Sword Emperor

Chapter 6001: Common Leader of All Races

Many thoughts flashed through his mind, and then Suantian stood up decisively:

"Don't worry, fellow demons. Although the Starry Sky Great Wall has already covered the entire Mount Tai, with your strength, you should be able to sense the difference, right?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present immediately regained their composure, and their brows slightly frowned.

Although the difference between them was very small, they soon discovered that the original quarter of the Starry Sky Great Wall was covered with various formations.

On the contrary, the recently rushed Starry Sky Great Wall only had a few formations.

For them, this was a flaw.

Immediately, Daohua stood up and said solemnly:

"We have been here for such a long time, but we still haven't seen the figure of the Human Emperor or any other strong man.

I guess they should be preparing their last trump card at this moment, and they have no time to pay attention to us. If so, we must destroy their plans even more."

Thinking of this, the energy in his body circulated, and he took the lead without hesitation.

Thousands of great ways converged, and in a seemingly simple attack, there was a terrifying force far beyond imagination.

The aftermath of this could easily destroy the worlds one by one, and even the entire universe would collapse. Only chaos could bear such a great force.

Before such power came, the soldiers on the Starry Sky Great Wall had already sensed the crisis and immediately injected the energy in their bodies into it.

The next moment, the surface of the majestic Starry Sky Great Wall immediately bloomed with a faint fluorescence, and a layer of barrier was immediately born, directly wrapping the entire Mount Tai.

When the attack of Daohua came, the earth-shaking sound resounded through the world, countless Dao rhymes disappeared, and time and space turned into nothingness.

But the barrier constructed by the Starry Sky Great Wall only rippled a little, and then it returned to calm.

Such a scene not only did not frighten everyone, but the flower even spoke directly with excitement:

"My fellow demons, I believe you have also seen that this Starry Sky Great Wall is not invincible. As long as we work together, we can completely break it."

While speaking, Suantian also took action. The time dial suddenly appeared, and a huge phantom immediately appeared in the vast world.

Under the traction of this treasure, the phantom of the long river of time descended and roared towards the Starry Sky Great Wall.

Not only Suantian, but also Chaostian also activated the Jade Disc of Creation, and Hongmengtian immediately operated the Tai Chi Diagram of Yuntian.

The power of the three chaos-level treasures joining forces is completely beyond imagination.

It is no exaggeration to say that destroying the world and even the universe is a very simple matter.

The Starry Sky Great Wall, which is guarded by many soldiers, cannot withstand such a terrifying attack at all. Under these continuous attacks, the transparent barrier has obviously shaken.

This is the best compliment for Daohua and many other cultivators.

At this time, their faces were flushed, and they were obviously extremely excited.

After all, as long as they could break the defense of the Starry Sky Great Wall and enter Mount Tai, they could treat the enemy in their own way.

And they have almost countless resources. Just thinking of such a scene, everyone present was quite excited.

Sun Bing was naturally aware of the situation outside, but at this moment he had no time to pay attention to Daohua and others.

After taking a cold look at Daohua and many heavenly ways who were like crazy, Sun Bing once again set his eyes on the Tao platform.

There was no need to communicate at all. The Jade Emperor also knew the current severe situation. The promotion to the Dragon Court was their biggest trump card. Now that it has been discovered, they naturally have to race against time.

After taking a deep breath, he saw his big hand suddenly swung out, and immediately took out the Buzhou Seal and Taisu Wuji Brocade that Sun Bing had already given him, and placed them directly on the Tao platform.

And this was just the beginning. Afterwards, the Jade Emperor once again took out the blood of all living beings from all major dynasties and ethnic groups, and sprinkled it on the Buzhou Seal and Taisu Wuji Brocade.

At this moment, the world was in turmoil. All the creatures of Mount Tai, even if they were now guarding the Great Wall of Starry Sky, could feel an instinctive call.

And in their minds, the scene of the Taoist platform emerged at the same time.

"What is this?"

Suddenly, the hearts of countless living beings were full of doubts.

But at this moment, Sun Bing stood up directly and directly manifested his true body of the emperor.

The dragon of luck wandered around him, and even the endless luck turned into a crown and fell on his head.

