Sword Emperor

Chapter 917: Excited Ice-Pure Jade Lotus

After all, the ancient dense forest has stood for countless years, and it contains countless terrifying dangers. Even if a monk in the life and death realm goes deep into it, he still needs to be cautious.

Therefore, the safe place Sun Bing is looking for is deep in the ancient dense forest. Very few people come in on weekdays, so the deeper you go, the safer it becomes. Sun Bing's figure running through the jungle can be found from a distance.

Such a run took a whole stick of incense. By shrinking to an inch, even Sun Bing didn't know how far he had walked, and finally found a qualified cave.

After realizing that there was no danger, Sun Bing nodded slowly, but he did not take it lightly. He immediately began to arrange many sword formations outside the cave to protect him.

After working for more than half an hour, all the back-up steps were completed. Even in the face of a sneak attack by the monks in the life and death realm, he was able to persist for a while. Sun Bing also entered the cave at this moment, and entered himself in a flash. In the cave sky.

When you visit your own cave again, you will be able to notice the difference from before. The spiritual energy contained in it is ten times thinner than before. It will take a long time to recover.

However, it is precisely because of such a huge change that Sun Bing can clearly see that many of the heavenly materials and earthly treasures that were originally rooted in the cave are a little irritable at this moment. It is obvious that the other party is unable to obtain spiritual energy. Moisturize.

Sun Bing came directly to the lake, and the scene in front of him couldn't help but become more and more miserable, because originally the lake water inside should be made of spiritual energy. Unexpectedly, the lake water was now even thinner and could be clearly seen.

I could see the river bed at the bottom.

The Bingqing Jade Lotus, which was originally entrenched in the cave sky lake, suddenly felt a wave of fluctuation after noticing Sun Bing's approach, and then immediately asked angrily:

"What exactly do you want to do? Your cave has just been stable for a while, and the essence of the Five Elements is not sufficient. If it weren't for the Chaos Stone, your cave might even collapse.

And you have absorbed the spiritual energy of heaven and earth so much that the environment here has become extremely bad. If it continues to be like this, I will want to leave you. "

Sun Bing didn't reply at all to Bing Qing Yulian's scolding. After all, this time it was all his fault. Finally seeing that the other party had no words, he slowly said:

"Sorry, the enemy we encountered this time was a bit powerful, so the consumption was a bit high. It was not safe until now. But don't worry, I will definitely give you enough compensation this time."

After saying that, it can be seen that Sun Bing waved his hand, and the entire cave was under Sun Bing's control, so a jade bottle appeared in front of him. It was very delicate and had many inscriptions engraved on it. It seemed to be sealing this very scary thing. Something average.

At this moment, Bingqing Yulian was also extremely confused. After all, there was no breath coming out of this jade bottle. She secretly thought in her heart: What on earth is inside this? It doesn’t look like much…

At this moment, Sun Bing had opened the jade bottle, and the rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth poured in instantly from it. In this gradually drying up cave, it became even more precious. What surprised Bingqing Yulian the most was that there was actually something inside. A cry that comes from blood.

Immediately he couldn't help but murmured: "This, this, is this..."

In an instant, Sun Bing finally made a move. After a spell, all the seals on the jade bottle disappeared completely, and then clear water could be found pouring out from the jade bottle.

All the Tianyi True Water that was originally poured into the jade bottle was poured out, and poured towards the small lake in front of him. The energy and spiritual energy contained in every drop of Tianyi True Water was dozens of times more powerful than before. It is hundreds of times higher.

After a while, there was nothing in the jade bottle anymore, but a small lake in front of it suddenly turned into a lake composed of Tianyi Zhen water, and the rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth also transformed the entire cave. .

Even because there are enough Tianyi True Water and Heaven and Earth Spiritual Energy, when brought together, it actually looks like it condenses into water droplets, which makes people feel even more exciting.

