Sword Emperor

Chapter 996: Soul Flies Away

Suddenly, a bright cold light bloomed in Sun Bing's eyes. At this time, the stalemate must not continue, otherwise the damage to one's side will be too great, and a quick victory must be achieved.

After all, I won’t say more about Dugu Bai’s side for now. Du Yu’s strength is only at the first level of the life and death realm. The two sides can be said to be evenly matched. Even if each other is stronger or weaker, the battle will not end in a short time.

But the situation on Song Que's side was not optimistic. After all, he was just a monk who had just stepped into the realm of life and death. However, this time his opponent was a monk who had already reached the fourth level of the realm of life and death.

Even though Song Que is a talented person with the ability to challenge across borders, the gap in strength between the two sides is still too huge. This is an unbridgeable gap.

Only those monsters who only emerge one after tens of thousands of years can ignore the gap, and Sun Bing is a representative figure among them.

So now if we want to break the deadlock, we can only rely on Sun Bing.

Moreover, Sun Bing's mind was not simple. He just took this opportunity to try the "Heart Sword Art" that he had practiced for so long. After all, this secret technique had not been used until now, and now he finally had this opportunity.

Suddenly, the sword soul in Sun Bing's sea of ​​consciousness trembled, and then two gleams of cold light shot out from his eyes. It looked extremely shaky, and he directly attacked the opponent. It seemed that he could vaguely see that it was a sword. The edge of an ancient sword.

The target of Sun Bing's attack this time was the monk in the fourth level of the life and death realm. The moment Sun Bing launched this move, the opponent could feel the hairs on his body standing on end, even on his back.

He also broke out in countless cold sweats, as if his whole body was about to fall.

A great sense of crisis enveloped him, and all his potential suddenly exploded. He subconsciously retreated towards the rear. At the same time, many life-saving moves emerged, trying to completely crush the two rays of light.

But soon, this person was able to find that even if he tried his best to attack, there was nothing he could do about it. Two glances, all the attacks passed through easily, as if these two rays of light were simply impossible. There is no general.

However, what was even more strange was that even if he wanted to avoid it, there was absolutely no way he could do it, because the speed of those two gazes was so fast that they were in front of him almost instantly.

Subconsciously, the monk even closed his eyes, thinking that he had fallen.

However, the human chicken soon discovered that the situation was very strange. There was no pain at all on his body, not even a scratch.

"You little beast, I didn't expect that this move would have no effect at all. I have been worrying for so long in vain, and then your death will be next."

After feeling that there was no danger on his body, a fierce smile appeared on this person's face, and his eyes burst with murderous intent, looking directly at Sun Bing.

Having lost so much face before, now the hatred in his heart for Sun Bing has reached its limit, and even his biggest wish is to kill Sun Bing completely.

But after hearing these words, Sun Bing's face showed no fear at this moment, and was even full of indifference. He looked at the other party as if he were looking at a dead person.

It seems vaguely possible

It was enough to see that Sun Bing's face was full of sneer, and faint words came from the air: "Really?"

After all, even if Sun Bing had not obtained the "Heart Sword Technique" before, he was not afraid of a fourth-level monk in the realm of life and death, and even killed one, not to mention that he was even more powerful now.

Originally, this person wanted to say some threatening words, but before he could speak, his expression changed crazily, because the two rays of light entered his body and turned into two sword souls, heading straight towards the consciousness. Rushing into the sea.

In this short period of time, the sea of ​​consciousness has been broken through. At this moment, Sun Bing can even notice that in the endless sea of ​​consciousness, an old-faced soul is sitting quietly in the center.

Although it is quite difficult to invade other people's consciousness, and even suffers from a lot of constraints, the movement speed of the sword spirit is much slower.

But at this moment, the two sword souls suddenly burst out with bright light, and the terrifying momentum broke through the entire sea of ​​​​consciousness, and then headed towards the soul of the final light to kill.

Many restraints were completely severed at this moment, and now the soul also noticed the sudden intrusion of the sword soul, its expression changed crazily, and it wanted to escape.

It's just that the power of "Heart Sword Art" is more powerful than Sun Bing imagined, and because of the violent attack that was caught off guard, in the end he could only watch the sword spirit attack towards him. , after hitting the soul, the terrifying momentum completely exploded.

As for this extremely old soul, there is no way to resist now. In an instant, the soul is gone, and then the sea of ​​​​consciousness is gradually disappearing.

Gradually collapsed.

As for the outside world, this person originally wanted to say something, but at that moment, his eyes were completely blank, and the whole person fell from mid-air. Although his body was still alive, he had lost his soul. Fluctuation, which means it is dead.

Originally, another cultivator who was besieging Sun Bing wanted to attack from both sides, but he didn't expect that the heavy sword would undergo such a strange change. His face changed drastically immediately, because he had no idea what was going on.

Finally, he could only turn his attention to Sun Bing, especially when he found him standing there with a calm face. He was even more frightened and said a few words from his teeth: "What happened? Did you do all this?"

"Oh? What do you think?"

Even when facing a cultivator of the third level of the Life and Death Realm, Sun Bing was still full of confidence, and even a mocking smile appeared at the corner of his mouth at this moment, but the movements in his hands were quite swift. Since he had already made a move, he had to use the power of thunder to completely kill the opponent.

Then he took a step forward, and the Tai'a sword in his hand burst out with a brilliant light. At this moment, the sword box behind him also burst out with flying swords, which intersected with each other in the air, and a series of mysterious fluctuations emerged.

"Big Dipper Sword Formation"

"Instant Brilliance"

After two consecutive moves, the void in front of him even underwent a huge change. The space burst into ripples, and countless space cracks appeared at this moment, just like the ultimate beauty, but it contained infinite murderous intent.

In the sky, the Big Dipper

gradually flashed its own light. Under the shining of the stars, it seemed that the entire Tianzhou was shrouded in a layer of silver gauze. Then the seven flying swords covered the bottom with lightning speed.

This time the attack speed was so fast that the opponent had no way to react at all. Even if he felt the sense of crisis on his body, it was too late to resist.

So in the end, he could only have a ferocious face, and the fluctuations all over his body surged, wanting to fight to the death. Since he had fallen into a desperate situation, he naturally wanted to pull Sun Bing into this situation together.

However, although he made the final choice and even started to act, the time was still a little short.

A huge wave erupted, but in an instant it was completely covered by the Seven-Star Sword Formation in the sky. In an instant, sword energy was swallowed and spit out, and endless attacks poured into it.

Then the sword formation dispersed, and the sword light in the void cut through, completely blocking the opponent's last retreat. The whole person was annihilated in the infinite void. Under the turbulence, even with a body in the realm of life and death, there was no way to resist such a pull.

Sun Bing could conclude that the opponent was absolutely dead, or even if he was still alive, but in the endless turbulence of the void, after all, although Jiuzhou was boundless, it was only a drop in the ocean for the entire void, and it was impossible to return.

Even if he was lucky enough to return to Tianzhou, it would take an unknown number of years, but by that time, as long as Sun Bing did not fall, he would not be afraid of any challenge.

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