Sword Emperor

Chapter 5810 Chaos Demon Ape

The bright moonlight shines on the earth, giving this quiet town a layer of silver.

At this time, Sun Bing also came to his residence slowly. It was quite secluded and considered a remote place in the entire Sun family. If it weren't for the bright moonlight, he wouldn't even be able to see the way back.

With his body full of pain, Sun Bing sat down carefully, then took out the bruise medicine, and skillfully applied the medicine on himself. Soon, the dilapidated small house was filled with a pungent smell of medicine, which was very unpleasant.

Because the pain in his body was so severe, Sun Bing could not sleep for a while, and he couldn't help but let out a long sigh. This time of the month was his most tormenting day, but the night was getting dark, and there was nothing to do for the moment.

For a long time, after carefully checking that there were no outsiders around, Sun Bing carefully took out an object from a hidden compartment under the bed.

This item looked like a box on the outside, but it was only about the size of a thumb. It was extremely dark and seemed to hide countless mysteries. Looking at the small box in front of him, Sun Bing couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

There is a secret in Sun Bing's heart that no one knows. He is not from this world. He was once an orphan on the earth. Just because he got this miniature box during a trip, an accident happened.

In this way, he traveled to another world, a world where martial arts was respected, where the strong could do whatever they wanted, and where there were no laws and regulations, and everything could only be done by relying on one's own strength.

Originally, Sun Bing was quite excited when he traveled to this world. He imagined that he would be like the protagonist in the movie, practicing and becoming stronger, and then holding a three-foot green peak and wielding a sword to the end of the world, or finding a confidante to accompany him in the world.

But reality soon broke his beautiful illusions about the future, because he was born with a weak body and could not bear the pain of cultivation. If he forced himself to continue, the final result would be physical collapse, which means that he could only look up to him for the rest of his life. Those high-minded monks.

It's okay if this is the case, after all, he has never enjoyed the taste of cultivation, so it would be good to be an ordinary person from now on.

What's more, his father is a guest elder of the Sun family and is very powerful. As long as Sun Bing doesn't commit suicide, he can be a rich young master in Luoyun Town and live a stable life.

But the bad news came next. His father died unexpectedly because of the family's declaration of war. In this way, Sun Bing became an orphan. In the end, the head of the family accepted Sun Bing as his adopted son because of his father's hard work and merit. , and then managed to live in the huge Sun family.

Even so, Sun Bing's life was quite unsatisfactory, because the adoptive father never visited Sun Bing again except for the first day he met him. This indifferent attitude made others become more subtle towards Sun Bing. .

Putting aside the identity of the adopted son, in the final analysis, Sun Bing is just the son of a guest. He has no blood connection with the direct branches of the Sun family. In general, he is an outsider. If his father is still alive, then due to his strength , others dare not say anything more.

But as the saying goes, his father died in the war, which meant that there was no one to support him. In addition, Sun Bing did not have the qualifications to practice. Gradually, the direct line began to look down on him, and then the collateral lines began to look down on him. She looked down on him, and eventually it got to the point where even the servants in the family could step on him to vent his anger.

So far in life, it can be said that Sun Bing is the bottom of the Sun family.

After ten years of hard work, Sun Bing's will has become extremely firm, especially his desire to become stronger than anyone else. However, he was reduced to a useless person because he was unable to practice.

Through these years of understanding, Sun Bing has roughly understood that the land under his feet is called the Shenzhou Continent. Its area is boundless, and countless strong people have emerged. Even ordinary people have certain abilities even when they are free from illness and disaster. 150 year lifespan.

The monks are more transcendent. As long as you can practice, you are superior to others. The realm of practice is divided into

Tempering the body, practicing Qi, rebirth, and transformation

Even higher up, Sun Bing himself doesn't know, because not only has he never seen it, but even the strongest person in the entire Luoyun Town has just broken through Qi training and achieved rebirth.

But even a person at the first level of Body Tempering is several times stronger than an ordinary person. For example, Sun Yang, who beats up Sun Bing every month, is at the third level of Body Tempering. Let alone one Sun Bing, even ten of them can do it together. He couldn't beat Sun Yang, which is why he held back.

Even though Sun Bing has not given up, for so many years, in order to become stronger, he has practiced basic swordsmanship day after day, even if he has to take a break every time he practices, until now, ten years have passed, and it has no effect at all. He is still the trash that everyone can bully.

When he thought of the word "waste", Sun Bing couldn't help but reveal a bitter smile. "Do you really think I will be like this for the rest of my life? If so, why did you let me travel through time?"