Because as time goes by, those condensed small water droplets should also be able to transform, and even eventually become Tianyi Zhen water.

This also means that Sun Bing will have a place where he can continuously produce Tianyi True Water in the future. At such a speed, there are only one small bottle in a year. If this news spreads, it will definitely make countless people excited. The madness.

Even Sun Bing was extremely excited. Looking at the Tianyi True Water located in the lake, a smile broke out at the corner of his mouth: "What do you think about using this as the water among the five elements? Also, what does Tianyi True Water do to the five elements?" Your injuries should have some effect!"

"This Tianyi True Water is quite good. I won't object to using it as the water of the Five Elements. What surprises me is that I didn't expect you to be able to obtain Tianyi True Water. I haven't tasted this for a hundred thousand years. Tasteful,

It really helped my injury a lot and it only took me three years to recover. "

At this moment, Bing Qing Yulian couldn't help but feel a burst of surprise in her heart. After all, this meant that she would be able to recover soon.

But after hearing these words, Sun Bing frowned slowly. For Bingqing Yulian, it has been a hundred thousand years since she was injured, so just three years is just a blink of an eye. Sun Bing was different, he still felt it was a bit long.

What's more, even if the injury is finally healed, it will still take a long time to continue to grow. According to Sun Bing's understanding, if each supreme holy medicine wants to bear fruit, it will take at least ten thousand years, which makes it even more difficult. It's been a long time.

So at this moment, you can hear Sun Bing murmuring: "It still needs three full years. It's probably too long. Isn't there any other way?"

"It is true that those who do not know are fearless. Three years is already extremely short. If it is the star fruit tree, even with Tianyi Zhenshui, it will take ten thousand years to recover. As for the other Devouring Dao fruit tree, it will also take a hundred years. Long."

Bingqing Yulian immediately explained to distinguish the difference between them.

After hearing these words, Sun Bing nodded slowly. He didn't expect that there was such a reason. It seems that he still has some extravagant hopes if he wants to rely on Tianyi Zhenshui to realize his dream. .

Immediately he could only sigh, and then waved his hand again, and another jade bottle appeared in Sun Bing's hand. This time, the jade bottle had more mysterious formation inscriptions than the previous one. Even if it was just passed appearance, anyone can feel the

Huge difference.

At this moment, Bingqing Yulian was absorbing the Tianyi True Water to heal her wounds, but she was also extremely confused on the other side. Just when she was about to ask, she found that Sun Bing had already unlocked the seal, and suddenly there was a powerful force like death. The breath is conveyed.

In an instant, Bing Qing Yu Lian's heart became more and more shocked. Even the Star Fruit Tree and Devouring Dao Fruit Tree not far away could not help shaking at this moment. After a long time, Bing Qing Yu Lian's shocking voice could be heard: "This , this, is this the legendary Forgotten River Holy Water?”

"Yes, do you think if you have this, can your injuries be healed quickly? Will it also be effective on the Star Fruit Tree and Devouring Dao Fruit Tree?" Sun Bing's eyebrows were filled with surprise. He did not expect that Bingqing Yulian could actually Knowing him, he immediately asked.

"That's natural. As long as you give me a drop of the Holy Water of Forgotten River, I will be able to recover today, and even be able to give birth to lotus seeds and return to my peak condition."

At this moment, Bing Qing Yulian's words were full of emotion. Originally, following Sun Bing out could only be regarded as impulsive. In fact, she was really not sure whether she could recover.

After all, it hurts the source, and it is too expensive to make up for the consumption. But he did not expect that in just a few years, a monk who could only be regarded as a small figure in his eyes could actually do it. This level.

After being excited, he spoke slowly again: "As for the Star Fruit Tree, although it has suffered huge damage, at least it still has a glimmer of hope. It requires three drops of Forget River Holy Water, and then after a year of maintenance, it can be completely restored. To recover, and to use this result to swallow the Tao Fruit, one drop is enough.”

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