Sword Emperor

Chapter 549: A huge profit

Next, Sun Bing, after there was no external disturbance, could be said to start the process of searching for the elixir wholeheartedly, his eyes scanning the surroundings like electricity.

After all, although this is just a medicine field, its area is too vast, and most of the elixirs in it have been wiped out, and only a few survive.

In addition, Sun Bing is a swordsman, and a sharp sword power spontaneously emerges from his body. Even if he does not actively emit it, he still exudes that kind of danger.

After a long time, although many spiritual medicines have not completely given birth to spiritual plants, they still have such a subconscious mind. Naturally they understand the definition of safety and danger. Coupled with the natural ability to escape from the earth, it can be said that they want to If hidden, it would be quite difficult to find.

Sun Bing was quite helpless about this, but after discovering this problem, he quickly thought of a way and immediately restrained his aura.

After a while, the whole person looked ordinary, with no aura revealed at all. If the eyes could not see him still standing there, he would never have imagined that there was a monk here.

But this time during the search, Sun Bing's brows shone with a trace of joy, because it really did not exceed his expectations. When the sharp edge on Sun Bing disappeared, the many things originally buried underground were revealed. The elixir actually came out.

After just a brief scan, Sun Bing had clearly discovered that there were at least twenty-seven heavenly elixirs here, all of which were tens of thousands of years old. You can imagine how precious they were.

In an instant, Sun Bing was no longer hiding anything. He grabbed the elixir closest to him before. However, Sun Bing's movements were fast, and the opponent's movements were dissatisfied. It could almost be said that it turned into a divine light and shot toward him. Escape into the distance.

Sun Bing had to sigh at this. It was indeed a legendary talent. He could reach the level of using his arms and fingers. He just walked through the soil and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

But Sun Bing did not lag behind in the slightest. "Shrinking the Ground to an Inch" had already been performed. Even if the opponent had tens of thousands of years of medicine and already had that vague consciousness, compared with Sun Bing, he was still far behind.

Even with that terrifying speed alone, he was able to successfully capture it and finally pocket it completely.

However, after the success, Sun Bing also had a deep emotion in his heart. Fortunately, it was him. If other geniuses came in, the final harvest would be really rare.

Because Sun Bing was sure that even those people also saw the other elixirs hidden here, but in the end they just watched the other party leave. After all, they couldn't keep up with the speed.

In the following time, Sun Bing did not

Without resting, all his mind was already immersed in the process of searching for the elixir. As a casual cultivator, he knew more clearly what these elixirs in front of him meant.

Although these elixirs do not reach the level of holy medicines, the quantity is still comparable to them. The quantity cannot make up for the quality. When the time comes, whether it is cultivation or healing, they can have a great effect.

In this way, a full three days have passed, but Sun Bing's harvest is also quite rich. At least the twenty-seven heaven-grade elixirs he had seen before have all entered Sun Bing's Najie. among.

Even Sun Bing could not help but shake his head slowly at this moment and sigh. Although Shiwandashan is a place rich in resources, it is still far inferior to the medicine field at this moment, just like a remote country.

It's just that such a good place is quite rare. You can only come in once every hundred years, and there is no possibility of Sun Bing participating next time, so his heart is filled with such a faint pity.

However, through this incident, Sun Bing also understood the terrifying background of many holy places. You must know that although the medicine field in front of him is quite huge, it is only one of them.

And after the changes of the years, more of the heavenly materials and earthly treasures have turned into soil, but what remains still allows Sun Bing to gain such a huge harvest, even to the extent of pouring it over.

It is touching.

Seeing the medicine field that was almost completely empty, Sun Bing wanted to slowly turn around and leave. After all, this meant that there were no more elixirs here. The time in the secret realm was tight, and it was definitely not possible. It was wasted so easily.

It's just that Sun Bing here just turned around, and there seemed to be a shadow passing behind him. When Sun Bing turned his head, he didn't find anything anymore, as if everything before was an illusion. generally.

Moreover, everything on the ground appeared quite normal, and there were no other traces at all. Even Sun Bing's terrifying insight did not see any clues.

Immediately, Sun Bing's brows frowned slightly, because he was sure that everything he had noticed before was not an illusion at all, so why did such a thing happen?

As if he didn't believe in evil, Sun Bing couldn't help but walk slowly forward. However, his expression was extremely sharp and his energy was highly concentrated. He could clearly detect all the disturbances around him.

And under such circumstances, a faint smile slowly appeared on the corner of Sun Bing's mouth, because there was indeed a very slight voice, but it was too small. If an ordinary person really It was impossible to detect it, so it was only Sun Bing who was able to detect it so early.

Immediately I couldn't help but continue to turn my head and look for it.

Looking for it, but in such a keen situation, Sun Bing did not notice any movement, and nothing appeared behind him again.

After doing this for four times, even Sun Bing became a little irritable, and immediately he didn't want to waste time anymore. Since the opponent can hide his body, let's let him have no way to hide, and then we will see who is more skilled. One chip.

In an instant, Sun Bing's whole body's aura spread out, and his spiritual power slowly emerged from the sea of ​​consciousness, and then went deep into the soil to slowly explore.

At this moment, Sun Bing could feel that this seemed to have opened a new door, because all the scenes in the soil were clearly presented in Sun Bing's mind, as if he had a pair of eyes.

And because of this function, Sun Bing also discovered that there were some places that had been hidden in the past. If you do the math, there are really not a few fish that slipped through the net, and what frightened Sun Bing the most was that those things were extremely hidden. Moreover, the elixir that has slipped through the net is actually more precious and of greater value.

In this regard, Sun Bing could only shake his head and sigh in his heart: "I didn't expect that you elixirs can be so sophisticated and calculating to this extent. I really admire them, but they still have to be in my hands in the end."

Immediately, mental power emerged and forcefully suppressed these elixirs. Even though they had begun to struggle fiercely, not one of them could escape under the pressure of Sun Bing's majestic spirit.

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