Speaking of the last sentence

At that time, Sun Bing's face even looked a little ferocious. Others were at least a fallen genius, but he was a waste from beginning to end. He had never enjoyed a day of good treatment and had been suffering hardship since he came to this world.

But just as he finished speaking, the moonlight shone on the black box. In Sun Bing's surprised eyes, the black box that had not changed for thousands of years actually emitted a faint light. The light became brighter and brighter, and then Sun Bing passed out.

After a long time, he slowly opened his eyes. He thought that nothing could shake his mind after ten years of forbearance, but now his eyes were clearly full of surprise and excitement, because just now, he received a message in his mind.

This small box is actually a sword box, which contains all the swords of China since ancient times. Although they have been awakened long ago, they have not been taken out until today, so Sun Bing only knew it now.

Sun Bing didn't care about all this at all. What excited him most was that there was a skill in his mind called "Sword Grinding Technique".

This skill was named after the saying "Ten Years to Grind a Sword". It takes a full ten years to practice the basic sword method day after day, and then match it with a unique operation method to be refined.

After that, you can start to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to polish yourself. The most important thing is that there is no restriction on practice. That is to say, even if Sun Bing's body is extremely weak, he can practice this skill and open the road of practice.

You must know that in the past ten years, Sun Bing has been practicing basic swordsmanship day after day, even if he knows that there is no chance, he never stops regardless of wind or rain. What he lacks is just an opportunity.

Now that it is clear, the accumulation of ten years will burst out in one day, which will definitely shock people.

"Sword Sharpening Art" is like a bright light in the dark night, instantly illuminating Sun Bing's confused mind. Without hesitation, Sun Bing immediately started running to the small courtyard to practice.

The body tempering realm on the Shenzhou continent is divided into one to nine levels, which is the foundation of thousands of cultivation methods. After all, the body is the capital of everything. Only with a good body can you practice to the highest realm.

Among them, the first to third levels are the initial stage, through the basic exercises to polish yourself, get a glimpse of the mystery of the flesh, and then be able to perfectly control the power of your body;

The fourth to sixth levels are to nourish the qi into the body, guide the qi to refine the body, and nourish the body through the temperature to make yourself stronger;

The seventh to ninth levels require the control of the true qi, the qi flows through the eight meridians, and penetrates the dantian, to achieve the state of unity between the inside and the outside, and pave the way for the next qi training realm.

In the night, Sun Bing stood with a wooden sword in his hand, and slowly began to practice basic swordsmanship, but now his spirit and energy were completely different from that in the morning. Although the swordsmanship was the same, even ordinary people could see the huge difference.

In the morning, because he only practiced according to his own understanding, although the moves were proficient enough, his mind was scattered and he could not integrate all his spirit and energy into the sword. At best, it could only be regarded as a flower stand, and there was no lethality at all.

But at this moment, looking from a distance, Sun Bing was like a firefly in the night, attracting attention. An ordinary basic swordsmanship, the speed of practice was ten times slower than before, but after each move, the spirit and energy of the whole person was improved to a certain extent.

This is because he has practiced basic swordsmanship for a full ten years, just like a blunt sword without a sharp edge, and this "Sword Sharpening Technique" is like a whetstone. He started practicing swordsmanship according to the above method. Every action is a grinding, which gradually helps him sharpen the blade.

No matter how slow the speed was, after a while, a set of sword techniques was finished. Sun Bing closed his eyes slightly and stood there blankly, but at this moment, it seemed as if a layer of membrane had been broken through in his body, and he instantly reached the first level of the Tempering Body Realm.

The original Sun Bing could only be regarded as an ordinary mortal, at most he had considerable perseverance, but he was ultimately unskilled. After being polished by the "Sword Sharpening Technique", he has now become a sharp blade, even flashing with cold light, as if announcing to the world that after ten years of sharpening a sword, he finally succeeded.

This is the result of ten years of accumulation, and there is even some spare strength. However, because he is worried that his foundation is unstable, Sun Bing still needs to get familiar with his current body. After it is stable, he will definitely be able to improve his realm again.

Although he is only at the first level of the Tempering Body Realm, Sun Bing's heart is full of excitement. Feeling the huge power in his body, he deeply understands his original ignorance. It turns out that having power is so wonderful.

You know, even if he is tempering the body at the first level, he doesn't need to worry about the siege of ten of himself before, and this is just the first step of cultivation. Sun Bing couldn't help but tighten the wooden sword in his hand.

A dazzling light bloomed in his eyes. In the future, I must have a stronger power, and no one can bully me anymore. Since I have the qualifications to become stronger, I must firmly grasp my own destiny in my hands.

As for those who humiliated him in his mind, when he thought of this, Sun Bing couldn't help but reveal a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

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