Sword Emperor

Chapter 554: Criminals

After leaving the previous environment, Sun Bing had already embarked on a journey towards the distance alone, but in his heart he coveted the little baby who could almost be said to have reached the peak of the holy medicine.

In fact, this kind of mentality is quite normal. If ordinary people see such a scene, they will even have certain ups and downs in their minds. After all, such a precious spiritual object is only one step away from the supreme holy medicine. Even many families There may not even be a holy land with a great cause, but not everyone can face it calmly.

You must know that every supreme holy medicine is completely unique. As long as there is one in the world, it is absolutely impossible for there to be another identical elixir.

As for its effect, it is terrifying to an astonishing degree. Even if you are a gray-haired old man who is about to die, your longevity has been completely exhausted, and when you are about to die directly, after taking this holy medicine, you will be completely Able to radiate its own vitality, black hair returns, vitality reappears, and lasts for thousands of years.

Even if your cultivation talent is extremely poor, you are weak and sick, your meridians are blocked, and you cannot even sense the slightest spiritual energy, after taking the holy medicine, you have undergone drastic changes overnight and become a genius that is envied by countless people. Both in terms of qualifications and understanding, they are all at the upper level, and they may even obtain the legendary supreme physique in one leap.

Such a terrifying effect can be said to be like life and death, human flesh and bones, but the most important thing is the adaptability of the supreme holy medicine, whether you have any

No matter how ordinary people have cultivated, or any terrifying monk who has cultivated to the sky, they can take it, and there is no need to worry about going crazy or other accidents.

So after briefly recalling the direction in which the holy medicine escaped, Sun Bing immediately circled away into the distance, but there were still terrifying inscriptions flashing around him, which was quite a headache.

Although Sun Bing can completely break some of the formations and pass through them, the danger is too great. After all, such formations have gone through countless years of historical changes and may change at any time. .

It may even happen that you can go in smoothly at the moment, but it will be very difficult to get out again, or it may be like before, you can go in, but you are stuck in front of another more advanced formation.

Sun Bing, who was weighing the balance, could only use this method to search. Even though he knew in his heart that the chance of this was too small, he still couldn't let it go. It just so happened that he had gained a lot in the secret realm this time. , but there is no need to waste time at all.

However, the more he walked in the Taixuan Secret Realm like this, the more he admired in his heart. After all, the area was so huge that even this medicinal field could be bypassed at Sun Bing's speed. One hour at a time.

Suddenly, Sun Bing's figure suddenly stopped, because at this moment, he happened to see a village not far away, and there seemed to be some figures flickering in it.

Immediately, it can be said that there was a trace of doubt in Sun Bing's heart. After all, this is the Taixuan secret realm that is full of dangers. How could a human village chief appear? It's really impossible.

However, with such terrifying eyesight, Sun Bing could still see that there seemed to be some weird situations. Everyone in the village was quite simple, only surrounded by an animal skin.

Moreover, each one of them is a knot of muscles, shining with traces of bronze light. Although they look ordinary, the strength contained in them can be said to be completely beyond people's imagination.

Because in this village, Sun Bing also saw a cage in which dozens of casual cultivators were imprisoned. Some of them wanted to escape, and an attack immediately emerged.

However, the terrifying power released fell on these people, and it still did not cause any harm to them. It could even be said that the attack was blasted away.

You must know that he was a monk in the mortal realm. Even though his strength as a casual cultivator was relatively weak, such a situation still made Sun Bing take a breath of cold air.

The last casual cultivator did not escape successfully, but more people were caught by that village. Just when Sun Bing was a little confused, he could only see those monks with tangled muscles, and actually killed many monks. killed.

Even after they were completely beheaded, everyone's face flashed with that kind of thick smile, as if they were accustomed to eating raw flesh and blood, and their faces were full of...

That kind of infatuation seems quite comfortable.

Seeing such a scene, Sun Bing's face turned completely cold. It would have been fine if both sides had a winner in the fight, but these people were completely eating living people. It could almost be said that this was a taboo.

However, it seems that the flesh and blood of the monks contains a lot of nutrients, and raw food can promote their breakthrough. At least Sun Bing has discovered that several of them seem to have a slightly stronger aura for this reason.

After realizing this, everyone felt quite excited, and their eyes immediately emitted a green light, looking directly at the monks around them who had not been attacked.

This scene made Sun Bing's heart completely cold. He immediately took action and ran forward. Almost in an instant, he arrived at the gate of such a village. His eyes were filled with deep coldness. He glanced in front of him, and a trace of terrifying momentum emerged.

The sharp sword intent echoed in the air, bringing out a sharp edge. Ordinary cultivators could even feel that the exposed skin had already had a trace of terrifying scars.

However, the people in this village did not care about this situation at all. Instead, they suddenly felt such a powerful momentum and all turned around to look at Sun Bing.

However, in a short moment, the doubt in his eyes had turned into a deep surprise, because

If he ate the corpse of such a powerful person, his cultivation would be even more greatly improved.

At this moment, the scattered cultivators who were completely surrounded in the village saw Sun Bing and shouted loudly: "Leave quickly, these are all criminals, you are not their opponent, leave quickly and find someone else."

Hearing the concern in these words, Sun Bing did not move at all. He narrowed his eyes slightly and looked directly at the dozens of criminals not far away. At this moment, they were already rushing towards Sun Bing.

The scattered cultivator who dissuaded Sun Bing before couldn't help but shake his head slowly at this moment, as if he had anticipated some tragedy that was about to happen, because he was the most clear about what kind of strength those criminals had.

Although they were all equivalent to the strength of the Transcendent Realm, the power that these criminals could release was even greater, and it was even quite difficult for cultivators in the same realm to defeat them.

Now with so many people, it can be said that Sun Bing, no matter how powerful he was, would have a lot of trouble. In the end, even a young genius could only flee in panic.

As for wanting to save them, that was even more wishful thinking. It seemed that they had already predicted that they would eat Sun Bing first, and then the remaining targets would be them.

So at this moment, they could only look at the surrounding criminals with eyes full of hatred, and then look at Sun Bing with concern.

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