Sword God

Vol 19 Chapter 57: Hualongguan (on)

(I accompany my son to watch an episode of New Gourd Brothers, and almost spit out a bowl of blood from the sea, destroying childhood and destroying classics)


Huge amounts of water fell from a height of thousands of meters, carrying terrible power, as if it could sink the earth, ten thousand meters apart, still making people feel small and trembling.

"That's the battle of Hualong. Choose three levels." The elder said, pointing to the 10,000-meter gully and the kilometer waterfall. "Only by passing the three levels within the prescribed time can we enter the real battle of Hualong."

"That year, the elders and I stopped at the first checkpoint." Elder Lin laughed, a little ashamed, and couldn't even get through the first checkpoint.

Although it is not clear how old the elders and elders were, they wanted to come to the level of transcendental realm, and practiced the spiritual training of the lower grades, so they could n’t pass the first level, which shows the difficulty.

"Is this the so-called Hualong Sanguan?"

"It doesn't seem to be difficult."

"Oh, no difficulty, can you leap 10,000 meters away at once?"

This world is different. Even the transcendental powerhouse cannot fly in the air. Only the transcendental powerhouse can do it.

The distance of 10,000 meters is not a big problem for the transcendental powerhouse, but it is not so easy for the transcendental world.

It can be said that even if it is a powerful half-step transcendental realm, it is difficult to leap 10,000 meters away at once.

As soon as King Fuyun waved his hand at high altitude, a huge water leak appeared.

"The three levels of Hualong are a test. Only those who pass the three levels can participate in the battle of Hualong and gain the power of them." King Fuyun's voice was magnificent and full of endless majesty: "Remember, all forces pass through the level in turn. Let's start with my floating cloud palace. "

With the words of King Fuyun falling, thirty disciples of Fuyun Palace strode together and appeared on the edge of the 10,000-meter giant pit, looking ahead.

In the middle of the air, the first drop of water in that huge water leak fell, making a crisp ticking sound, like a command, thirty disciples of the floating cloud immediately cast their body skills, and turned into thirty clusters of white clouds floating forward instantly.

Baiyun, the incarnation of several inscrutable ones, is the most realistic, lifelike, and fastest, and floats forward quickly, leaving the other twenty behind.

"Fast!" People watched in shock.

"So many people realize their minds!"

Chi Jiu Tianchi Longhai et al. Pupils contracted.

Most of the thirty disciples of the Fuyun Palace practiced physical fitness to the realm of huahua, and there were ten comprehension and mastery of physical and mental status.

In the blink of an eye, the ten disciples who realized their minds distanced hundreds of meters from other disciples and kept expanding.

When crossing the kilometer, the metamorphosis is abrupt, and white strips of light emerge from the bottom like octopus claws. The speed is amazing, carrying the thunderous potential, and smashing a vacuum-like fierce bombardment. The power is half-step extraordinary.

Everyone looked very changed, and secretly startled.

Thirty disciples of the Fuyun Palace were already prepared, and when they saw the ten geniuses who realized their minds, they did not shy away, but instead rushed toward the white light tentacles, as if throwing themselves into a net.

But I saw eight white light tentacles like the whip of the heavens and earth hitting the ten white clouds fiercely instead of smashing the ten white clouds. Instead, they made use of force and swept forward at a faster speed.

Most disciples did not understand, but Chen Zong and the elders could see clearly.

The moment the white light tentacles hit the cloud, the people in the cloud exerted cleverness, removed the violent power attack of the tentacle, and used the tentacle and power to instantly ventilate, and once again performed their physical moves forward.

Otherwise, how can you leap that 10,000 meters away?

The other twenty puppet palace disciples did the same, but they didn't do that.

One by one, the tentacles continued to flash out from below, sweeping with horrible power, threatening everyone, while giving everyone a chance to breathe and move forward.

Danger and opportunity coexist.

"The test is the temporary adaptability of the people and the control of their own power." An elder laughed.

If the temporary response capacity is insufficient, the response will not be fast enough. If you do not have enough control over your own strength, you will not be able to take advantage of it. Only by doing these two things will you be able to use the tentacle attack to get yourself a chance to move forward.

Hundreds of contenders.

The ordinary half-step transcendental realm cannot do this at all, and it will be shot down and eliminated in an instant.

The disciples of other forces outside the Fuyun Palace stared at each other with their eyes widened, looking for patterns, because after the Fuyun Palace, it was their turn to break through the three barriers.

The King of Clouds allowed the disciples of Fuyun Palace to break through first. In fact, he is also giving other disciples of other forces a chance, a chance to watch first, and can better break through the barriers.

Of course, if one's own strength is insufficient, even knowing the laws will not help.

The distance of 10,000 meters is not much at ordinary times. It can leap a few times, but under the attack of white light tentacles, it has to be treated with caution, and it may fall and be hit by accident.

Rush Rush!

The water droplets in the water leak continued to drop, and the speed was extremely fast. The ten masters of the floating cloud palace easily crossed the distance of 10,000 meters and rushed towards the platform.

