Sword Emperor

Chapter 701: Conspiracy

Although he didn't know what level Lei Jun was because the gap was too big, Sun Bing could feel the profoundness of it when the other party just opened his mouth, and explained from simple to deep how to practice.

The rest of the people may not pay much attention to the initial explanation. After all, each of them basically has an extraordinary status. Even a slightly weaker monk has a huge sect behind him. At least these have been taught by countless predecessors. .

But Sun Bing is completely different. Basically, only Mr. Zhou gave him some explanations along the way. But at that time, he was only in the realm of reincarnation, and the experience he knew naturally had many flaws. At this moment, More complete.

So from the beginning to the end, Sun Bing was immersed in the principles of heaven and earth explained by the other party. At this moment, the true energy in Sun Bing's body also began to slowly circulate. There was no need to control it at all, and he involuntarily began to absorb the surroundings. The world is full of spiritual energy.

Even in this state, his cultivation is several times faster than normal. Moreover, the whole person is extremely familiar with the Taoism in the world, and the whole person is as if he is in a daze. Initiation is average.

What surprised Sun Bing the most was the futon under his seat, which not only could gather the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, but also because of the clarity in his mind, he absorbed more of that kind of avenue and was intoxicated by it.

As time goes by, even if the rest of the people have extraordinary wealth, they can still detect the mysterious Taoism and can't help but fall into a situation where they forget both things and themselves. Their strength slowly increases, and every sentence Words are like golden rules, which make people identify with them incomparably.

Although this is nothing fancy, the ground surges

Golden lotus and other strange phenomena, but in this square, mysterious inscriptions have also appeared, and energy symbols are all displayed and flashing, and the entire square is filled with a mysterious atmosphere.

I don't know how much time passed, but Sun Bing finally woke up slowly, and then he was able to realize that in such a short period of time, his own cultivation had even improved to a certain extent, especially his understanding of Taoism. The moves used must be even more powerful.

The whole person nodded secretly: "No wonder those monks are practicing so fast. I never expected that listening to Taoism would have such benefits. Not only has my strength improved, but my foundation has also become more solid. I just don't know what Luo Tian and the others have experienced. Several sermons.”

Realizing that everyone around him was awake, Lei Zhan nodded slowly. He was quite satisfied with the effect of this sermon. After all, most of the people who came here were geniuses, so they naturally understood extremely quickly.

However, he still slowly lowered his head and looked towards Sun Bing and others: "Since the three of you have a chance to get a futon, then each of you can ask a question, and I can help answer it."

After hearing the news, the entire square was in an uproar, and everyone was filled with shock. Some people even regretted it, as they had never expected such an opportunity.

You must know that no matter how weak Lei Zhan is in front of him, he will not be inferior to a monk in the life and death realm. For such a strong person to come and answer his doubts, this is equivalent to a pointer, which is extremely rare.

Similarly, Sun Bing and others were also very happy, especially Sun Bing who was secretly overjoyed. Because he had not heard the explanation of space in Taoism before, he was still a little disappointed. He did not expect that the mountains and rivers would be restored.

On the road, there is another village with dark willows and bright flowers.

The first two people also valued this opportunity very much, and immediately raised the confusion they had since practicing. It was quite profound, but Lei Zhan explained it clearly in a few words, which was very beneficial.

Finally, Lei Zhan slowly shifted his gaze to the last person. Immediately, Sun Bing took a deep breath and asked: "Elder Lei, I don't know how to explain the power of space? How to understand it?"

After hearing this question, the whole place fell silent for a moment. Even though some people thought it was too early to know such news at this moment, no one wanted to give up. After all, this was a powerful person giving guidance. If it can really be done If you understand the fluctuations of space, it will also be very beneficial to yourself.

Regarding Sun Bing's doubts, Lei Zhan seemed to have already expected it, with a kind look on his face: "I didn't expect that someone would ask such a mysterious question for the first time, although you may still not understand it. , but since ancient times, there have been people who have understood the secret of space in the Mortal Transformation Realm. I hope you can live up to your expectations."

After that, without even stopping at all, when Dang even stretched out his hand and waved it slightly, he could find that there was a small opening in the palm of his hand. The thought that appeared in front of everyone was nothingness, but also seemed to contain something. There are countless colors, like gas, like solid, like liquid, it seems very close but quite far away.

Then Lei Zhan slowly explained: "This is the power of space. It has been called the universe in the past and present, and the four directions up and down are called the universe. All spaces belong to the universe, but when we are weak, we cannot feel it. It’s just a change in space.

At this time, we are like fish in the sea unable to feel the water, and

If you accidentally jump out of the water, you will be able to see a different world and have a different perception.

For example, when we use the teleportation array, we can feel the fluctuations in the space at this time. At this moment, we can remember the Taoist text that appears in it, and then use our own mental power to connect, or use true energy to shatter the surrounding void. You can all feel the power of space, so you can do as you please. "

At the end, Lei Zhan obviously had no words, as if everything had been explained clearly. However, in Sun Bing's view, there were still some paradoxes in all this, which was quite confusing.

As for the monks around them, there is also a trace of confusion on their faces now. After all, it feels like they really didn't say anything, but they seem to know something. This feeling is quite uncomfortable.

Sun Bing is also very helpless about this, because Taoism is like this. If you understand it thoroughly, everything will fall into place. He is only in the late stage of transformation, and he still has some reluctance to understand the space.

Because the sermon was completely over, Sun Bing could not help but slowly leave and walk towards his cave, but he still thought about the words Lei Zhan said before in his mind, because there seemed to be a little bit of it. Opportunity, as long as you thoroughly understand it, you will definitely gain something.

After Sun Bing left, Wen Yang, who was provoking him, could be seen slowly coming to Luo Tian, ​​but this time his face was normal, even full of indifference, not as unruly as he had shown before. .

"Brother Tian, ​​that boy is quite calm. Even though I have angered him again and again, there is no reaction. It is impossible to expel him from the Heritage Academy. What should we plan next?"

Suddenly, Wen Yang slowly spoke.

For all Sun Bing's previous performances, Luo Tian saw them all, and now there was a smile on his face: "I naturally know that he can have such concentration. You must know that this is the first person in a hundred thousand years to pass If people who climb the ladder to heaven are so easily controlled by you, I would even have to doubt it.

I never expected that he would be so lucky and actually occupy the futon. However, this is our territory in Heritage Academy, so how could a native have the upper hand? "

"Yes, even if he is favored by the dean, he is not allowed to make principled mistakes. If he leaves the inheritance academy, he will be just a casual cultivator. By then, I want to see how he fights with us. "The other person couldn't help but speak.

"However, being able to walk now as a casual cultivator shows that this person is not only talented, but also has valuable skills. He even has a skill in the Sutra Pavilion. Through today's performance, if I didn't expect it, If not, it will be a precious space martial art, and everything will be in our hands when the time comes." Luo Tian continued.

Unknowingly, an invisible web has spread towards Sun Bing, but even now, Sun Bing has no understanding of anything that may happen soon.

After all, in Sun Bing's opinion, the Heritage Academy is almost absolutely safe. It is impossible for outsiders to directly go to Sun Bing's cave to attack, so there should be no other dirty things.

In the blink of an eye, Sun Bing had returned to his cave. When the little fat man Chen Yu saw Sun Bing coming back, he even couldn't help coming to say hello. Sun Bing didn't pay attention to this, and was still thinking more in his mind. It’s still about the definition of space.

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