Sword Emperor

Chapter 8 The Mysterious Sword Box

Although Sun Bing's residence is quite remote from the main courtyard of the Sun family, such a long fight is enough for people to notice. What's more, the Sun family is a wealthy and prominent family in the local area. The elders are strong and can also detect the sound of fighting.

Not long after, a new guest appeared in the previously inaccessible courtyard. Looking at the old man in front of him, he only heard the other party's faint question: "What happened here?"

Sun Bing knew the other party. This was the law enforcement elder in the family, named Sun Li. He was in charge of the rules and punishments in the family. It could be said that he had great power. The most important thing was that he was quite powerful and had already reached the eighth level of Qi training.

And although you are quite strict on weekdays, as long as you do not violate the clan rules, you will not deliberately seek trouble. It can be said that you are quite decent, and you don't need to worry about being labeled randomly.

"The disciple didn't know it. He was sleeping soundly in the house. Suddenly he noticed a thief coming, so he fought fiercely with him. As soon as he subdued the thief, the elder had already arrived." Sun Bing did not have any worries and directly told what he knew. come out.

Anyway, this battle didn't last long, and most of what Sun Bing said was true. He only made a small concealment, but it didn't hurt. As the saying goes, lies are the most difficult to see through. What's more, it is basically the truth now. Anyway, there is no evidence at this moment. It is impossible for Sun Yong to get up and accuse him now.

In response to Sun Bing's remarks, the elder nodded slowly. After all, the corpse on the ground was dressed in night clothes. He clearly told others that he did not want to reveal his identity, which meant that he had ulterior motives. In this case, no matter what the identity of the other party was, Sun Bing killed him. The other party still has merits and no faults.

After all, there have been traitors in the family over the years. Even if Sun Yong survives, he will not be able to escape suspicion.

Sun Li nodded immediately: "You have done very well, a bit like your father's style. I hope you can continue to work hard. This is my token. Tomorrow you go to the accounting room to receive three bottles of body tempering pills. It can be regarded as a reward."

"Thank you, elder." Sun Bing took the token with a smile on his face. He was originally worried that he had no training resources, but he didn't expect that this elder was so good and sent it directly.

At the same time, he thanked Sun Yong fiercely in his heart. Although he was not a treasure-delivery boy, he was almost there. Not only did he deliver it to him for revenge, he also asked him to perform meritorious service, and even received three bottles of body tempering pills. It was simply a big surprise. What a good man.

Anyway, the revenge has been avenged. Now, no matter how much he praises the other party, Sun Bing does not feel any psychological pressure.

After understanding the entire incident, Elder Sun Li left directly. As for the corpses on the spot, they were also taken away by the patrolling guards.

As for Sun Bing, he was sitting cross-legged in the room, thinking quietly, with the scene just now echoing in his mind. From the first move of the two people's fight until the other's death, every move and move was not missed.

As the sage said: Examine yourself three times a day.

Although Sun Bing can't do it, he still needs to think quietly after every battle. Where did he fall short and where did he make mistakes? These are not trivial matters. Today's Sun Yong is just a little person.

But in a real battle between geniuses, one wrong step, even a small mistake, can ruin a great opportunity and even lead to death.

There is only one life in life, and when it comes to life, Sun Bing is quite serious.

About half an hour later, Sun Bing finally digested the first battle of the day. Even though it was just a battle, his fighting power has been improved by two levels compared to the previous one. Moreover, for "Zongjian Jue" The understanding is also deeper.

Taking a long breath, Sun Bing not only fought a battle tonight, but also analyzed it in detail. This made Sun Bing mentally tired, and he was ready to clean up and rest.

Suddenly, I saw a sharp iron sword on the ground. It seemed to be left by Sun Yong. It seemed that it had not been taken away. It could be said to be Sun Bing's trophy.

Although a fine iron sword is inconspicuous, it still costs a full fifty taels of silver to buy in Luoyun Town. This is equivalent to Sun Bing's monthly salary for five months. This is indeed a sky-high price. .

Sun Bing used to earn his monthly salary to basically support his life. He couldn't save so much money and couldn't afford an iron sword, so he could only use wooden swords instead when practicing swordsmanship.

So many years have passed, and now even though he has the iron sword in his hand, Sun Bing has no intention of replacing the wooden sword, because the wooden sword in his hand is now more than just an ordinary wooden sword.

