Sword Emperor

Chapter 5818 Ownership of the Measuring Ruler

As the turbulent time and space returned to calm, all of Yingzhoutian's plans came to nothing.

In this regard, he could only stare at the void in front of him, his pupils filled with despair.

When he was just born, he was ambitious, especially after obtaining the measuring ruler, Yingzhoutian's heart was full of lofty ambitions.

He even felt that he was destined to be a being like Chaos Heaven in the future.

He never expected that it would only take a few days, and even at this moment, Yingzhoutian was still dreaming of the scene not long ago.

But now, earth-shaking changes have taken place.

Hongmeng, who was once extremely powerful and capable of ruling the entire chaos, is now just a dog without a home.

As for the once high-spirited him, he has now fallen into such a situation.

At this moment, Yingzhoutian was full of mixed feelings and didn't know what to say at all.

But Sun Bing, Jiuli God and others, facing their former mortal enemies, did not show any mercy at all.

"Destroy the Dao"

For a moment, many treasures such as the Axe of Creation, the Qingping Sword, the God-killing Spear, and even the Chaos Bell simultaneously used this volume of the Heavenly Book.

The extremely terrifying power fell in an instant. Even though he had already accepted his own end, at this moment, Yingzhou Tian still could not face his own death calmly.

The body's instinct forced the Heaven-Measure Ruler to move, and the same terrifying power flew directly to the sky.


The earth-shaking sound sounded in an instant, and the terrifying aftermath swept hundreds of universes.

It must be said that the Heaven-Measure Ruler is indeed powerful, because of its own characteristics, it has almost infinite power.

As long as the more places are measured, the more powerful the power that can be exploded will naturally be, and finally even reach a level that is simply unimaginable.

But Yingzhou Tian had no chance to fully exert the characteristics of this treasure. The axe light, sword light and other forces strongly defeated the Heaven-Measure Ruler.

In the end, many forces fell directly on Yingzhou Tian.

His strong body didn't even last a breath of time. Only brilliant fireworks bloomed, and Yingzhou, one of the three islands in the legend, completely disappeared in the chaos.

Seeing this, whether it was the Great God Jiuli, the Jade Emperor, Zulong and others, all showed a satisfied smile on their faces:

"Although it took a lot of energy, we finally achieved good results, and the worries we once had were completely shattered."

"Now it's not the time for the dust to settle, and we still can't be careless."

Sun Bing walked forward slowly with a solemn face, looking into the distance with deep eyes:

"Although Hongmeng was destroyed, there is another demon land, and I have a premonition that the infinite calamity is not far away."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of everyone present changed.

With the increase in the knowledge of the secrets of heaven and earth, they also lost their former pride, especially the infinite calamity, which is the nightmare in everyone's heart.

Now hearing this news, you can imagine how shocked they are.

But the Great God Jiuli was quite free and easy. He waved his hand and took the measuring ruler directly in his hand, and said with a smile:

"As the saying goes, drink today and worry tomorrow.

With the destruction of Hongmeng, we not only have less worries, but also have a lot of gains."

While speaking, he directly sent the measuring ruler to Sun Bing.

Feeling the familiar breath of the treasure, the pupils of every cultivator present were full of heat.

You should know that in the entire Mount Tai, only Sun Bing and the Great God Jiuli have such a treasure.

As for the Overlord, the God-killing Spear is a comrade-in-arms, not his property, and the Nuwa Stone was lent to him by Sun Bing.

Similarly, the Jade Emperor also lent him the Chaos Bell.

If you are serious, the Great God Jiuli also gave him the Axe of Creation.

Therefore, he had no intention of fighting for the Heaven-Measure Ruler, and even waved his hand directly:

"You fellow Daoists have made great contributions to Hongmeng this time, so you can distribute the Heaven-Measure Ruler among yourselves."

Although they had expected this, when they really heard this, the pupils of many cultivators present were full of excitement.

But everyone had known each other for such a long time, and even if they fought for this treasure, He Qi was not hurt.

After a debate, everyone decided to give this treasure to the Jade Emperor.

After all, his strength was the top level in the entire Taishan, only behind Sun Bing, Jiuli God and even the Overlord.

After obtaining the Heaven-Measure Ruler, the Jade Emperor immediately returned the Chaos Bell to Sun Bing:

"Fellow Daoist, thank you for your help for so long, and return this treasure today."

At this time, Sun Bing did not refuse, and took back the Chaos Bell with a bitter smile on his face.

Because he had too many treasures in his hands, and activating such treasures required extremely high energy and even the mind in his body.

Being able to activate the treasure in his hand is already the limit. Even if he takes back the Chaos Bell, Sun Bing has no spare energy to activate it.

So after a brief silence, his eyes immediately fell on Da Siming:

"Daoyou, our enemies are getting stronger and stronger now. Although your cultivation is unfathomable, you are weak in treasures.

If I lend you this treasure temporarily, it can also enhance the strength of the entire Taishan."

Suddenly hearing this, Da Siming's face showed obvious surprise and even disbelief:

"Lend it to me?"

The preciousness of the Chaos Spirit Treasure is naturally beyond description. It is not a priceless treasure.

It is no exaggeration to say that the birth of any ownerless Chaos Spirit Treasure can trigger the sharpness of countless powerful people.

It may even cause a war between many epoch masters, but it is really incredible to lend it out so easily now.

As if sensing the doubt in the mouth of the Great Siming, Sun Bing immediately smiled and said:

"When I was at a low level, I was able to obtain the World-crossing Divine Boat given by Daoyou. Why can't you accept it from me?"

Hearing these sincere words, the Great Siming could no longer say any refusal, and finally nodded heavily:

"Okay, in this case, then I will accept it.

In the future, whenever Daoyou needs it, I will offer it with both hands."

As the words fell, the Great Siming directly put the Chaos Bell into his pocket, and even began to circulate energy to refine it.

Seeing this situation, Sun Bing nodded with satisfaction.

Although the strength of the Demonic Land is not clear, it can be seen from the previous confrontation that it is definitely not an easy opponent.

Therefore, before fighting with the Demonic Land, it is necessary to maximize the power of Taishan.

With the Chaos Bell, the Great Siming can be on par with the Overlord and the Jade Emperor, and it can be much easier to deal with the attacks of the Demonic Land.

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