Sword Emperor

Chapter 904: Life and Death Grass

The atmosphere at this moment is quite stalemate, and everyone is ready to attack. As long as there is any change, they may take action at any time.

But at this moment, while watching the battle, Ying Tianxiong couldn't help but secretly conduct a sound transmission to tell the remaining five people what Sun Bing had obtained before.

Suddenly, the eyes of the five people shone brightly, because in the contemporary era, such precious treasures have been completely cut off, and they did not expect that they would still have the opportunity to encounter them now.

However, at this critical moment, a huge wave suddenly emerged. Even though Sun Bing and others had reached the peak of the cave heaven realm, they were still so insignificant, as if they were a small boat in the sea. , it may completely fall apart at any time.

Immediately afterwards, a cold snort suddenly appeared in his ears: "The top five in this test have been separated, and their rewards have been harvested respectively. Fighting is not allowed in the inheritance hall, otherwise..."

Turning around, everyone could find that the old man with the weapon spirit had quietly appeared in front of them. It was obvious that the shuddering aura before was released from the other party.

After understanding the meaning of these words, the strong compulsion they had towards Sun Bing disappeared without a trace in the five people's hearts, and countless cold sweats appeared on their backs.

After all, even though the old man's words were not spoken, the meaning behind them was quite clear. You must know that this is still in the inheritance hall, and the other party can make you fall with just a thought, so it is better to keep a low profile.

But having said that, Sun Bing can still feel that there are others behind him

Several sharp eyes were watching his back, which contained strong murderous intent.

Even if they are temporarily unable to take action due to the strong pressure of the old man, if they leave the inheritance hall and have no constraints, then it will be their time to take action.

"Okay, now that you have passed the test, it's time to accept the final inheritance. Each of you can obtain the "Swallowing Heaven and Earth Devouring Technique" of my Heaven-Swallowing Sect. I hope you can carry it forward."

Then you can see the old man slowly waving his hand, and ten streams of light suddenly appeared in the air, directly entering everyone's mind.

In an instant, the infinite secrets were completely revealed at this moment. The principles that were not explained clearly in the previous "Swallowing the Sky" were fully explained at this moment.

Ying Tianxiong and others were overjoyed. After all, they came here after all the hardships just for the final inheritance.

Immediately, he sat cross-legged on the ground, with his eyes closed, guarding Yuanyi, and began to comprehend the many inheritances in his mind, and slowly began to practice himself, wanting to thoroughly understand this technique.

After seeing that the people around him were all immersed in the mystery of the technique, the old man waved his hand again and took Sun Bing away from the last hall. When he opened his eyes again, he found that he At this moment we came to a completely inexplicable place.

Immediately, he couldn't help but start to ask doubtfully: "You took me away so rashly, wouldn't those people before find out?"

"Don't worry, I have left a small formation around everyone in the previous room. As for you, I will use a phantom formation.

Instead, as long as you seize the time, everything will be available in time. "The old man explained with a smile.

Sun Bing nodded clearly, but quickly continued to ask: "So where is the inheritance of the technique I want?"

"Don't worry for the moment. Even if the inheritance they obtained is not as authentic as yours, there is still a flaw in it. As for everything you want, it is all here." The old man did not have any dissatisfaction and still spoke slowly.

After hearing these words, Sun Bing nodded. If he had not met him before, the old man might have passed on the real technique, but now that he has a real inheritor, he will naturally keep it alive.

After understanding, Sun Bing couldn't help but start to look around, and then he was shocked to find that the space in this place was extremely huge, and as far as he could see, there were all formation seals, which shocked people's hearts.

"This is what our Devouring Heaven Sect has accumulated over the endless years, and everything contained in it is the most top-notch treasure."

As the old man slowly spoke, the infinite formation in front of him gradually opened, and the true appearance inside was completely revealed in front of Sun Bing.

At this moment, Sun Bing's calm mind couldn't help but start to agitate. After all, what was placed in front of him was an extremely precious treasure that was considered a hundred thousand years ago. After this long period of changes, its value has even further increased.

His eyes slowly began to scan, and Sun Bing became more and more surprised. Then he suddenly shouted: "This thing is called the Grass of Life and Death. It can increase the success rate of the peak of the Cave Heaven Realm to the Life and Death Realm by 30%. In 50,000 years, It was almost extinct before, but I didn’t expect it to be found here.”


Breaking through the realm of life and death can be called a critical level. Only by breaking through the realm of life and death can one successfully break through. However, this is really too difficult. It requires not only understanding the existence of life, but also understanding the situation of death. Therefore, countless Over the years, there are countless monks who have died in this level.

As for the success rate, it is quite sad, only one percent. Even if your foundation is extremely solid, the possibility is only five percent at most.

Therefore, no matter how brilliant the genius is, when he reaches the peak of the Cave Heaven Realm and the entrance to life and death, he must stop. After all, if he is not careful, he may completely fall.

However, the Grass of Life and Death can actually increase the success rate by 30%, which means that the success rate has increased by a full thirty times. For anyone, this is an existence that cannot be ignored, so this thing is very precious, no less than The legendary supreme holy medicine.

Sun Bing believed that if he was really exposed, everyone would definitely shout and beat him during the rest of the journey, because everyone already desires such a treasure to an indescribable degree.

And then, almost every time he looked at a treasure, Sun Bing's mood was agitated. If he could pocket it, then the wealth of a holy land would not be as huge as Sun Bing's hand, which would be quite amazing.

Finally, when Sun Bing's eyes saw the many weapons hidden beside him, the light in Sun Bing's eyes became even more intense.

Because the flying swords were placed there quietly, even though a hundred thousand years had passed, they still did not suffer any loss due to the sealing of the formation.

There are not many long swords at the moment, but among them

The quality is extremely amazing, because all of them have reached the level of heavenly weapons, and there are a few flying swords among them, which are close to the peak of heavenly weapons, and even the long sword of the king's weapon.

"It really deserves to be the Tiantian Sect, it actually contains such huge wealth." At this moment, Sun Bing couldn't help but murmured, his words were full of wonder and emotion, and then he felt extremely excited.

After all, the flying swords were sacrificed twice before, and the long swords left in the sword box were basically the highest quality swords. The quantity was not large. Even if Sun did not encounter these treasures this time, Sun Bing also knew that he needed to go collect it.

I didn't expect that I would be able to encounter this opportunity today. Without any hesitation, I slowly opened the sword box under the surge of mental power.

Then you can find that the long sword suddenly trembled. Because there was no restraint, it entered Sun Bing's sword box in an instant. The aura released from the sword box that was originally somewhat empty became even richer at this moment. There seemed to be this faint light flickering.

The old man on the side saw a glimmer of light emerging from it, his eyes showed deep shock, and he immediately shouted: "This, this, what kind of treasure is this, and I can't see through it at all?"

It is a pity that Sun Bing himself has no clue about this question. After all, he also has no way to see through the other party. He only knows that the background of this sword box should be great, and there is still a lot of potential that has not been used.

Once all the potential emerges, Sun Bing must have successfully reached the top by then. It's a pity that such a long journey will still take a lot of time.

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