, he secretly felt a trace of regret in his heart. If he had known that the final result would be like this, then his initiative to step forward should have made them look at him with admiration and left a certain good impression.

But if Sun Bing knew the words in their hearts, he would definitely say contemptuously: "Wishful thinking."

After all, Sun Bing had to make up for seven mistakes along the way.

The good thing about this is that Sun Bing's understanding of formations has reached an extremely high level. If he were an ordinary person, even if he really had nine lives, he wouldn't be able to die.

Finally, Sun Bing couldn't help but slowly breathed a sigh of relief, because according to his calculations, he had reached the center of the formation at this moment. It could be said that he could completely penetrate it in the next moment. After a certain amount of hesitation, After that, the whole group immediately moved forward.

Just as he took that firm step, the difference was already evident in an instant. The layer of fog that had previously shrouded the outermost layer could be said to have disappeared without a trace.

Before, people only saw the glowing inscriptions. If they watched it for a long time, they would even have a nervous breakdown. But now the scene in the formation was completely revealed.

Astonishingly, it was a huge medicinal field, and the soil on the ground showed a variety of colors. It was astonishing that many of the natural materials and earthly treasures in it had completely turned into soil due to the changes of the years.

At the same time, there are also quite precious treasures of heaven and earth, which are blooming quietly at the moment. Each of them can be coveted by countless people. Now that they saw this situation, everyone's hearts were completely shocked.

Many people couldn't help but swallowed deeply. You must know that it is not easy for casual cultivators to obtain a very good natural material. However, all the materials in front of them are pure natural materials. Dibao, this is definitely the source of one person's crime.

Seeing such a huge wealth, even Ye Huan no longer had that calm look on his face, and there were ripples in his heart. It was obvious that his heart was moved, but he didn't go in at the moment.

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