Sword Emperor

Chapter 970 Nine Heavens Xirang

At this moment, Sun Bing could only feel that he was falling downwards, and his body was filled with a sense of weightlessness. Even if he wanted to fly away at this moment, he had no way to control his body, and it seemed that he could only wait here to die.

I don't know how much time passed, and even Sun Bing himself had completely forgotten about it. There was an obvious sense of contact on his body, and his whole body fell heavily to the ground.

In an instant, Sun Bing was seriously injured. All the bones in his body were completely shattered at this moment. Blood spread around him, and severe pain echoed in Sun Bing's mind.

Fortunately, Sun Bing's recovery ability is quite strong. With a thought, a lot of energy circulates, and all the injuries he suffered before disappear without a trace. After he has completely recovered, Sun Bing curiously explores the surroundings. environment.

This is an inexplicable underground space, but even gravity seems to have completely disappeared here. Otherwise, under 500 times the gravity, there is no way that Sun Bing can survive such a high distance, even if his physical body is very strong.

Turning his head, Sun Bing could see a faint shimmer emitting from the sky not far away, and the Heavenly Wall Spiritual Soil in his hand was pointing frantically in that direction, presumably that was the call in it. source.

Immediately, Sun Bing walked forward without any hesitation. In a short time, he was in front of the target. At this moment, he could find that the thing that emitted such light was not some ore jewelry, but a ball of soil the size of a fist.

The opponent's whole body was black and looked very ordinary, just like the ordinary black mud that can be seen everywhere. Even Sun Bing's

My heart was full of disappointment. I didn't expect that after spending so long, the last thing I saw was this kind of thing.

But suddenly, Sun Bing seemed to think of something in his mind, a flash of light flashed away, and then his face was filled with crazy joy, and he couldn't help but murmured: "I didn't expect that this turned out to be the legendary Jiutian." "

Jiutianxi soil is one of the most precious spiritual objects in the world. Legend has it that it has existed for countless years. It has existed since the birth of the world. It is so mysterious that just a grain of rice can fill the entire ocean, and its weight is unparalleled. , it seems that each one is like Mount Tai.

Moreover, this object has various functions. It can be used to refine weapons. Even adding one can transform the most ordinary weapons into royal weapons. It can also be used to plant heavenly materials and earthly treasures, which can make their growth and germination faster. times, no matter where they are used, they are very precious.

Even though there are many earth-attribute treasures of heaven and earth, it is generally recognized that Jiutianxi soil is the best among them, and no other soil can compare with it.

The only regret is that everyone thinks that such a spiritual creature is a legend. After all, no one has seen it with their own eyes, so it is more of a rumor.

So far, his reputation has basically been forgotten by everyone. If Sun Bing hadn't been involved in a wide range of fields, he wouldn't even have known Jiutianxi Land at all.

But he never expected that the item that had always been considered a legendary item would appear alive in front of Sun Bing.

The surprise in this is completely unimaginable to others

, because it is more important than any magical power. If he can put the Nine Heavens Breathing Soil into his cave, then Sun Bing can be sure that this will definitely be the most terrifying cave in the world.

However, before Sun Bing could make any extra moves, his brows slowly furrowed and he began to murmur: "This is indeed the Nine Heavens Breathing Land, but the origin of it seems to have been lost, otherwise it would never be like this." "

In an instant, all the original joy in Sun Bing's heart disappeared without a trace at this moment. The Nine Heavens Breathing Soil was indeed extremely precious, but if the source was missing, then it would only be an empty joy.

Even if they could try to complete the source like those people before, such a spiritual creature, even with Sun Bing's wealth, would not be able to complete it at all.

Just when Sun Bing's heart was very entangled, a huge force suddenly came from his hand. When he lowered his head and took a look, he could find that the sky wall spiritual soil was also blooming with a faint light.

Moreover, Sun Bing was very surprised to find that the origin revealed in the Heavenly Wall Spiritual Soil seemed to be slightly similar to the Jiutian Breathing Soil.

Immediately, Sun Bing seemed to understand something, and he immediately muttered to himself: "Even the sky can make up for the Heavenly Wall Spiritual Earth, so the most important thing is to check for the deficiencies and fill them up, and judging from this aura, it's still very... It’s possible that the Nine Heavens Breathing Land has been separated. Could it be said that it can be completely replenished?”

For a moment, Sun Bing's eyes couldn't help but flicker, his mind was spinning rapidly, and he kept thinking about the decision in his heart.

After all at this moment

There are two paths before Sun Bing. If he chooses to make amends, he is very likely to take this opportunity to obtain the complete Nine Heavens Breathing Land. This is a treasure that everyone dreams of. Even the monks in the Holy Realm know that If it were in the hands of Sun Bing, he would take action shamelessly.

However, the risks involved are also quite huge. As long as there is a slightest accident, not only will the Heavenly Wall Spiritual Soil in your hands disappear, but what you will ultimately gain is just the Jiutian Breathing Soil that has been depleted of its original source. It will also require Spend countless resources to make up for it.

Two thoughts and two choices were placed in front of Sun Bing. No matter who he was, he would be undecided when faced with such a choice.

In the end, Sun Bing's eyes flashed with determination. As the saying goes, the timid will be supported to death and the bold will be starved to death. Although the risks involved are not small, the rewards are also huge.

Even if he fails, Sun Bing can still continue to collect earth attribute treasures in the next time. If a piece of sky wall spiritual soil is not enough, then he will look for other soil. Anyway, Sun Bing will definitely not let go of the nine-day soil. Passed.

It was precisely because he had made the final decision that Sun Bing suddenly let go. The Heavenly Wall Spiritual Soil in his hand bloomed with a faint light, and then began to fly towards the mid-air.

Almost in an instant, it was close to the Jiutian Xi soil. In an instant, the Jiutian Xi soil was swallowing it directly as if it were eating.

Even though the Heavenly Wall Spiritual Earth looks quite huge, there is still no way to resist in front of the Nine Heavens Breathing Earth.

Time passed slowly, and the energy released from Jiutianxi soil

The light became brighter and brighter, but there was still no other change. A full day passed, and it was still so quiet. There was a faint glow, as if Sun Bing had completely failed.

Although he said he was mentally prepared for failure before, when he actually saw this scene, Sun Bing still felt a hint of regret in his heart. After all, the Heavenly Wall Spiritual Earth was already a spiritual object that countless people dreamed of, and now he actually Defeated by Sun Bing.

This is simply a waste of natural resources. If people knew about it, they would even be angry and scolded.

So at this moment, he could only let out a long sigh, and Sun Bing wanted to take this opportunity to step forward and collect the Nine Heavens Breathing Soil. No matter what, this thing belongs to Sun Bing, and he will never give up.

But it was also at this moment that Sun Bing could discover that the light on the surface of Jiutianxi soil gradually shrank and disappeared completely after a while, and the mystery that could be seen before could no longer be revealed.

Sun Bing could even conclude that even a monk in the Holy Realm would have no way to determine whether this was Nine Heavens Breathing Soil or ordinary soil.

Immediately, a smile finally appeared on Sun Bing's face, because Sun Bing knew that this meant that Jiutianxi soil was completely restored, and all the previous efforts had finally been rewarded.

Because of the prosperity of Jiutianxi soil, there are obvious records in ancient books. It is just like ordinary soil, and nothing unique can be found at all. This is why it has been quite difficult to find since ancient times. It seems that no one has discovered it at all.

At this moment, it finally appeared in front of Sun Bing. Suddenly, Sun Bing stepped forward quickly and took it into his pocket.

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