Sword Emperor

Chapter 989:

Not long after, Sun Bing finally arrived in front of the hut. At this moment, the pressure on his body became more and more huge, as if there was a huge mountain weighing heavily on him. Every move was very difficult.

Looking around, you can see that this is an open space, and you can still vaguely see some sword marks on the ground, which are full of strong sword intent. Even the wooden swords originally placed around are due to the formation. It is quite well preserved.

"Has this reached the level of returning to nature? And the aura filled with this sword mark is really amazing." Just such a sight made Sun Bing's eyes full of strange colors, and he could see the leopard through the tube. You can see how powerful that person was.

But what is regrettable is that, at least in this small courtyard, Sun Bing did not find anything related to inheritance at all. He could only let out a long sigh and express his depression before pushing away the hut and heading towards Go inside.

Completely different from the outside world before, the interior of the hut is not overpowering at all, and is even full of warmth. Moreover, the interior decoration is extremely simple, with only two tables, chairs, and a futon, just like an ascetic monk. generally.

Even though Sun Bing didn't care much about the rest of the red tape, he still couldn't help but be filled with emotion at this moment.

But there is no disdain in his heart, on the contrary, he is full of admiration. Only in this way can a monk who forgets about himself and himself and does not indulge in ordinary things can truly reach the highest level of swordsmanship. Even if they have not met, Sun Bing can feel this. The noble character of our predecessors.

And at this moment, Sun Bingyi

My eyes were attracted to the futon. It seemed to contain a different aura, and I could faintly detect the splendor appearing on it. It was obvious that I had been contaminated by the monks in the holy realm for many years, and also had a bit of holy power.

Afterwards, Sun Bing did not hesitate and immediately started searching in the room.

Time passed by slowly, but what was disappointing was that Sun Bing found nothing at all. Whether it was a table, chair or futon, although it was very expensive and had some magical special effects, it had no hidden meaning. inheritance.

In the end, Sun Bing's face was full of bitterness, and he sighed: "That's right, Nihe Sect has been researching for tens of thousands of years, and I don't know how many senior masters have come here, and they must have turned this place upside down.

Even so, I didn't notice any clues, let alone me. My cultivation level is lower than theirs and I have less experience. How could I possibly notice it. "

This is true. Compared with those people, Sun Bing is really far behind in every aspect.

But just when Sun Bing had this idea in his mind, his brows slowly wrinkled. After all, it would be normal if his cultivation strength was not as good as those of his seniors. However, there was one point where those people were not as good as Sun Bing even if they were trying to flatter him.

Because his sword intention transformed into sword soul.

Suddenly, Sun Bing's heart was filled with excitement, as if he had discovered a secret. This was probably the reason why those people could not find the inheritance.

You must know that the ancestor himself is a swordsman with a sword soul, and he also has a sword soul. The two of them completely have the same attributes.

If we say that in so many years,

The Nihe Sect has not gained anything, so it is very likely that it has something to do with this, because swordsmen who can transform into sword souls are really too rare, and there are only a few thousand or so in the past eternity.

After figuring this out, Sun Bing immediately did not hesitate, and slowly closed his eyes. The sword soul in the sea of ​​consciousness trembled slightly, and then there were strange and powerful fluctuations on his body, and there seemed to be another shadow of the sword. appear in front of you.

Even Sun Bing's soul ran out of the sea of ​​​​consciousness at this moment, holding the sword soul in his hand and looking around. However, what is regrettable is that even if he changed the angle, he still found nothing.

"Could it be that my guess is wrong? Even if I adopt this method, it still won't work?" Suddenly, Sun Bing felt filled with boundless doubts, and he couldn't help but start talking to himself.

Just when Sun Bing was about to give up, a call suddenly came from above his head. When he raised his head, he could notice that the roof at this moment was completely different from before.

I didn't pay attention to it before, but now it is clearly a seal, with mysterious shackles of inscriptions on the surface. The strangest thing is that the energy inside the seal not only does not have any destructive atmosphere, but is even full of gentleness.

Faintly, the call in Sun Bing's heart couldn't help but become stronger and stronger. Immediately, his heart was filled with countless joys, because this meant that this place was the final source. If there was really any inheritance, it must be in it. .

Then, Sun Bing's soul immediately controlled the sword soul and slowly stabbed it upward. Mysterious inscriptions suddenly surged up at this moment, hindering the sword soul's attack.

However, under the control of Sun Bing, the attack power of the sword soul was very powerful, and with the endless power poured into it, the sealing inscriptions were slowly disappearing at this moment.

Finally, a cracking sound seemed to appear next to Sun Bing's ears, and then he finally succeeded in opening the seal.

In an instant, Sun Bing could sense that there was a very powerful force emerging from it. Even now, he was unable to resist, and his soul immediately flew out heavily.

And in an instant, this force had completely enveloped Sun Bing, and suddenly he seemed to be able to feel that countless information was being crazily poured into his mind.

Because the amount of news he received was so huge, Sun Bing's mind was in considerable pain. Even Sun Bing could hardly bear it. In the end, his eyes went black, he completely lost consciousness and fell into a coma.

I don't know how much time had passed this time, but Sun Bing slowly opened his eyes. First of all, he could find that the pain in his mind was unbearable, and it seemed that it was very difficult for him to move.

But soon, the dissatisfaction in Sun Bing's heart disappeared without a trace, because Sun Bing was able to suddenly add countless pieces of information to his mind. After careful analysis, Sun Bing identified it. This was clearly a name. "Heart Sword Art" secret book.

This sword technique is particularly extraordinary. According to the information in my mind, sword techniques are mainly divided into visible swords and invisible swords. Most of the ordinary sword techniques and what ordinary people can see are tangible sword techniques, and this sword of the heart is It's completely different, it's an invisible sword.

Once you practice successfully, even if your hands are

There is no weapon, but if you want to kill the opponent, then it is not a problem for a sword light to rise in the heart. This is to completely wipe out the opponent's soul. The sword body still exists, but the soul disappears, and the sword itself is gone. Fallen.

Even though the difference in cultivation level between the two parties is relatively huge, after using it, they are not even afraid of the difference in cultivation level between the two people. It can be said that they are not afraid of defensive attacks, and it is not difficult to cross the border to challenge.

However, even though it has such huge power, it is also difficult to cultivate. There are definitely no more than five monks in the world who can understand it, because the first requirement is that they must understand the sword soul before they are qualified to practice it. Practice.

This piece of information alone can scare countless people away. However, ordinary monks naturally have no way to deal with this restriction, but Sun Bing was different and passed it easily.

Fortunately, Sun Bing completely fit the situation. He exhaled a long breath, with an unconcealable smile on his face, and even couldn't help but murmur:

"I didn't expect that I would get such a huge harvest this time. If I really wanted to sleep, I brought a pillow. Now even the sword soul can be used perfectly, but I don't know how powerful it can be in the end? "

Then, without any hesitation, Sun Bing immediately sat cross-legged on the futon, slowly closed his eyes, and began to speculate in his mind on how to practice the Heart Sword.

Sun Bing has a hunch that once he can successfully practice this move, it will definitely become his most powerful trump card. If he is caught off guard, even a strong enemy may be capsized.

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