Sword Emperor

Chapter 820 Conspiracy Revealed

Even though he was in a space cessation at this moment, through the pieces of space debris, Sun Bing could still clearly see that there were three very familiar figures deep in the space cessation.

The three opponents were all dressed in black robes. There was no other expression on their old faces, but their narrow eyes always made people feel the coldness radiating from the bottom of their hearts.

It was the three elders of Yingtian Academy, Huang Tao, Han Xin and Wei Chen. Even though the two sides did not speak a word at all at this moment, there was a hostile murderous intention in the air, which made people clearly aware of it. The serious situation at this moment.

The first time he saw the other party, Sun Bing's expression had already changed, and he couldn't help but murmur in a low voice: "Hasn't Yingtian Academy been away for a few days? Why can you still see these three people at this moment?"

But just when Sun Bing's heart was full of doubts, the chaotic space turbulence around him slowly became calmer, and finally disappeared without a trace, as if the violent scene before had never happened at all. Normally, it's just that the void warship has already gone to nowhere.

Huang Tao and other three elders also appeared not far in front of Sun Bing. They seemed to have heard Sun Bing's doubts before. They laughed lightly and then slowly said: "Why can you see us? Of course. It’s because of you.”

Basically, when the other party approached, Sun Bing's whole body became completely tense. After getting the news, his heart was filled with shock. He couldn't believe that what he got in the end was such a reason.

It should be noted that Sun Bing still clearly remembered the space turbulence that appeared before in his mind. The most important thing about such terrifying power is

It was arranged by the other party, which required an unknown amount of huge resources.

Even monks in the realm of life and death have the possibility of getting lost if they are trapped in such space turbulence for a long time. But at this moment, they have obtained everything all because they are setting up a situation for themselves. If it weren’t for the person speaking in front of them, who is from Yingtian Academy. Elder, Sun Bing would even think this was just a joke.

Seemingly seeing the disbelief in Sun Bing's eyes, Huang Tao didn't pay attention, and a strong coldness appeared on his face again: "It's not just about this, please note that in order to force you out, your Rahu Elder, you also played a big role in this.”

And regarding the accident just now, there are actually a lot of doubts when I think about it at this moment. First of all, the Void Warship is a treasure that even the Yizhuang Saints are jealous of. It can be said that its defense power is extremely powerful. Even if it encounters the void turbulence, it still has a lot of doubts. You shouldn't feel unbearable in such a short period of time.

After learning the news, the surprise on Sun Bing's face just showed up, and then quickly disappeared. Even though he might not have known it at all before, now that he saw the three people in front of him, Sun Bing's I already had suspicions in my heart, but now they were just confirmed.

You must know that there are still many flaws in the past. The first point is the defensive power of the void warship. It should be noted that this is a holy weapon and its defensive power is quite powerful. Even in the hands of the elders of the life and death realm, it can still explode with terrifying power. .

But after just experiencing such a small space turbulence before, the protective shield could not support it. This is completely impossible.

The second point is that after that shock, Sun Bing could clearly detect a completely different force emerging from his feet. It was precisely because of this small place that

The reason made Sun Bing completely leave the Void Warship.

Because the situation was quite urgent before, this point might not have been discovered at all, but now, it has reached a point where you can sort out the cause and effect by just turning your head slightly.

After understanding the whole thing, Sun Bing suddenly felt boundless anger in his heart. The cold figure of Luo Hu appeared in his mind, and he wanted to rush in front of him and kill him completely.

After all, there are only three elders who can control the void warship. Since the other two elders have come out to help the disciple, the other party must be the only one who has done something evil.

What's more, Sun Bing has already offended the other party before, and he can also threaten the status of his grandson Luo Tian. If he forces Sun Bing away, there is no doubt that he will achieve multiple goals with one stone.

After clarifying everything in it in an instant, even though he was as calm as Sun Bing, his heart was now filled with deep anger. He stared straight ahead, like two sharp swords piercing the illusion. Then he spoke slowly: "You have really worked hard for this day."

"Yes, he is indeed the first disciple to enter the Heritage Academy through the ladder in a hundred thousand years. Not only is his talent strong, but he is also mentally agile. It is really amazing that he figured out the whole thing so quickly."

Immediately, Huang Tao couldn't help but speak slowly. Although he was full of smiles, his face showed a completely different coldness.

Soon, Han Xin on the other side couldn't help but stand up: "I might still be a genius before, but it will be completely different next time. Of the hundred disciples of Yingtian Academy, only eight are left. It's true. So cruel."

"Since ancient times, has Yingtian Academy been the only one allowed to

They attacked our Heritage Academy, but we can't fight back? What's more, they failed because they were not good at learning and no one else was to blame. "

Although Sun Bing's face was extremely ugly at this moment, he still spoke slowly, his tone full of resentment. After all, such a dispute was about both sides competing with each other based on their own strength.

"Hahaha, you are such a poor scholar, but you actually ruined the plan that we have planned for tens of thousands of years, and you also know something. That is to definitely keep you. From now on, the myth of you as a genius will end here. "Okay." Wei Chen said directly with a wild smile on his face.

After listening to everything, Sun Bing's face was quite calm. After all, in this short period of time, the three opponents had surrounded him from three directions, and the opponent's cultivation level was so high that they would not leave any chance at all. .

Finally, when the three parties were confronting each other, Huang Tao could be heard chuckling. It seemed that after some contemplation, he slowly spoke:

"But you do have a glimmer of hope at this moment. After all, I, Yingtian Academy, value talents. As long as you hand over a trace of your soul into our hands, we can save your life and you can still shine brightly in the future. ,what do you think?

However, after hearing these words, Sun Bing's face became even more ugly. His whole body was filled with sharp edges. A dangerous aura erupted in his eyes, and he wanted to take action directly.

After all, this is no longer something that can be described as being difficult for a strong person. When a trace of soul is handed into the hands of the opponent, as long as it is completely annihilated, Sun Bing will also suffer original injuries that are difficult to cure, and his whole person will be weakened to the extreme in an instant. It can be said that life and death are not in your own hands.


And Sun Bing can still be sure that even if he agrees to this request, the other party will definitely be more greedy and confiscate all the treasures in Sun Bing's hands. After all, at that time, Sun Bing was only a highly talented person in their eyes at best. Just a slave.

After thinking about all this, the cold edge on Sun Bing's face became even more intense, and finally he said directly: "It's just too much to bully others. You must keep a line in life so that we can meet each other in the future."

"Hahaha, why should I say nice things to you? You are just a little monk in the Mortal Transformation Realm. It is easy to kill him. Since you don't agree, then don't blame us for being ruthless. Just leave your life to us. "But Han Xin waved his hand in an instant and said softly.

Suddenly, the originally silent starry sky was instantly filled with a strong sense of murder. Even though there was no momentum bursting out, Sun Bing could still feel a kind of spiritual oppression. You must know that the enemy he faced this time could be... He's not a cave-heaven realm monk.

Even at the peak of the Cave Heaven Realm at this moment, Sun Bing would not have any sense of crisis in his heart, but now he was facing three monks in the Life and Death Realm. The two sides spanned an entire realm. With such a huge gap, even if Even Sun Bing didn't have the confidence to overcome it.

However, after feeling the power erupting around him, Sun Bing exhaled a long breath, and then his body tensed up. Unknowingly, the sword box behind him slowly opened the dusty door, and the Tai'a sword Appeared in Sun Bing's hands.

In an instant, a strong sword force rippled towards the surroundings. The sharp sword edge swept away, and a faint shadow of a sharp sword appeared. Then he slowly said: "Since you want my life, Then come and get it yourself.”

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