Sword Emperor

Chapter 5829 Everyone is happy

However, after hearing this, Chi You's face showed obvious astonishment.

Because before this, he never thought that he could obtain this treasure.

After a brief period of shock, Chi You finally came to his senses and spoke hurriedly:

"Brother Sun Bing, you must not do it. I can't have this Wuji bag."

Many monks who had already begun to envy Chi You had their faces filled with disbelief after hearing this.

If it were an innate spiritual treasure, it would be fine if the treasure was rejected, but this is the rumored chaos spiritual treasure.

I never thought that with such a treasure so close to my eyes, someone would actually refuse it.

For a time, countless monks looked at Chi You with a touch of respect.

Even the Chaos Spiritual Treasure cannot shake the Taoist heart. This alone can allow Chi You to reach the highest level step by step.

Sun Bing on the other side frowned slightly and said in confusion:

"Why don't you want it? This treasure can greatly improve your cultivation strength. It would be a pity to give up right now."

Not only Sun Bing, but also Hou Yi, Chi Qiu and other monks from the Jiuli clan had doubts in their pupils.

There were even some Jiuli monks with a bad temper who wanted to step forward and force Chi You to accept this treasure.

Just considering that he was not strong enough to defeat Chi You, he could only suppress his thoughts.

Facing those questioning eyes, Chi You looked very magnanimous and spoke without hesitation:

"I believe you all should know that I am known as the master of weapons in Buzhou Mountain, and I am best at many weapons.

If this infinite bag is a weapon, I absolutely cannot refuse it, but it is just a bag. "

At the end of the sentence, a look of helplessness appeared on his face.

Obviously, giving up the Wuji Bag was not as easy as he imagined.

After hearing this explanation, Sun Bing nodded slowly, but still a little unwilling to give up:

"It doesn't matter if you're not good at it, this is a trump card after all."

"Brother, no need to say anything more."

At this moment, Chi You waved his hand again, very bold and free:

"I already have three innate treasures in my hands, and all of them are weapons. I have been quite familiar with them for countless years.

A sudden change in style is inconsistent with my personality, and may even cause more harm than gain. "

Faced with such rejections, Sun Bing could only sigh:

"That's all, that's all. If that's the case, then I won't give you this Wuji bag."

After hearing this, the monk who had already despaired before, his pupils once again bloomed brightly.

But the next moment, Sun Bing's voice continued to sound:

"Since Brother Chi You doesn't want it, then it's better to give this treasure to Brother Feilian!"

After a brief silence, Chi You was the first to speak, and his hearty voice spread in all directions:

"Hahaha, yes, Fei Lian is very suitable for this weapon. Back then, he even forged a magic weapon, the wind bag.

Now this Wuji bag complements it, which is really good. "

At this moment, Fei Lian finally recovered from the shock.

As the third-ranked person in the Jiuli clan, his achievements need no introduction and he is definitely qualified to receive this treasure.

For a moment, Fei Lian was so excited that he was speechless.

Even Master Jiuli showed a hint of gratitude in his pupils.

Indeed, Sun Bing was very kind to their entire clan.

But if you ask for it ignorantly, a great favor will eventually turn into a great enemy. What's more, over the years, the Jiuli clan has also been very kind to Taishan.

Fortunately, Sun Bing has not forgotten this, and the infinite bag is enough to repay the kindness he once had.

At this moment, many powerful men of the Jiuli clan had a greater sense of belonging to Mount Tai.

At this moment, all the treasures have been distributed, and the restless void has gradually returned to calm.

Immediately, Sun Bing respectfully offered sacrifices to heaven again. After completing all the etiquette, he turned around and spoke to everyone:

"Although the war is over now, our crisis has not completely dissipated, and there are still demonic lands watching.

Moreover, the Chaos Heaven, the Suan Heaven, and even the Hongmeng Heaven are also a serious concern for us.

In addition, there is the Nirvana Dao Lotus, which was not seen when the Hongmeng was shattered this time.

So in the coming time, I hope all fellow Taoists will not take it lightly. "

Everyone who was originally excited about getting the treasure, after hearing this, their faces were full of solemnity again, and then they bowed in unison:

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty (the leader of the alliance), we will definitely be ready."

After finishing speaking, many monks who were originally gathered in the same place immediately dispersed.

The person who had received the reward before did not hesitate at all and immediately rushed towards his residence.

After all, the innate treasure and the chaotic spiritual treasure are not extraordinary objects. If you want to perfectly exert the power of such treasures, you must refine and refine them.

Even the longer the refining time, the more powerful the power that can finally be exploded.

Nowadays, a shocking war may break out at any time. Before the battle, they must maximize their strength.

No matter how excited they were, Overlord and Jade Emperor did not return to their destiny. Instead, they galloped towards the Great Wall of Starry Sky.

You can vaguely hear the loud voice resounding throughout the world:

"Fellow Taoists, please feel free to retreat. The two of us will always pay attention to the trends in the outside world."

In a short moment, Sun Bing was the only one left in the void that was still full of people.

However, it was very strange that the will of Mount Tai, which had just disappeared in the void, came again.

At this moment, his eyes looking at Sun Bing were full of kindness, as if he knew that the other party had not gained anything just now, and a burst of obscure Tao sound came immediately.

At this moment, Sun Bing felt as if he had merged with the entire Mount Tai, and the entire scene of Mount Tai appeared in his mind.

Endless perceptions burst out one after another, and the whole person's perception of various great ways was improved.

After absorbing and digesting the Xuanhuang Wuji Stone, he only had one thousand holy ways transformed to the extreme.

But now, in just a short moment, steps appeared in the space in his body.

Even if it was just a casual glance, Sun Bing also keenly discovered that there were at least a hundred steps.

This means that in a short period of time, his cultivation perception has increased by more than 10%.

It doesn't seem to be a big deal, but it is already a very terrifying transformation.

After all, when one has cultivated to this level, what matters is not the breathing, but the level of understanding of the Dao.

Breathing can be improved through various natural treasures, but the understanding of the Dao depends entirely on oneself.

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