Sword Emperor

Chapter 5600 Xiezhi

Looking at the empty void, Sun Bing and Master Jiuli's faces were full of smiles, and they were not worried about the ownership of the Lingbo Immortal Talisman at all.

Because no matter how well the other party hides it, Sun Bing, as the owner, can know the general direction of this treasure.

If Yang Mei was just honest, then the Nine Heavens Breathing Land and even the other treasures would be given to him directly.

But if he is greedy, he will be hunted to death even if he overthrows the entire Abbot's Fairy Island.

It is no exaggeration to say that with Sun Bing's current strength and prestige, there is no room for him in the entire chaos.

At the same time, the time and space around Yang Mei changed, and she came directly to an inexplicable time and space.

This place is located in a unique terrain in the Abbot's Immortal Island, and even the power of space is blocked. If not, Yang Mei would be able to come here with her own strength.

Looking at Yang Mei who suddenly appeared in front of him, the creatures in this strange time and space seemed very surprised:

"Ancestor Yang Mei, aren't you guarding the border? Why did you come back for no reason? Could it be that the border has changed?"

"Yuan Ling, there is no need to worry, there was no accident at the border."

Hearing this, Yang Mei slowly shook his head, and then he couldn't help but speak immediately:

"Where is the Haechi? I have something important to discuss with him!"

Looking at the other party's solemn expression, Yuan Ling keenly noticed something, and then immediately led Yang Mei towards the distance.

In just a blink of an eye, a figure appeared in sight.

I saw long black hair all over the opponent's body, his eyes were bright and lively, especially the long horns on his head that echoed the sky and the earth, looking very extraordinary.

This is the mythical beast bred from Abbot Xiandao - Jie Zhi.

Seeing Yang Mei's figure, Xie Zhi's pupils were obviously filled with doubts, and then he immediately stepped forward and bowed:

"Ancestor, aren't you guarding the border? Why did you come back suddenly? Could it be that something happened..."

Before she could finish her words, Yang Mei waved her hand and spoke directly:

"There is no need to worry. There was no accident at the border. The reason why the old man came back this time was mainly because of other things that happened."

In the following time, he immediately told the news about Sun Bing and Jiuli, especially the information that the two needed the abbot's will and even the method to crack it.

For a moment, the entire void became extremely silent, and Xie Zhi fell directly into deep thought.

After a while, Xie Zhi slowly raised his head, his face full of determination:

"Ancestor, you should know that we don't know much information at all, and I am the one who can crack it.

According to what you said, they seem to want to go to the forbidden area. Why don't you take me there to talk to them in person? "

As soon as these words came out, Yang Mei's expression changed in shock and she opened her mouth. When she wanted to say something, a panicked voice sounded directly:

"Xie Zhi, this is most likely a trap. You must not leave this place!"

Looking for the sound, you can see towering figures coming one after another.

In this regard, Xie Zhi's expression did not change at all, and at the same time he continued to persuade:

"Qiankun, Biwu and the other ancestors, although this is likely to be a trap, what if it's not? You know, we don't have much time."

As soon as these words came out, Qiankun, Biwu and many other entities all fell into silence.

Don't look at Yang Mei's righteous words in front of Sun Bing, saying that everyone joined forces to defeat the will of Abbot Xiandao.

But it can be seen from the territory they occupy that they are the ones who are really at a disadvantage.

That battle back then was much more tragic than what Yang Mei said. As soon as the will of heaven took action, more than 90% of the creatures in the entire Abbot's Immortal Island were almost bloodbathed.

In the end, they, the survivors, used the blood of endless creatures as sacrifices to forcibly activate a nine-aperture sacred stone in the abbot's fairy island, giving birth to Xie Zhi.

Relying on Xie Zhi's innate magical power, and because he was born on the abbot's fairy island, and has certain authority over the abbot, he barely managed to win a glimmer of hope.

It is no exaggeration to say that the life and death of this group of people are now in Xie Zhi's hands.

Once anything unexpected happens to Xie Zhi, this last surviving place will collapse, and their fate can be imagined.

But just as Xie Zhi said, they don't have much time.

At the beginning, they could still rely on the will of Jie Zhi and Abbot Xiandao to equalize the situation. However, after the arrival of Ruo Sen, the territory under their control was gradually reduced.

Now he can only control 30% of the abbot's fairy island, and it is still the most desolate and remote 30% of the place.

If it continues to be delayed, the final outcome will be complete destruction within tens of millions of years.

But if we act rashly, if Sun Bing and Jiu Li are enemies sent by the other party, they may not need tens of millions of years, but they will be completely destroyed now.

Looking at the entangled people in front of him, Xie Zhi couldn't help but speak again:

"Now that Abbot Xiandao has an absolute advantage, tens of millions of years are like a fleeting moment to us, nothing at all, so he doesn't need to take risks at all.

Moreover, Patriarch Yang Mei had already said that if he had not taken action just now, the two outsiders would have probably perished.

So this is definitely not a trap, but our last chance. "

After hearing this, everyone present looked at Yang Mei in unison.

At this moment, endless pressure hit him, but after taking a look at the Lingbo Immortal Talisman in his hand, he finally nodded slowly:

"Yes, in my opinion, those two fellow Taoists should not be enemies, and they may even have a grudge against the will of Heaven.

If not, how could they lend me such a treasure and let me rush back quickly?"

As the words fell, the Lingbo Immortal Talisman immediately appeared in front of everyone.

At the same time, Jie Zhi couldn't help but strike while the iron is hot and said:

"Even if those two are enemies, so what? Now we have more people and more power.

Even if I meet them next time, I will definitely not go alone.

If Ancestor Qiankun protects me, and with the spatial power of Ancestor Yangmei, even if the enemy is strong, they can't do anything to me."

"That's right."

At this time, Yang Mei couldn't help but nodded:

"One of the two is just a great emperor, and as for the other, even if he has a high level of cultivation, he is not to be feared.

At such a critical moment, we must seize every opportunity."

Under the joint persuasion of the two, Qiankun, Biwu and many other strong men finally nodded slowly:

"In this case, then we will meet with the two outsiders. If they have any bad intentions, don't blame us for being ruthless."

Since the decision has been made, the group did not delay for too long, and left the place in a flash.

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