Sword God

Vol 19 Chapter 53: Floating clouds

The time in cultivation always elapses inadvertently and never returns.

The world of genius is even more changeable.

A month later, Li Zhenyi and Gao Bojun successively went out of customs.

"Brother, come and fight with me." Gao Bojun's strength has obviously improved, and his fighting spirit is skyrocketing.

"Okay." Li Zhenyi also improved.

The two shot, and immediately fought fiercely, hitting the heart and soul, Li Zhenyi broke his sword with a sword, and the astonishing sharp edge killed with terrible will.

Cut the wind and sword!

Gao Bojun also waved his sword, thirteen chops in an instant, and the thirteen knife lights converged into one. There is a kind of toughness that breaks through all obstacles against the current, and nothing breaks.


Seeing Chen Zong's sword intention in the underground palace, taking a conscious mind to increase the level of retreat and practice for one month, Li Zhenyi and Gao Bojun finally took the last step to understand the sword intention of the cutting wind and the thirteen swords of the countercurrent Sword intention, strength has increased significantly.

The swords and swords disappeared together, Li Zhenyi remained motionless, and Gao Bojun stepped back in three steps.

"Haha, brother, you are still great." Despite the defeat, Gao Bojun was not half frustrated, but smiled.

"If I hadn't realized the meaning of cutting wind and sword, maybe I would be defeated by your sword." Li Zhenyi smiled slightly, and then shifted the subject, looking towards the direction of the Qing Temple, "I don't know that this month, Chen How much has your brother improved? "

"I guess Brother Chen must be practicing that practice." Gao Bojun laughed.

"Brother Gao knows me very well." A gentle voice sounded, at first in the distance, and finally in his ears.

Li Zhenyi and Gao Bojun's eyes fell together, and Chen Zong fell on the figure of Tsing Yi.

The two keenly felt that Chen Zong's breath seemed a little different from the past, it seemed a lot more sophisticated, and there was an indescribable power.

This is a sign of refining success.

Practitioner tiger power, the more tiger power, the stronger the body, the stronger the power will be, that is a kind of momentum from the bones, even if you try to converge, it will emit a trace of light, making the perception sharp People feel.

The momentum on Chen Zong's body just exudes a hint of imagination. If Li Zhenyi and Gao Bojun didn't know that Chen Zong got the exercises, he would not have association.

"Brother, pick me a knife." Gao Bojun shouted directly, the long knife came out of the sheath, and the savage sword light broke through.


Gao Bojun knew that one month ago, Chen Zong's strength was not inferior to himself. One month later, he had improved, and Chen Zong would definitely not stand still.

The thirteen knife lights converged into one instantly, and that one knife light was extremely dazzling, as amazing as the world, even the thousands of waterfalls will be split by this knife.


The stronger your resistance, the greater my disobedience.

The anger was surging, and there was a faint sound of tiger howling from the bones and muscles.

Pure Yuan Jianyi!

A sword is cut off, and the countercurrent sword intention is broken, but the pure Yuan Jianyi still has a little bit of strength.

This sword, in addition to Qi and Jianyi, also has an outbreak of tiger power and tiger power.

Unlike those who practice qi, Chen Zong only has the method of refining the body but does not have the practice of refining martial arts. Therefore, it is difficult to completely erupt the power of tiger power.

However, even if the practice of qi and martial arts is performed, it is also necessary to use the body as a guide. Therefore, with close combat, the stronger your own strength, the more powerful your sword will be.

Of course, if it is a sword Qi Jianmang attack, the tiger force will not be able to increase the effect.

"Brother Chen, I'm afraid you are no less capable than me now." Li Zhenyi said with deep surprise.

It's only a matter of time before Chen Zong catches up with him, but he didn't expect it to be so fast, it was only one month.

"Brother Chen, what level do you have for your cultivation?" Gao Bojun asked curiously.

"The tiger power is sevenfold." Chen Zong laughed, but did not hide it.

Li Zhenyi and Gao Bojun both drank the air conditioner and looked ashamed.

Tiger Power Realm Seven!

This is equivalent to the construction of a sevenfold base. They are nothing at all. They can kill a large number of random shots. The problem is that it has only been a month since Chen Zong obtained the exercises.

One month to rise to Tiger Power Seventh.


"People are more deadly than popularity. I'm going to retreat. I won't break the extraordinary and do not go out." Gao Bojun murmured, obviously a big blow.

In fact, his cultivation has reached the point where he has to take the next step, that is, to open up the heavens and the earth, to realize the extraordinary mystery, and then to be promoted to the extraordinary state.

But this step is not easy, even if Gao Bojun is a genius, there is no guarantee that he can do it in a short time.

"And slow."

The sound suddenly sounded, a figure flashed, appearing in front of the three Chen Zong like a dream.

"The elder." The three saluted together.

The status of true disciples is indeed very high, but compared with the elders, they are still somewhat inadequate.

"I'm here to tell you one thing." The elder looked kindly and touched Bai Xu with a smile and smiled: "Not long ago, there was news from the floating cloud palace. The contemporary king of clouds wants to start the cloud of dragons and clouds. After six months. "

"Fengyunhua Longjing?" The three of Chen Zong looked at each other, never heard of it.