Today, Sun Bing is not only mighty and domineering, but also full of the demeanor of a king.

Under the gaze of countless creatures on Mount Tai, he finally spoke slowly:

"I rose from obscurity, led the human race to fight against heaven and earth, fought against the Heavenly Dao to survive the great destruction, swept across all races and finally opened up the Yun Dynasty.

Then I united all living beings to fight against Hongmeng together. I dare not say that my merits are immeasurable, but it is enough to be considered as fulfilling my duties.

Now I use the Buzhou Seal as the seal and the Taisu Wuji Brocade as the decree to ascend to the Dragon Court. I hope the Great Dao will judge it."

As the words fell, the blood of all living beings on the Tao platform was immediately forcibly burned, and the Dao in the dark gathered crazily and continued to flow towards the Buzhou Seal and Taisu Wuji Brocade.

This is a very critical link in the promotion to the Dragon Court, because the Dragon Court needs to blend with the Dao.

And the foundation of the Dragon Court is the Jade Seal and the Imperial Edict, so these two treasures naturally need to bear the tempering and flushing of the Dao.

If its quality is too low, it is very likely to break in the end because it cannot withstand the Dao.

In this way, the so-called promotion will naturally fail. Although there is no backlash, it is equivalent to the endless years of hard work going to waste.

Sun Bing does not need to worry about the possibility of failure. Let alone the Buzhou Seal. The prototype is the main peak of Buzhou Mountain. It is a Chaos Treasure and there is no need to worry about being destroyed.

As for the Taisu Wuji Brocade, it is also the ultimate that the acquired creatures can do. It is ingenious and can completely match the Chaos Spirit Treasures nurtured by heaven and earth.

Under the scouring of the endless avenue, the originally azure Buzhou Seal gradually took on a trace of golden light, and it was also filled with a touch of dignity and a terrifying aura that no one dared to invade.

This is just the beginning. The blood of sentient beings belonging to other ethnic groups also showed their power.

Although the Buzhou Seal was once called a seal, it looked more like a miniature mountaintop. It was very desolate and only pale yellow rocks could be seen.

But now it is completely different. The Buzhou Seal seems to have a new vitality.

Many vague shadows immediately appeared on the bare mountain.

The first one to come into view was the Jiuli tribe, followed by the white tiger, unicorn, black tortoise and many other shadows.

And as time goes by, more and more tribes appear.

With each additional shadow, the aura of the Buzhou Seal becomes more and more powerful.

The creatures facing it were very surprised to find that they seemed to have some inexplicable connection with the Buzhou Seal.

Because this is the first time to be promoted to the Dragon Court, neither Sun Bing nor the Jiuli God knew anything about these situations.

In addition, this is the transformation of the Buzhou Seal itself. No matter how anxious outsiders are, they can only wait quietly.

After a while, all the races in the entire Taishan appeared on the Buzhou Seal.

At this moment, everyone present looked at the big seal, and a faint fear emerged in their hearts, as if they were about to surrender to it.

Just when everyone was extremely surprised, the Dragon of Luck behind Sun Bing suddenly let out a roar that resounded through the sky.

Then, in full view of everyone, it flew directly towards the Buzhou Seal.

Under everyone's attention, the Buzhou Seal, which was originally dim, immediately burst into a brilliant golden light.

When the world returned to peace, who could see that the Dragon of Luck appeared on the top of the mountain, handsome and powerful, above all the races.

At the same time, every creature in Mount Tai knew that this was the Emperor's Seal.

From then on, as long as we are creatures in Mount Tai, no matter how powerful our cultivation is, we will submit to this Emperor's Seal.

As long as the Emperor's Seal falls, no matter how powerful your cultivation is or how many means you have, you will be easily suppressed.

If Sun Bing was only the leader of the alliance before, he is now the well-deserved leader of all races.

Feeling the information in their minds, some creatures were excited and even knelt down and kowtowed.

But there were also many people with ugly faces. Although they were grateful for Sun Bing's life-saving grace, they also had their own ambitions.

Joining the alliance was already the limit. Could it be that their dragon masters would also be subservient to others?

But what made people despair was that since the blood of all living beings was handed over, everything was doomed.

