Sword Emperor

Chapter 5907: Enjoying the People

Sun Bing, who was already very excited, smiled even brighter after hearing this.

Not only him, but also Sun Yanran and Hua Qiyue beside him showed satisfied smiles.

They didn't care about the wealth that might be contained in it. If they really calculated it according to wealth, they could be said to be rich enough to rival a country.

And this country is similar to the Jade Emperor and Overlord.

What really excited them was that Yaotian's output meant that Taishan was getting stronger and stronger, and they didn't need to worry about their own safety or even the safety of the tribe.

Safety was the most important thing for them.

After a short hearty laugh, Sun Bing immediately looked at the Earth Spirit Ancient Ginseng:

"Today's harvest in Mount Tai is so abundant that I can't just know about it. I have to share the joy with the people.

Pass on my order. From today on, the granary will be opened. Anyone from Mount Tai, regardless of gender, age, or level of cultivation, can go to the granary to receive a month's ration.

One thing that needs to be paid special attention to is that there can be no deductions from the allies."

Having said this, he looked at the other party deeply again, and said thoughtfully:

"You must know that the law is long and wide, and nothing can escape it."

This simple sentence immediately made the back of the Earth Spirit Ancient Ginseng full of chills.

But then he remembered that he had always been clean, and the hanging heart was barely put down.

But even so, he did not dare to hesitate, and bowed respectfully:

"I will obey the emperor's order, and I will never make any mistakes."

After speaking, he immediately turned around and left.

In Mount Tai, Sun Bing's words can decide the life and death of billions of creatures, even the alternation of the sun and the moon is just a matter of thought.

As for the distribution of purple jade dragon rice, with his order, countless cultivators took action.

Although the area of ​​Mount Tai is extremely vast, almost every creature has a secret in his hand.

This also led to the speed of information leakage being several times faster than expected.

In just three days, the news of the distribution of purple jade dragon rice has spread throughout Mount Tai.

For a time, countless creatures were full of excitement on their faces, and countless cultivators even knelt down and kowtowed:

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for the reward. I am grateful."

"It really deserves to be an ally who shares weal and woe. The Emperor of Man is really generous."

"Brother Sun Bing has not forgotten our Jiuli clan."


The words of gratitude spread all over the vast Mount Tai.

After all, as creatures who have eaten purple jade dragon rice, they naturally know the value of purple jade dragon rice in a month.

This is basically equivalent to giving a holy medicine to every living being in Mount Tai.

For the Heavenly Venerable or even the Emperor Realm, a holy medicine may not be a big deal.

But in the eyes of ordinary cultivators, it is already very precious.

Because there are many strong people in Mount Tai, but the majority are still ordinary people.

Their situation may be much better than that of the scattered people in the chaos, but their lives are still quite tight.

Although the weeds that can be seen everywhere in Mount Tai are holy medicines, this only symbolizes that their grade has reached the level of holy medicines, and they are still grass in essence.

There is no problem eating things like five-colored cattle and eight-treasure sheep, but cultivators can't get energy from them at all.

If they are not proficient in alchemy and refining skills, they can only buy purple jade dragon rice to practice in addition to going to the Heaven of All Living Beings to look for opportunities.

So purple jade dragon rice can almost be said to be the most basic life guarantee for countless creatures in Mount Tai.

As long as you pay a little spirit currency issued by the alliance, you can buy such a treasure, which is very safe and there will be no accidents at all.

From this, we can see how much the purple jade dragon rice of this month means to ordinary creatures.

Endless gratitude burst out in his heart, and even countless creatures specially made statues for him.

Sun Bing, who was in the Human Emperor Palace, could feel the faith coming from all over Mount Tai.

If there were a strong man who was proficient in faith, he could even use the faith power at this moment to become a strong man at the level of the Lord of the Era.

From this, we can see how powerful the faith power is at this moment.

Although this thing is useless to Sun Bing, it is at least a kind of energy that remains in the world, which is very special.

So after thinking for a while, he moved his mind and directly infused it all into Taixutian.

Although this Taixu Illusionary Realm is based on the illusion flower and assisted by the power of Mount Tai, it is open to all living beings in Mount Tai.

There are so many proud sons of heaven born in it. No matter how good the illusion is, there will be a day when it will be seen through.

But after today, such accidents will never happen.

Those faith powers are the emotions of living beings. Once they are integrated into Taixutian, they will make the Taixutian, which was once somewhat illusory, more real.

Originally, when entering Taixutian, although the environment there is no difference from reality, there is still a sense of unfamiliarity in the heart.

Ordinary cultivators may not notice it, but the higher the cultivation level, the more they can understand the difference.

However, with the continuous influx of faith power, Taixu Illusion even has a sign of turning from virtual to real.

The emperor realm cultivator who is in Taixu Illusion at this moment is keenly aware of the abnormality, and even falls into the state of enlightenment.

In just a short moment, no less than ten people's cultivation has been broken through.

Sun Bing, who was sitting on the dragon chair, nodded with satisfaction after seeing this scene.

The breakthrough of dozens of people may not be a big deal for Mount Tai, but Mount Tai is so vast, three or five people here, three or five people there.

In the end, the number of cultivators who successfully break through in the entire Mount Tai will reach millions or even tens of millions, which is the foundation of Mount Tai.

However, after taking a few casual glances at Taixutian, Sun Bing once again focused his eyes on the common people.

Although he had deliberately emphasized it before, Mount Tai is too big, and people's hearts are too complicated.

Not everyone is a saint. Faced with so much purple jade dragon rice, there are still cultivators who are greedy and secretly embezzle.

Sun Bing hates such termites. There is no need to judge them at all. As soon as he thinks about it, the law net has already appeared.

No matter what the other party has done, when the law net appears, the other party's behavior will be presented to all living beings.

Then, under the anger of the people, the law net began to judge the corresponding creatures.

The whole process is quite simple, and those greedy creatures have already been placed in the red lotus karma fire.

Such a situation naturally served as a warning to all living beings, and the original corruption was also cleared up.

Seeing this, Sun Bing nodded with satisfaction.

Then he exhaled a long breath, and his eyes immediately became sharp.

With a thought, the Human Emperor Bell originally hanging at the gate of the Human Emperor Palace immediately made a low and heavy sound.

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