Sword Emperor

Chapter 5822 Taishan recognizes his master

In the vast chaos, only a majestic universe can be seen moving slowly. Countless ancient stars explode wherever it passes, and the layers of space are distorted.

At this moment, Sun Bing was carrying Hongmeng on his shoulders, bearing at least three levels of weight.

Looking at this snail-like speed, his brows knitted together tightly:

"There are still hundreds of millions of universes away from Mount Tai. According to the speed at this moment, it will take at least thousands of years to reach it.

If it takes so long, the day lilies will get cold, so we have to find another way. "

Thinking of this, he stopped his actions directly:

"Fellow Taoists, you must have noticed the problem at this moment. We don't have so much time to waste."

The Jade Emperor left, stopped his movements, and came to Sun Bing with a puzzled face:

"But if you don't do this, then what? Is it possible to move Mount Tai?

Since the last time it swallowed many universes and even most of Mount Buzhou, Mount Tai seems to have been fixed.

Is it possible that you have other methods? "

Naturally, Sun Bing was very clear about what the Jade Emperor said.

But at this moment, there was no other way, so he could only say helplessly:

"When I go back to investigate, I can't stay here any longer."

After he finished speaking, he gestured to the other monks, and the Kunlun Mirror appeared above his head in an instant.

With a thought, the whole person has returned to Mount Tai.

At this time, countless creatures in Mount Tai seemed to have known the result of the victory, and the sounds of cheering could be heard endlessly.

As far as the eye can see, there are all faces with extremely excited faces.

However, Sun Bing did not delay at all and reached the main peak of Mount Tai in one step. ..

As if he was aware of his arrival, the thick clouds above the sky were seen rolling, and Mount Tai's will turned into a dragon of luck and appeared.

The dragon eyes as huge as the sun and moon looked at him, their eyes full of kindness.

It is no exaggeration to say that the reason why He was able to transform to this level was entirely attributed to Sun Bing.

It is precisely because of this that the territory of the human race is the best in the entire Mount Tai.

Moreover, children born in the human race will also be blessed by Mount Tai.

Although he didn't say any words, Sun Bing instantly understood the meaning of Taishan's will.

He was asking about the purpose of his coming here.

In response, a faint smile appeared on Sun Bing's face, and he spoke directly:

"I got a trophy this time, which is beneficial to you, but I can't move it back. I wonder if you can go and get it?"

After receiving this news, Taishan Zhi's face clearly showed a hint of joy.

A dragon roar immediately sounded.

Suddenly, Sun Bing couldn't help but smile and nodded:

"Okay, okay, okay, I never thought you would have such means."

In the roar of the dragon, Taishan's will was explained very clearly.

Although moving is very troublesome and even requires a lot of original energy, there is still a way to move.

If this news was sent by other monks, Taishan's will would naturally not have any reaction, but if it was said by Sun Bing himself, then it would be a different matter.

Received praise from Sun Bing. Taishan's will seemed very excited, and bursts of dragon roars continued to sound, as if they were reminiscing with him.

But at this moment, Sun Bing didn't have much time to waste, so he spoke directly without hesitation:

"Time is urgent now, we must act immediately, otherwise the loot may be snatched away by others."

Hearing this, Taishan Will slowly nodded his dragon head, and then the sound of dragon roar came out, and at the same time, a corresponding message emerged in Sun Bing's mind.

Today, Sun Bing, and even the human race, is the well-deserved number one strongman and race in the entire Mount Tai, and is deeply trusted by Mount Tai's will.

If they want to move Mount Tai, they need to join forces and resonate with each other. Only in this way can they successfully achieve their goal.

Although the process was quite troublesome, he finally found a way, so after taking a deep breath, Sun Bing made a thought, and the Human Emperor's Seal appeared in front of him.

At this moment, the aura on his body was stirring, the power in his body completely exploded, and the human race's destiny dragon appeared directly.

At the same time, Sun Bing's voice filled with endless majesty sounded:

"I use the title of Human Emperor to enthrone people, and replace the heart of heaven with my own heart, together!"

With a simple sentence, the heaven and earth began to turmoil. The endless creatures in Mount Tai seemed to hear a dull sound, and the heaven and earth seemed to have undergone considerable changes.

But after searching carefully, I couldn't find any clues, so I had to give up completely.

Taishan's will on the other side also took this time to directly integrate with the fate of the human race.

Because Mount Tai was once one of the rumored Three Immortal Mountains. It not only possessed the highest status, but also carried countless living beings.

This is no longer a matter of weight, not even the will of chaos will allow Taishan to move.

The way to move is very simple, just like Penglai Immortal Island and Abbot Immortal Island, as long as it is refined by someone, that is, it recognizes the master.

Because this means that Taishan belongs to private property and consumes the source or luck. Then he was able to break the blockade of Chaos Will and move successfully.

Once the recognition of the master is successful, even Taishan's will will fall into the control of others. Because of this, it is impossible for ordinary monks to gain the trust of Taishan's will.

When everything was ready, Sun Bing's mind moved, and the luck of the human race was rolling, and at this moment, the will of Mount Tai also began to cooperate.

This vast and majestic Mount Tai finally began to move.

For all this, the cultivators of the entire Mount Tai were completely unaware, and only the soldiers on duty on the Starry Sky Great Wall looked at the incredible scene in front of them with shock. New

At the same time, feeling the slow movement speed of Mount Tai, Sun Bing frowned:

"This won't work. Although it is much faster than moving Hongmeng, it is still too slow. It's better to travel through time and space."

While speaking, he directly connected the Kunlun Mirror, and the obscure power started to work, and Mount Tai seemed to have some inexplicable changes.

It's a pity that Mount Tai is too majestic and vast. Even if the Kunlun Mirror is running at full power, it can't move such a huge thing.

Fortunately, at this moment, a pearl descended from the air, and at the same time, a familiar voice sounded:

"My husband, I am here to help you."

As the words fell, the power of the Chaos Pearl exploded, and the terrifying power finally twisted the space.

Seeing this, Sun Bing's pupils flashed with joy, and then without any hesitation, with the cooperation of Taishan's will, he directly drilled into the space crack.

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