Sword Emperor

Chapter 5870 Brocade and Boundary Stone

After handing all the information about the Dragon Court to Sun Bing, the Jade Emperor did not waste any time and found a reason to leave directly.

As for Sun Bing, he sat slowly on the dragon throne.

The seal of the emperor in his hand shone brightly, and it seemed that countless prayers could be heard vaguely:

"Please bless my son to break through successfully."

"Your Majesty, I have decided to join the army, and I hope to flatten the demon land under your leadership."

"This time I killed three demon cultivators and gained a lot of military merits. I hope that under your leadership, I will get better and better."


Although he did not give any response from beginning to end, the luck of the human race was like a raging fire.

When the luck dragon wanders, it will pass the corresponding luck to each cultivator of the human race.

Many cultivators will achieve their dreams and continue to rise.

It can be said that the stronger the luck of the human race, the more opportunities the cultivators of the human race will get, and the lower the difficulty of breaking through.

With the breakthrough of those cultivators, the luck of the human race will also improve, forming a positive cycle as a whole.

This also led to the human race's destiny becoming more and more magnificent.

Many thoughts flashed through his mind, and soon Sun Bing came back to his senses, and his mind went directly to explore the complete avenue.

The next moment, a violent information immediately came, and everything about Yunchao and even Longting was clearly presented in his mind.

Although Sun Bing was once a dragon master, he rarely used the means of the dragon master to defend against the enemy, and he only had a partial understanding of these means.

After digesting this information, he immediately had a new understanding, and at the same time mastered a lot of skills as a dragon master.

In fact, these are only secondary to him. What really excited Sun Bing is the information of Longting.

However, after a careful understanding, his brows immediately frowned.

Opening up a Yunchao seems to have very harsh conditions, but it is actually very simple.

As long as you have the cultivation of the great emperor realm, and all living beings can believe in you, and with a treasure that suppresses destiny, you can worship the avenue and open up a Yunchao.

As for the sacrifices, they can be found with a little effort, which is not a big deal.

But it is not so easy to make the whole country ascend to the Dragon Court.

The necessary premise is that everyone is like a dragon, that is to say, all the subjects in the entire Yun Dynasty are not ordinary people.

After many transformations, coupled with the deliberate care of Mount Tai.

Today, even if the human children are just born, they have the realm of transcendence. They only need to practice a little, and the realm of life and death is within reach.

And under the favor of Mount Tai, there is almost no situation in the human race that does not have the qualifications for cultivation.

As long as you work hard, you can become a saint, which was something that countless creatures did not dare to imagine in the past.

From this, it can be seen that the human race has achieved everyone being like a dragon.

In addition, there is enough human luck.

This level alone has trapped countless dragon masters, even the overlord and the Jade Emperor, who are so powerful, have been blocked at this pass.

Because the human luck can only flourish, and finally explode like a raging fire, and the Yun Dynasty will also flourish.

But once there is any obstacle, the original momentum will be forcibly cut off.

It is almost impossible to gather boundless luck again.

Even the Dao in the dark has cut off the way forward.

Longting does not need waste. Once the development is interrupted, there is no possibility of moving forward.

No matter how far it develops in the future, it can only stop at the limit of Yunchao in the end.

On the contrary, the human race, even before the opening of Yunchao, suffered countless crises and could be destroyed at any time.

But in the end, it still succeeded in persevering, so the luck of the human race is getting more and more prosperous.

All of these are the results of the joint efforts of Sun Bing and even all human cultivators.

And after the luck reaches the extreme, you can prepare to be promoted to Longting.

The real difficulty also comes with it. First of all, the blood of all living beings is needed to sacrifice to the Dao in the dark.

The so-called blood of all living beings is to extract a drop of blood from every living being in the entire Yunchao.

This can only be regarded as a bit troublesome at most, and it can still succeed after spending a certain amount of time.

The second is the Dragon Seal. Ordinary acquired creations cannot withstand the power of the Dragon Court.

It must be a treasure nurtured by heaven and earth, at least an innate treasure.

Fortunately, Buzhou Mountain condensed the Buzhou Seal before it was destroyed, otherwise, if you want to be promoted to the Dragon Court, you need to snatch back Yuntian's Kongtong Seal.

All the conditions mentioned so far are what Sun Bing has mastered, so there is no need to pay too much attention to it.

What really makes him headache is the next requirement. The third one is to use the brocade woven by the Great Dao to make the imperial edict.

Even though Sun Bing is now knowledgeable, he has never heard of the brocade woven by the Great Dao.

This is just the beginning, and a boundary stone is needed in the end.

Because even the will of chaos does not allow the appearance of the Dragon Court, if you want to successfully promote, you must use the boundary stone to isolate Taishan from the chaos.

And after the promotion, you must suppress the four directions with the power of the Dragon Court in the shortest time and forcibly cut off all connections with the chaos.

Only in this way can Yunchao successfully promote to the Dragon Court.

After understanding all the requirements, even Sun Bing couldn't help but take a breath.

It's no exaggeration to say that except for the first requirement which is a little simple, every Dragon Lord can complete it.

Each of the following conditions is very difficult, even more difficult than the last.

Except for Sun Bing, any other dragon master can only feel despair when facing such conditions.

Even Sun Bing frowned now, and murmured softly:

"The other conditions can be prepared in a short time, but where should I find the brocade woven with the avenue and the boundary stone?"

Just when he had no idea, the voice of the Jade Emperor suddenly sounded directly from his remaining avenue:

"Although I know that it is impossible for me to be promoted to the Dragon Court, I have never given up looking for the treasures in it for so many years.

You have prepared the rest of the things, so I won't say much.

As for the brocade woven with the avenue, there are some clues.

It is said that this is woven with a shuttle. As for the rest of the information, I don't know."


When he heard this word suddenly, Sun Bing's face was obviously surprised.

But soon he seemed to think of something, and with a thought, the Chaos Cauldron appeared in front of him.

When he opened the Divine Weapon Book, he suddenly saw the shuttle on it.

This shuttle was a Chaos Spirit Treasure.

Could it be that just by using this treasure, he could weave the brocade needed to advance to the Yun Dynasty?

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