Sword Emperor

Chapter 712 Ninety percent sword intent

Under Sun Bing's tug, the majestic sword intent in the Seven Stars Dragon Abyss rushed towards his mind in an instant. Basically, in an instant, he felt the cold and sharp edge. , Sun Bing even felt vaguely unable to bear it.

Severe pain surged freely in his mind. Even with Sun Bing's tenacious willpower, he almost felt like he was completely crushed by the sword intent in the Seven-Star Dragon Abyss.

Sun Bing has always had a fairly intuitive understanding of how terrifying this sword intention is. For such a long time, whenever he encounters a powerful enemy that is completely unable to stop him, the power of this sword intention will explode. It's enough to obliterate the other party.

But when you really feel it, you can realize the majesty in it, which has at least reached the level of perfection, and even faintly exceeded it. Under such huge pressure, ordinary swordsmen can't even He didn't even have the courage to show his sword power.

It's just that Sun Bing has a unique environment. After all, he is the master of Qixing Longyuan, so the sword intention is just pure oppression and will definitely not cause huge damage to him. However, Sun Bing was able to withstand that attack. There is tremendous pressure, because this moment is also the best time to temper your sword intent.

In an instant, 80% of the sword intention was manifested, but just after it appeared, facing such majestic pressure, there was a feeling of complete collapse. The originally clear shadow of the sword intention even began to blur.

However, under such tenacious persistence, a smile appeared on Sun Bing's face, because he could feel

I am gradually starting to become stronger. Although it is a bit slow, I can clearly detect the progress.

After realizing this small breakthrough, Sun Bing's heart was full of surprises. After all, since he realized 80% of his sword intention, even if such a long time has passed, although Sun Bing's sword intention has increased, it is not that big. I don’t know how much time it will take to reach 90% sword intent.

After all, the opportunity to increase sword intent is quite rare and requires an opportunity. It would take decades or even hundreds of years for other swordsmen to achieve Sun Bing's sword intent at this moment. Sun Bing was able to master it in such a short period of time. To this extent, it is extremely difficult.

However, Sun Bing will not be satisfied with this. After all, every opponent he faces now is quite powerful. Only if he becomes strong enough in the shortest time can he not be afraid of any other threats. Time will eventually come. Still too short-lived.

Gradually, the unbearable pain in the sea of ​​consciousness slowly disappeared, and the shadow of the sword intention presented by Sun Bing also became a little more solid, and the breath on his body relaxed at this moment. Slowly rise out.

In the cave at this moment, Chen Yu was obviously completely disturbed by Sun Bing's previous actions. He wanted to come over to investigate, but when he got in front of him, he could feel the most violent sword intent. , even stepping forward slightly, there was obvious pain in his skin, and his eyes were full of horror.

Even though Chen Yu had already known that Sun Bing was relatively powerful, he never expected that he would even

There was no way to break through the aura in front of him, but in an instant, his eyes were filled with strong fighting spirit. If he wanted to repay Sun Bing's kindness, he could only make himself stronger.

Sun Bing had no perception of anything in the outside world at all. At this moment, all his mind was already immersed in the sea of ​​consciousness, because the sword intention of the Seven-Star Longyuan was completely manifested in the sea of ​​consciousness. Even if he knew that this was It is a sword intention, but it looks lifelike, and there is no difference at all from a sharp sword.

Because through this kind of confrontation, Sun Bing's own sword intent is slowly improving. Although it is still quite small, there is no doubt that like a small grass, it has broken through many outer barriers and is gradually improving. Start publicizing.

One of the two parties tends to weaken, while the other is able to absorb enough nutrients through this. It seems that a whole year has passed, but it seems that it is only a short moment. Sun Bing's sword intention has been raised to its current peak. degree.

Sun Bing knew that this meant that he had reached the perfection level of 80% of his sword intent at this moment. Even a monk in the Cave Heaven Realm could not reach this level, but Sun Bing did it. It must be said that this was really a pioneering feat.

It's just that at this moment, Sun Bing still doesn't feel any satisfaction, because he can realize that after reaching this level, it is quite difficult to improve, as if there is a barrier in front of him, unless it is removed. A complete breakthrough, otherwise there will be no progress at all.

Sun Bing is quite familiar with this feeling, and naturally knows that after such a long period of hard training, he should

When you encounter a bottleneck, especially the bottleneck of 80% to 90% Sword Intent, it is even more difficult to break through.

However, even though the situation he encountered this time was extremely difficult, Sun Bing would not just give up. After all, it was difficult to improve his sword intent on his own, not to mention that such a good opportunity was not easy to come across.

Since he had such an opportunity today, he definitely could not give it up easily. In an instant, Sun Bing's heart was filled with determination. Even though there were other sword intentions oppressing him in the sea of ​​consciousness, he did not hesitate at all. , and began to impact the surroundings.

However, the gap between 80% and 90% sword intent is so powerful. Even if Sun Bing has been prepared, it is still quite difficult to break through. The first time he did not succeed at all, and even in his mind There was a sharp pain.

However, Sun Bing did not feel discouraged at all and immediately confronted the sword intention. Through this confrontation, he noticed the weakness of his sword intention and was able to start learning from it.

Vaguely, Sun Bing seemed to have some new insights. An inexplicable surge appeared in his heart, as if on a whim. Everything in the past was recalled in his mind, especially the things about sword practice. .

The aura of the whole person is becoming more and more huge, as if it has exceeded the limit of a monk in the Mortal Transformation Realm. There are obvious traces on the ground outside, and there is still a trace of medicinal power in the deepest part of the body.

These are all the medicinal effects of the Sword Star Grass that was not digested in the Taixuan Secret Realm last time.

At this moment, he exerted his ability again, like a catalyst, gathering all the sword intent in Sun Bing's body.

Suddenly, that fierce aura broke through the many obstacles, and the shadow of the sword intention in the sea of ​​​​consciousness suddenly rose to a level, becoming more clear and thorough. It has reached the ninth level of sword intention, and the whole person seems to be Suddenly it was raised to a new level.

As for Qixing Longyuan's sword intent, it seemed as if it had completed its mission at this moment and finally dissipated completely. However, it took this opportunity to give Sun Bing a huge transformation.

The original 80% sword intent was strong, but after all, Sun Bing still had some weird points, and sometimes he couldn't use it. But at this moment, the power suddenly increased to a higher level, and it became more mellow when used. I think It can be said to be extremely convenient to display.

Immediately, Sun Bing slowly opened his eyes, because he had just broken through, and the gaze in his eyes even contained a strong sword intention, and it came out directly, even if there was a wall in front of him to block it. , but still did not stop at all and flew towards the distance.

Qixing Longyuan is still lying quietly between Sun Bing's knees. Although the sword intention contained in it has disappeared without a trace, there is no doubt that Sun Bing has become more powerful at this moment. Feeling the completely different feeling around him, Sun Bing murmured:

"Is this 90% Sword Intent? I believe that my strength has been improved to a certain extent at this moment. As a result, I will be more confident in the next battle in Kyushu."

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