Ten years of hard work have made the wooden sword contain Sun Bing's spirit. Not only is it hard enough to compete with the fine iron sword, but it is also exceptionally easy to use. If it continues to be cultivated in this way, it will even be able to be used in the end. Metamorphosis.

Therefore, to Sun Bing, this fine iron sword was just a useless thing. It was tasteless to eat and a pity to throw away. Sun Bing simply decided to sell it tomorrow, hoping to exchange it for some money and supplies. After all, money is important to a monk. It is also quite important.

Sun Bing immediately took the iron sword and wanted to place it.

However, when he was swinging the fine iron sword casually a few times, he accidentally touched the small sword box he kept in his arms. Then something shocking happened to Sun Bing. The iron sword slowly merged into the sword box. , disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

This situation made Sun Bing take it very seriously. After all, ever since the sword box allowed Sun Bing to practice, Sun Bing would check it carefully every day, hoping to find some opportunities, but the final result was very disappointing.

This sword box was at best just a small box that could not be opened, but even so, Sun Bing still did not give up. He did not think that the sword box that would allow him to travel through time and give him the skills to practice would be so simple. He did not expect that it would finally be possible today. A hint of weakness was revealed.

On the whole, it seemed that the sword box had not changed much, and the size was still the same. However, only Sun Bing discovered that its appearance seemed to have become darker from the original light black, and it also became heavier in the hand. Not too much, not too much. Less, exactly the weight of the sword just now.

All this indicates that the sword box is not that simple. Sun Bing is quite optimistic about its future, but if he keeps eating the sword, it will be too much for him.

The next day came in a blink of an eye. Although there was an invasion last night, considering the possible influence of traitors, there was no news. It was as if nothing happened at all. No one found out about the family members. Two people were missing without a trace, one after the other.

At this moment, in Sun Long's yard, he was losing his temper: "What on earth do you think is going on? Why is that good-for-nothing okay, but both Sun Yang and Sun Yong disappeared?"

Originally, Sun Long didn't care about such trivial matters, but he didn't expect that he was called over by the law enforcement elders in the middle of the night yesterday and lectured, but was not released until the morning. Although he was a direct descendant of the family and the number one genius, it involved When it comes to traitors, there are no privileges.

The final result was that Sun Yong was a traitor, and there seemed to be no plan. As for Sun Yang, he had fled in fear of crime, and as for Sun Bing, he actually made meritorious deeds. This result made Sun Long stunned, but he could not refute anything.

Therefore, he could only break his teeth and swallow it in his stomach, quickly denying that everything had nothing to do with him. After all, he could not possibly say: "I arranged all this. I asked them to steal the skills from Sun Bing."

If he really said this, even if he is a direct descendant of the family, he will definitely be investigated. Even if nothing is found in the end, the image he has established for a long time has collapsed, and his prestige is completely lost.

By chance, Sun Bing had already washed up and was about to go out. The two met like this. Sun Bing's face was calm. Although Sun Long's face was as gentle as ever, there was still anger that was difficult to hide in his eyes. The two formed a distinct relationship. Compared.

Especially there was an innocence in Sun Bing's eyes, which made Sun Long feel even more angry, and even slowly turned into a kind of resentment and a faint murderous intention.

Although Sun Bing was wondering why Sun Long was so angry, since he learned that the other party instigated Sun Yang and others to attack, the two of them were already enemies. It was even destined that one day, the two of them would draw swords against each other, but for now they are naturally enemies. The angrier he gets, the happier Sun Bing feels.

However, after feeling the faint killing intent on the other party, Sun Bing also slowly touched his wooden sword, and at the same time secretly thought in his heart: Since you have targeted me so much, I will repay you ten times and a hundred times according to my oath in the future. with you.

But this is the Sun family after all, and it is impossible for Sun Long to attack Sun Bing for no reason in front of everyone. Otherwise, the image he has deliberately disguised for so long will be completely lost.

As for Sun Bing, it is even more impossible to take the initiative to attack. He is currently not strong enough and needs enough time to accumulate strength. Only with strong enough strength can he ensure his own safety. No matter how many conspiracies and tricks the opponent has, with absolute strength Down, it's like a crumbling dog.

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