But I saw a flash of colorful light passing, and a barrier appeared between the platform and the 10,000-meter giant pit.

Ten apprentices from the Yunyun Palace shot in unison, and between the clouds billowing, they hit the barrier fiercely, suddenly breaking up layers of ripples, tearing the barrier out of ten gaps.

Between clouds of surging, ten people had drilled through the crack and stepped onto the platform.

"It turned out to be the second barrier of void."

The first level is called 10,000 meters, the second level is called the Nether Barrier, and the third level is Yuyu Dragon Gate.

In addition, twenty disciples of the Fuyun Palace also successively approached the void barrier of the second pass. Don't look at the ten people who broke the void barrier easily before thinking that the second pass is not difficult.

In fact, the void barrier in the second level is very tough, and there is not enough power to break it.

The twenty Yunyun Palace disciples approached one after another and bombarded the Nether Barrier, but only five of them blasted the Nether Barrier out of nowhere, and the other 15 did not open the Nether Barrier at once.

Five people quickly penetrated and stepped onto the platform. The other fifteen faced the attack of the white light tentacles. While resisting the attack, while maintaining their figure, they also shot the void barrier again, which made it more difficult.

Three maintained their height and shot a second time, breaking through the void barrier and drilling into it.

Two of them were accidentally attacked by white light tentacles, unable to stabilize their bodies, and fell down.

There are ten third shots left.

Five broke through the void barrier and successfully stepped on the platform, while the other five did not break through the void barrier and fell down.

Of the 30 disciples of the Fuyun Palace, seven were eliminated in the second stage, and twenty-three could challenge the third stage of Yuyu Dragon Gate.

The ten people who passed the second pass first adjusted their breath slightly, and immediately set off, turning into a ten-ball billowing cloud and quickly heading for the third pass.

It was a kilometer-high waterfall, and beneath it was a long river, with waves rolling.

As soon as ten clouds of cloud air appeared over the long river, before falling close to the waterfall, they quickly fell, and all of their physical abilities were ineffective.

Ten people seemed to have become fish in the long river, and they continued to swim forward against the rolling waves, approaching the thousand-meter waterfall.

The so-called Yuyue Longmen starts from the long river against the waves, then enters the kilometer waterfall, and goes up against the waterfall. Only after the success of Yuelongmen can it enter the battle of Hualong.

The real difficulty of Hualong Sanguan lies here.

For the ten disciples of the Fuyun Palace, although there are some resistances in this long river wave, it is nothing, and it is easy to ride the wind and waves until it reaches the kilometer waterfall.

A thousand-meter waterfall, a huge amount of water descends from the sky, and the power is amazing. Especially when approaching, the momentum is extremely horrifying and deafening.

Boom boom!

Ten waves burst into the sky, ten figures burst into amazing power, and instantly burst into the sky, against the bombardment of thousands of tons of water, as if swimming against the current.

Other disciples of the Fuyun Palace also plunged into the long river, and approached the waterfall quickly against the waves of the long river.

The closer you get, the more you can feel the majestic fury of the water of that thousand kilometers of waterfall.

The ten floating cloud palace disciples, however, showed amazing strength. They continued to rise against the mighty and violent current, but the gap also began to emerge. Three gradually surpassed the other seven and continued to rise.

The watchers held their breaths and widened their eyes, feeling nervous, as if to substitute themselves into it.

In fact, they will also face these difficulties. Now if you look more, you may be able to grasp some laws, grasp some mysteries, and make it easier to break through.

The three disciples at the front of the Yunyun Palace are like dragons, and they keep on going up, unstoppable.

The other seven were somewhat difficult, but they only slowed down a bit, but they continued to go up. As for the other disciples of the Fuyun Palace, they rushed under the waterfall and started to rush up. Rushed by the violent force, had to charge again.

Fight against the current, if you don't go up, you will go down.

Only a small portion of the water above the water leak is left.

The time spent in the first and second stages is actually not long, the focus is on the third stage.

At this time, the three disciples of the Fuyun Palace rushed over the kilometer waterfall. At once, as if a dragon shadow rose up from them, a high-pitched and groaning sound rang out in all directions.

Not long after ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Another seven also rushed up one after another, surrounded by dragon shadows, and the long chants of the dragon were endless.


Ten disciples in the Fuyun Palace have passed the three stages of Hualong and obtained the qualification for the battle of Hualong.

"Yes, it seems that the disciples who have been qualified for the Battle of the Dragon this time will exceed the previous one." An elder in Fuyun Palace caressed his long beard and smiled.

"The more people who qualify for the Battle of the Dragon, the more the power of the Dragon will be stimulated. By then, all opponents will be defeated, and the power of the Dragon will eventually be more than ever."

The dragon's power contained in the dragon battle array is very ambitious, and it is often not fully excited. After each battle of dragons, it will continue to draw transformations and accumulate, which will only be more than before. cut back.

When you get the qualification for the battle of the dragon, you will get the blessing of the power of the dragon. The more people you have, the more the total amount of the power of the dragon will be blessed. Blessings will naturally rise.

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