"Our Qingyun sect belongs to the Dongchen boundary, and the Dongchen boundary belongs to the corner of the floating cloud." The elder Xu Xu explained: "In addition, there are four territories such as Yongan, Jiangzhong, Yanshan, and Qianshui. According to ancient times, there were For the expansion of the floating cloud domain, the ancestors of the floating cloud domain spent hundreds of years and countless precious materials to lay down a large array of chemical dragons, breeding the power of the chemical dragon, and gradually formed a secret place. "

"The last time to open the Dragon Realm was fifty years ago, and a generation of geniuses emerged." The elder's eyes filled with a few memories: "I also wanted to participate in that year, but it was unfortunately eliminated."

"When you enter the dragon realm and participate in the battle of the dragon, you can get the power of the dragon, and when you have the power of the dragon, you can get the help of the force of the dragon when you break through the extraordinary realm. It is possible to break through to the later stage of the transcendental realm and even the duality. "

The three Chen Zong were suddenly surprised.

Every breakthrough is a step-by-step process. From half-step transcendent to transcendental, it is the initial stage of transcendence. However, if you have enough power of the dragon, you are expected to repair it. After a breakthrough, you will continue to improve and reach transcendental. Double or even higher.

"This news is not only available to us, but also to other ancestors, so I think the other ancestors have the same choices as our ancestors." The elder said, "The three of you are trying to improve yourself as much as possible within this half year. Strength, you must either understand the extraordinary secrets, or open up the heavens and the earth, remember that they must not come together. "

In addition to the extraordinary secretive power, there is also a gap between the half-step transcendent and the truly transcendental realm.

Open up the heaven and earth porch, a spiritual power will converge, and then condense into a spiritual wheel.

If you realize the super mystery again, the super mystery merges into the spiritual chakra and casts the super spiritual chakra, which is the real stepping into the super realm.

Once in the extraordinary world, the battle of Hualong was missed, because the battle of Hualong was set up for the younger generation in the extraordinary world, the purpose is to train the younger generation in the floating cloud domain.

"In addition to our Qingyun Sect, our Dongchen Realm also has Ziyaozong and Tianluo Valley, and the most powerful Beichen Villa, but at that time, your opponents are not only them, but also other geniuses of Zongmen." The elder said solemnly: "We Qingyunzong are four-star powers, but there are two five-star powers in the floating cloud domain, with deeper foundation and stronger genius. In addition, the floating cloud palace is a six-star power."

Chen Zong was surprised.

The comparison between Qingyunzong and Taiyuan Tianzong in the Canglan World is still a bit inadequate, but it will not be inferior to those of the top grades. If the five-star power in this world is not inferior to Taiyuan Tianzong.

The six-star power is even harder to imagine.

However, this did not hurt the three Chen Zong, but made them aggressive, and the elder nodded in satisfaction.

The real genius was not uttered, but sharpened, not afraid, and strode forward with his head raised.

The elder brought a word and changed the thoughts of Li Zhenyi and Gao Bojun.

Originally, they were going to retreat, break through the heavens and earth, realize the extraordinary mystery, and achieve the extraordinary world. Now they have changed their minds and increased their strength as much as possible, either to open the heavens and earth first, or to understand the extraordinary mystery, but they cannot be promoted to Transcendental realm.

However, it is not easy to open up the heaven and earth porch or realize the extraordinary secrets. For two months, the two did not know if they could do it.

Not only Chen Zongsan was warned, but Song Lingsu and Yang Chaofan were also warned.

"Six months!" Yang Chaofan clenched his hands.

With his own efforts and the resources of the ancestral gate, his cultivation has now broken through to the early stage of the eighth stage of the construction of the foundation, and he strives to improve his cultivation to a half-step extraordinary in the next six months. The power of Bai Lei can certainly participate in the battle of Nahualong.

Yang Chaofan was born to be extraordinary and lost to Chen Zong. He didn't hate it, but he was in his arms, thinking that one day he would have to defeat Chen Zong himself.

This is one of his motivations for penance.

Chen Zong, who had just left the customs, closed again.

This time, Chen Zong is going to transform his true energy.

Now, in order to reach the ninth limit of building a base, the practice of Qi training is an extraordinary distance from half a step.

The magical misty sky cloud power runs to the extreme, and the whole body becomes more and more hazy, as if there is a breeze blowing, it will disappear.

The innocence of pure innocence rushes through every unobstructed meridian, reaching the extreme.

When the speed exceeds the limit ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Zhenqi begins to change. Under Chen Zongqiang's consciousness, a little compression.

That's right, one of the ways to transform Qi into spiritual power is to compress. This is the most direct and rude way. It can be said to be difficult or easy.

At least for Chen Zong who has a strong spiritual knowledge, it is not difficult at all.

True Qi is gaseous, and spiritual power begins to evolve into liquid.

Constantly compressing and condensing during the running of Qi, eventually, the first drop of spiritual power appeared, that is, a drop of lavender on the outside emitting an amazingly high temperature liquid, but the interior was changing like a cloud of mist.

With the emergence of the first drop of spirit, soon there are second drops, third drops ... more and more.

Chen Zong's body is extremely pure, so it is easier to transform into spiritual power. After a while, he is completely transformed into spiritual power, a lot more pure, but far less than ten times as high.

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