Even though they were unwilling at this moment, they could only salute Sun Bing with a smile on their faces:

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, now the Emperor's Seal has successfully transformed."

However, there was not much joy on Sun Bing's face, and his eyes looked directly at Taisu Wujijin.

Under the impact of the most essential Tao, it also bloomed with a faint fluorescence, and a sense of pressure could be vaguely felt.

And this was just the beginning, because the next moment, all the tribes in the entire Taishan and even the luck of the Yun Dynasty were stirred up at the same time.

Then, accompanied by a dragon roar that resounded through the sky, a dragon immediately appeared on the surface of Taisu Wujijin, and it was located in the middle.

Many Dao rhymes gathered around, and images of various mythical beasts such as white tigers and unicorns emerged one after another.

In a short moment, the back of the Taisu Wujijin, which was just like a blank piece of paper, suddenly appeared with the pattern of the myriad races in Mount Tai.

Each pattern carries the luck of the corresponding race.

Finally, the avenue symbolizing the kingly way and the hegemonic way was completely manifested, turning into two pillars and perfectly integrated with the Taisu Wujijin.

So far, the imperial edict has successfully transformed.

It is no exaggeration to say that this imperial edict alone can command all races.

Seeing this scene with their own eyes, everyone present was shocked.

As for the Jade Emperor, he felt like crying with joy. After countless years, he finally saw the way forward.

Now he was so ecstatic that he didn't even know what to say.

But even so, he still forced himself to suppress the excitement in his heart.

Because the test is not over now, and what is going to happen next is the most critical transformation of the entire Yun Dynasty.

At this moment, no matter how anxious the outsiders were, it was useless, even Sun Bing had no way to help.

Because this was not only a test for him as the emperor, but also a test for all the creatures in the entire Yun Dynasty.

The great power from a higher dimension descended instantly, and Sun Bing felt as if he was experiencing the five decays of the celestial beings, and his endless lifespan was taken away in an instant.

And his immortal golden body also withered in an instant, his blood and qi withered, and he looked like skin and bones.

Such a situation attracted everyone's attention in an instant, and the pupils of people like Qian Qiuxue and Jiuli God were full of concern:

"Brother (Master), you..."

Before they finished speaking, they could see Sun Bing slowly waving his hand, and at the same time a hoarse voice sounded:

"I am fine, the reason why I became like this is because I added the test of some people to myself."

After speaking, he immediately looked at the Overlord:

"Daoyou, please return the Nuwa Stone to me temporarily."

The moment he heard this, the Overlord directly sent the Nuwa Stone to Sun Bing.

When this treasure entered the body, endless vitality immediately emerged, and Sun Bing, who had just looked withered, quickly recovered to normal.

Although his face was still a little pale compared to the normal state, at least he was out of danger.

Then, he could be heard to speak slowly:

"To be promoted to the Dragon Court, everyone needs to be like Yunchao, so this test is aimed at the endless creatures of the entire Mount Tai.

Although the human race, the Jiuli tribe, or the divine beasts, there is no need to worry at all.

But Mount Tai is really too big, and they are all my people, and there are still many people who cannot withstand such a test.

So I blocked everything on myself. Otherwise, how could such a test cause harm to me?"

Hearing this, everyone present nodded slowly, and a look of "so that's it" appeared in their pupils, and at the same time, their pupils looking at Sun Bing were full of amazement.

Through these few words, it is enough to see how powerful it is. This kind of strength is really incredible.

Just when they were thinking about thousands of things in their minds, the test that came from the dark finally appeared.

For a time, from the Lord of the Era to the newly born children, they all felt a deep and unforgettable pain in their bodies.

Sun Bing had already resisted the test of those cultivators whose cultivation strength and even character were not good enough, and the rest could only rely on themselves.

At this moment, countless cultivators in the vast Taishan Mountain wailed in great pain.

Because of the unique environment of Taishan Mountain, some people may have good cultivation, but they have never experienced actual combat, which leads to an unstable foundation.

And their character is naturally very bad. It would be fine if they had stayed in Taishan Mountain all the time, but after experiencing the pain, their shortcomings were exposed.

Suddenly, countless creatures had hideous faces and wished they could end their lives.

Because they simply could not bear the pain.

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