Sword Emperor

Chapter 5849 Qian Qiuxue's confidence

dlIt turned out that with the help of the Curtain of Destiny, Motu had arrived at Mount Tai in only half a year.

But because of the great battle of the Taichu Extermination Potential, Motu was very cautious in the following time, which also caused the movement speed to be more than a bit slower.

The other party even seemed to be aware of Taishan's prying eyes, and they didn't know what kind of methods they used. Even the Starry Sky Great Wall was unable to detect the whereabouts of Demon Earth.

Faced with this situation, Sun Bing and even the Great God Jiuli and others stood almost all the time on the Great Wall of Starry Sky, constantly searching for the location of the demonic soil army.

Time gradually passed like this. Looking at the still vast chaos, Chi You, who had the most grumpy temper, spoke first:

"Is it possible that the demon soil is already afraid of us and is ready to give up?"

Hearing this, Sun Bing shook his head and subconsciously prepared to refute.

However, at this moment, the special mystery in his hand immediately sounded, and a panicked voice came out:

"Alliance leader, the army of demonic soil seems to be in my direction, and they will soon reach Mount Tai."

After hearing this, the expressions of many monks present changed with shock.

Sun Bing, in particular, did not dare to hesitate at all now, and the energy in his body poured out crazily.

Many monks in the Great Wall of Starry Sky immediately heard the dull sounds.

Just when they were extremely confused, they saw an obscure and twisted space gate appearing at one end of the Great Wall of Starry Sky.

Taking this opportunity, the Starry Sky Great Wall went straight into the space tunnel.

Despite the endless erosion of time and space, the Starry Sky Great Wall did not suffer any setbacks and moved forward very smoothly.

When everyone came to their senses, they came directly to a very strange place.

Standing on the Great Wall of Starry Sky and looking towards Chaos, one can suddenly see a familiar yet unfamiliar behemoth approaching rapidly.

That was the fateful curtain they encountered not long ago.

Now this Chaos Spiritual Treasure seems to have fully displayed all its power, forcibly communicating the power of the River of Destiny, and directly shrouding the army.

It is precisely because of this that even the Starry Sky Great Wall cannot detect any aura.

Among this army that was swallowing up the sun and the moon, Daohua stood out.

Although such a long time has passed, his whole body is still bright blood red, and the dark and terrifying avenue fills all directions, seeming to vent the anger in his heart.

When he crossed the layers of space and saw the figures of Sun Bing, Master Jiuli and others, all the anger in his heart completely exploded:

"Okay, okay, okay, we finally arrived at Mount Tai today. In this case, you will have to pay the price for your actions not long ago."

As the words fell, the energy in His body continued to surge, and the whole world resonated with it.


Earth-shaking loud noises spread in all directions, and the chaos even split open under countless shocked eyes.

Endless dimensional energy swept out, like the Milky Way upside down, and terrifying power spewed towards Mount Tai.

Under such a terrifying impact, the ordinary universe may fall apart in an instant.

Facing such a formation, not to mention the Great Emperor, even the Lord of the Era with a slightly weaker willpower, his pupils were full of fear.

In this regard, Sun Bing's face was calm. There was no need to deliberately activate the energy in his body, but the Starry Sky Great Wall suddenly surged hundreds of millions of times.

Immediately afterwards, in the eyes of countless horrified eyes, the towering Great Wall of Starry Sky turned into a dam, blocking the surging torrent.

Wherever the torrent passed, space was distorted, time was turbulent, many mottled ancient stars, and even the traps laid by many monks were forcibly bulldozed.

This is the power of Daohua. As long as he can communicate with the will of chaos, he cannot be said to be invincible, but he can sweep everything.

Throughout the ages, in the endless years, every time Motu took action, Daohua just watched the battle and never actually took action.

This was the first time He took action, and it was also the first time He was so angry.

However, what is beyond ordinary people's expectations is that even such a powerful force seems to have encountered a nemesis after colliding with the Great Wall of Starry Sky.

Even though the torrent stirred up world-shattering waves, and the dimensional energy even forcibly annihilated time and space, the Great Wall of Starry Sky still stood in place.

After a brief period of shock, even many monks who were originally fearful came to their senses.

Looking at the scene in front of her, Qian Qiuxue came to her senses first and even couldn't help laughing:

"Is this the strength of the No. 1 man in Demonic Land? Although it seems that he is powerful, in fact, it is louder than thunder.

With such strength alone, who gave you the courage to challenge Master? "

A simple sentence, but it fell heavily on Daohua's face like a silent slap.

Because the person speaking at this moment was not Sun Bing, nor the top experts who had taken action not long ago, but Qian Qiuxue.

The other party can only be regarded as Sun Bing's disciple, but now he dares to mock him. This is no longer as simple as provocation, but a complete humiliation.

After the previous attack, the anger in Daohua's heart had subsided a lot.

But after hearing these words, I felt endless flames rising into the sky, and the state of mind accumulated over endless years seemed to be broken.

Finally, Daohua couldn't help but snorted:

"Then I also want to know, who gave you the courage to dare to challenge me?

Do you think that the Lord of the Era can be so unscrupulous? "

While speaking, his eyes fell directly on Sun Bing. He could not see any movement from him, but the chaos in the dark had brought down its power.

Suddenly, Qian Qiuxue could only feel endless pressure coming from all directions.

It was as if the entire Mount Tai and even the chaos were pressing on him.

Under this pressure, Qian Qiuxue felt as if he was suffocating, and his eyes were about to go black.

Just when his bones were about to break, a gentle energy suddenly enveloped him.

Then, a familiar voice resounded through the world:

"I gave him the courage. I said he could be unscrupulous.

On the contrary, as a creature born in the chaos, you still bully a junior like this. It is really a joke."

As the words fell, the previous terrifying pressure completely disappeared.

Looking up, Qian Qiuxue could only see the Chaos Green Lotus just floating above his head, blocking all erosion.

At the same time, the Great God Jiuli couldn't help but smile heartily, and the cold light on the Axe of Creation was sharp:

"Since you are my brother's apprentice, then I am also his confidence."

"And I!"

"So am I!"


The voices kept ringing one after another, and every time someone spoke, Daohua's face became more and more ugly.

With the support of these strong men, Qianqiuxue's heart was filled with great ambition, and his sharp eyes looked directly at Daohua:

"Even if you are an innate creature, what can you do? Since you dare to attack my Taishan, be prepared to stay!"

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