Sword Emperor

Chapter 856: Alchemy Palace

"Is this where the Tiantian Sect is located?" Looking at the endless space in front of him, Sun Bing couldn't help but murmured, his eyes full of complexity.

Because the scene presented in front of us at this moment is really too amazing. I don't know if it is because the battle in ancient times was too terrifying, but what is presented in front of me now is not the shape of a complete palace at all.

Even the entire Tiantian Sect was torn apart because of this. Huge boulders could be seen one after another in the sky, and buildings were also floating in the mid-air. The space seemed to have solidified at this moment.

Moreover, Sun Bing could clearly see that under the seemingly calm space in front of him, there was a huge wave that was difficult to calm down, as if this ruin would completely collapse.

Feeling the shattering momentum, Sun Bing said to himself: "There should have been an earth-shattering battle here, and even the ruins were completely blown to pieces. Even if it is not opened this time, then a hundred years later It should completely disappear into the turbulence of space.”

After learning this, Sun Bing's heart was filled with shock. It was hard to imagine how horrific a battle had been. Even after a hundred thousand years, the space had not yet been repaired.

If you look carefully, you can even find that there are many tiny cracks hidden in the space in front of you. Those cracks vary in size, but they are full of a strong sense of crisis. If you are trapped inside, you will even get lost in the endless endless space. in space.

Just when Sun Bing was having a lot of thoughts in his mind, he could feel a sound coming from around him.

There was a strong wind, and when I looked back, I saw someone passing through the layers of space and arriving at the cracks not far away.

But at the same time, a series of fierce shouts appeared in Sun Bing's ears. Then when he looked at the person again, he could only find that there was some fresh blood left on the spot, and finally the figure disappeared without a trace.

Regarding all this, Sun Bing's eyes were full of horror, but unfortunately, although the ruins are full of countless dangers, there are still people who flock to them, even if they give up their lives.

After all, the rewards are really great. As long as you can get something at will, you can get rich overnight. Unfortunately, just by entering this, many poor people have perished.

However, Sun Bing will not stay too much at this moment. After all, time is urgent, not to mention that he is always worried about whether there is any conspiracy at Yingtian Academy. All of this is what Sun Bing urgently needs to know, so immediately, The whole person rushed towards the front.

When he really started to walk, Sun Bing's brows slowly wrinkled, because in this space, the speed that Sun Bing had always been proud of could not even exert its imagined power.

Sun Bing could feel that the space in this ruins was quite weak. Even if he shrunk down to an inch, he would be able to unleash more power. However, if he really used it with all his strength, it would completely tear through the space, and even Since you are deeply involved in the turbulent flow of space, you need to pay attention to these issues when traveling.

Another point is that if the speed is fast, the buildings appearing on both sides will be ignored. Please note that some seemingly simple buildings

The facade may contain quite a lot of opportunities.

As a result, Sun Bing's speed advantage has now completely disappeared, and he can only move his body carefully in mid-air.

Because everyone was entering the space for the first time, there was no fight. Even if they met other people on the road, they would just look at them with fear and then turn around and leave.

The slower Sun Bing traveled, the more he could feel the horror around him. Sometimes, even if there were no cracks in the space, the space might collapse as he passed by.

As the saying goes, wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes. After the initial panic, everyone who entered the ruins gradually calmed down, and in an instant they began to frantically explore and hunt for treasures. After all, everything here is from ancient times. thing.

As long as it is a treasure that can span such a long period of changes, it must be extremely precious. As long as ordinary people can obtain one, even the fate of this life will be rewritten. Along the way, you can hear the sounds of fighting from time to time, and there are even more Many people have completely perished in such battles.

For ordinary treasures, Sun Bing has no intention of fighting for them at this moment. After all, his vision has changed. What's more, those things are not very useful to Sun Bing. What he needs to look for at this moment is to improve his strength. s things.

You must know that Sun Bing has been traveling in the starry sky for nearly a year. Although in the long life of a monk, a year is like a blink of an eye, passing by in the blink of an eye.

But for Tianjiao, this is a long time, especially in this golden age, time is extremely precious.

Originally, it took Sun Bing such a long time to catch up step by step with his own efforts, but because of the three elders of Yingtian Academy, even though he saved his life, he wasted a lot of money. It’s been a year, and now we must seize every moment to improve ourselves as quickly as possible.

Ancient sects such as the Tiantian Sect naturally contain a variety of precious elixirs, which are of great use even for the Cave Heaven Realm, and this is Sun Bing's ultimate goal.

Traveling around the vast space, Sun Bing did not miss any place, and it was not without gains. Even though the palaces distributed in the space were chaotic, there were certain patterns hidden among them. Suddenly, Sun Bing As if he had detected something, there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

After overcoming many obstacles in front of him, Sun Bing saw a rather large square in the distance at a glance. On the surface, it was solidified by a powerful force, and faintly mysterious inscriptions could be seen.

However, Sun Bing's brows slowly wrinkled, and he gradually analyzed the outermost inscriptions, and then he approached cautiously. After a certain period of groping, Sun Bing saw the two ancient characters at the top at a glance. "Dan Palace".

Suddenly, Sun Bing's heart was filled with deep joy. After all, this space was extremely vast. He originally thought that it would take a long time to gain something, but he was surprised.

The joy comes so quickly.

Immediately, Sun Bing burst out towards this place without any hesitation, not even caring about the dangers in the surrounding space. His speed was extremely fast, and he could only see that figure shuttle through the space. Soon it disappeared without a trace.

Looking again, Sun Bing had crossed countless distances and finally landed slowly in this square. Looking at the huge palace in front of him, Sun Bing's heart was filled with emotion.

After realizing that there was no one around, Sun Bing felt lucky. He really didn't expect that no one would notice such a huge opportunity. In this case, everything in front of him at this moment would be able to enter Sun Bing's mind. Got it.

Time was urgent. Sun Bing did not hesitate at all and immediately walked forward slowly. When he approached the door, inscriptions appeared one after another, and an obvious light mask appeared in front of Sun Bing.

Sun Bing did not take action rashly, because its defense was extremely powerful. After all, this was a formation that appeared in a huge sect in ancient times. Even a strong person in the life and death realm might not be able to break it.

If it were placed before, Sun Bing could only rely on his own strength to slowly wear it down, trying to completely exhaust the energy of this formation, so that he could completely open it. The only disadvantage is that it takes a lot of time. It's too long.

But now it is completely different. After mastering the formation, it is a great help for treasure hunting. After encountering obstacles at all levels, after a certain period of thinking, I can completely crack the formation. Get into it easily.

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