Sword Emperor

Chapter 913 Die

"We originally didn't want to use this move, but you forced us to do this. If we don't kill you, there will be no way for the two of us to go back, so you should just die in peace. , Don’t worry, there will be many people coming to bury you next.”

Shao Linfeng couldn't help but speak slowly at this moment, with a fierce light in his eyes. He wanted to use it after being suppressed by Sun Bing before. At this moment, he finally broke free from all the restraints and immediately attacked Sun Bing.

The spear moved downwards through the air and was suppressed, but the movement in his hand was not slow. Holding the sword in one hand, Tai'a cut through the air and blocked it forcefully.

In an instant, a huge collision sound spread around. As for Sun Bing, he felt a very majestic force pouring from his hand. He felt a little ashamed of himself. He even stepped back repeatedly because of the force. There was a faint feeling of cracking.

It was precisely because he noticed the changes that Sun Bing was so shocked at this moment. He did not expect that the monk who was easily suppressed by him before would now be so terrifyingly powerful.

You must know that although this spear did not use any martial arts, its power was more than ten times higher than before. If it weren't for Sun Bing's own strength, he would not even be able to resist a single move.

"It seems that you still have some skills, and you can actually take one of my shots, but it depends on what you do next.

Got it! "Seeing Sun Bing's figure, Shao Linfeng didn't have any worries and spoke directly with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

The face full of totems looked even more ruthless under such a smile. The aura all over his body had improved a lot at this moment. A burst of flames ignited in the totems, and then the spear stabbed forward.

A tragic sonic boom sounded, and the gun contained a terrifying gun light, which was dozens of times sharper than before. Even Sun Bing did not dare to face it head-on. He turned around, and the true energy surged all over his body. Entering the Tai'a sword, and then sweeping away with the long sword.

"ice and snow"

Suddenly, countless frosts appeared at this moment, and the surrounding temperature dropped directly. Snowflakes fluttered, as if they could freeze a little. As the sword light cut through, countless ice was brought out from behind.

"You are so proud of your small skills that you can push me to this level, but you can only fall." Ying Tianxiong on the other side suddenly showed off his figure, his face full of ruthlessness. Spicy spoke immediately.

After all, we are not in an arena battle now, and we still need to pay attention to the rules and morals. The most important task of the two of them now is to kill Sun Bing.

With Sun Bing's strength, even if the two of them have revealed their final trump card and their strength has greatly increased, there is still a high chance that the mission will fail if they are alone. In order to ensure nothing goes wrong, the two of them took action together.

"Don't worry for now, I will definitely not leave until I kill you two." Sun Bing's mouth was filled with a sneer, and then

The long sword once again emits a sharp sword light.

Ying Tianxiong opened his big hand and slapped it in front of him. At this moment, the space in front of him seemed to have been cut. Overlapping palm prints appeared and slapped towards Sun Bing.

"Void Mahamudra"

As for the surrounding frost and sword light, there was a palm print in the void, and then the palm print was still majestic and slapped towards Sun Bing.

Such a palm technique is very exquisite. Although it seems to be just a palm print, Sun Bing can find that it contains rich spatial secrets. There are thousands of layers hidden in it.

If you want to use it successfully, you must understand at least 30% of the secrets of space. Sun can see that if you fall into this palm, you will be completely surrounded by endless palm prints in an instant, and finally your body will be completely cut off in the void. .

This is the first time that Sun Bing has met an evenly matched enemy. Although the opponent relies on the blood of ten thousand races, he is still powerful after all, and 30% of the secrets of space are enough to rival Sun Bing.

It is precisely because of understanding all this that Sun Bing's eyes were filled with frost at this moment, and he secretly said: After this trip to the ruins, I need to stay in seclusion for a while and work hard to improve.

Because Sun Bing still has too many things to understand, whether it is sword meaning or secret meaning, any breakthrough can greatly increase Sun Bing's strength.

Although there are countless things in my mind, they only refer to the past moment, and I can see it immediately.

See, at this moment, Sun Bing retreated towards the back. Under the gathering of true energy, the sword light had a hint of space.

"Water Moon Mirror Flower"

It is also a terrifying sword light. Although there is no sword shadow, a wave of water appears in the space in front of you at this moment. It is faintly like an invisible long sword, directly cutting the entire space completely. cut off.

As for the palm prints in that space, because the space was completely cut off, all the palm prints hidden in it burst out, layer by layer, like flowers, looking very beautiful.

However, it completely collapsed because of this. Finally, when the space in front of it stabilized, everything in front of it disappeared without a trace, and the two sides began to confront each other.

Although Sun Bing was shocked, he didn't know that Ying Tianxiong was even more shocked. He could comprehend 30% of the space mystery, not only because of his own extraordinary talent, but also because of the help of his bloodline. Otherwise, he would never be able to achieve this level.

But he didn't expect that Sun Bing could achieve such a level, even better than him. You know, Sun Bing is much younger than any of them, and this made his jealousy and resentment even stronger, and finally turned into murderous intent.

Immediately, he could find two people attacking in front of him together. Shao Linfeng's spear was across the sky, and the spear head seemed to be able to pierce the sky, and he attacked Sun Bing first.

As for Ying Tianxiong, he just waved his hands, and the diamond bracelet wrapped around it

had turned into a stream of light, rushing towards Sun Bing at a faster speed, leaving cracks in the space. The whole process was silent, and if it weren't for Sun Bing's amazing insight, he would even ignore it.

At this moment, Ying Tianxiong's palm technique was even more amazing. It was like a giant hand that held up the sky, slapping towards Sun Bing. The triple attack perfectly blocked all of Sun Bing's retreat routes, so now he could only fight head-on.

After sensing the sense of crisis, Sun Bing's eyes were full of coldness at this moment, but there was no tension or fear in his heart. With a cold snort, the blood in his body surged and turned directly into a blood fortune behind him.

Then the purple gold dragon armor also burst out with brilliant light, and the sound of dragon roar appeared faintly, making the armor's defense more powerful. Under the control of Sun Bing's soul, countless flying swords now appeared completely behind Sun Bing, just like gathering into two sword wings.

In an instant, the clanging sound in the air surged, and Sun Bing's Tai'a sword perfectly resisted the diamond bracelet, and countless sword shadows behind him attacked Shao Linfeng one by one.

Faced with the crazy influx like the sea, even Shao Linfeng had no way to resist. For a moment, he retreated to the back, as if he had been suppressed.

Finally, Sun Bing looked directly at Ying Tianxiong, his eyes full of coldness, like a captivating black hole, with a deep gaze, and then waved his long sword:

"Jian Shi, you die."

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