Sword God

Vol 20 Chapter 7: 10 years of fierce battle

Chen Zong is too far away from the Great Holy Xeon, even very far away from the King of Clouds. Therefore, King of Clouds did not continue and Chen Zong did not ask.

What Chen Zong even wanted to know was why Wang Chuanyin, the punk cloud, invited himself to come over that day, why.

It's never too much, just to talk to yourself about the division of the realm of cultivation and the area of ​​the spiritual and holy realm, that is too formal.

"Have you heard of ten years of fierce fighting?" Suddenly the King of Clouds asked back.

"Ten years of fierce fighting?" Chen Zong wondered.

Not to mention that his soul is from the Canglan world, not born in this world. Just talking about the predecessor Chen Qingzong, even the territory of Qing Yunzong has never stepped out, and the information he knows is very limited. .

The ten-year fierce battle deserves to be talked out by King Fuyun himself, and is obviously more important than the battle of Hualong.

"Lingwu sacred realm has four upper realms. Among them, there are thirteen and nine star Shangzongs, which are nine star powers." King Fuyun took a deep breath, and his tone became solemn and solemn: "The Shangzong is powerful and unimaginable , My floating cloud palace is in front of him, weak as ants. "

Chen Zong also looked dignified.

The power level is divided into nine stars, one star is the lowest, and nine stars is the highest. As for the so-called Holy Gate Sect above the nine stars, it exists only in the Supreme Sanctuary.

For Chen Zong, the power of Jiuxing is already unbelievable.

"Countless practitioners want to practice in the Shangzong, but the Shangzong is strong, and the selection of disciples is even more rigorous. Most of the disciples of the Shangzong are from the four upper regions, and a small number are from the twelve middle regions." Fuyun Wang There was a slight tone of tone, and it seemed a little unwilling: "Fortunately, it is not that we have not had the opportunity to become disciples of the previous school."

Chen Zong almost raised his ears and stared at the King of Clouds. His sharp eyes seemed to see through the clouds and clouds on the face of King of Clouds.

"There are two ways for people in Xiayu to become disciples of Shangzong." King Fuyun spoke again, with a more calm tone: "The first method is to go to the four Shangyus in person and participate in the selection of Shangzong disciples, but this kind of The method is almost impossible, because the thirty-six lower and upper realms are very far away, and the journey is dangerous. Without the strength to enter the sacred realm, it is almost impossible to cross, even if they enter the sacred realm, they are in danger of being killed midway. "

After all, in the lower region, the practitioners are weaker, but in the middle region, because of the cultivation environment and inheritance and various factors, there will be differences in strength, and there are monsters.

The monsters in the middle region are often more powerful and dangerous than the monsters in the lower region. One accidentally will die.

Even if it is fortunate to step over the middle region and step into the upper region, the probability of death will greatly increase, because the upper region can be stronger and more dangerous than the middle region.

Well, even if it ’s very good luck, it ’s really beyond the Midland to enter the Upper Realm and arrive at the Upper Sect, you may not be able to participate in the selection of disciples, after all, every force will not always recruit disciples, often there will be A time interval.

If the time is not right, then Shangzong will ignore you.

Luck is better. I happened to meet Zong Dakai Shanmen to recruit disciples and participate in the election, but they will eventually be eliminated.

The practitioners of the lower domain are innate, which is convenient for the practitioners of the middle domain to be different, and it is not comparable to the practitioners of the upper domain.

Therefore, the first method is almost impossible.

"The second method is ten years of fierce fighting." King Fuyun's eyes seemed to shoot out a ray of piercing light, piercing the sky: "The so-called ten years of fierce fighting was provided by the Nine Great Sects to thirty-six lower realms. Opportunity, let 36 Xiaxia select their outstanding younger, not more than 24 years old, to enter the battlefield of Liegu. As long as they live through the battlefield of Liegu and reach their final destination, Liegu Battle City, they will become disciples of the last ancestors. Qualifications."

Hearing words, Chen Zong's eyes glowed, his radiance was fiery.

Last Sect!

Eight-star and nine-star forces are so powerful. Even the floating cloud palace is like a ants in front of it, Qing Yunzong will not say much. The last one can let Qing Yunzong die.

Chen Zong wants to become more powerful, break through the transcendental realm, and step into the holy realm. Even the so-called Great Holy Xeonong wants to peek into the mystery. Naturally, he needs a better cultivation environment and inheritance.

"Is the purpose of the seniors calling me to let me participate in the ten-year fierce battle?" Chen Zong asked, but he was already a little certain.

"Nothing wrong, your talent must be above the fierce startling feathers. If you can enter Shangzong, or you can fly into the sky." Fuyun Wang laughed.

"The Liegu battlefield was opened once in ten years. The four major battlefields took turns to host it. The previous Liegu battlefield was hosted by Guixuan Shangyu. This time it should be hosted by Qingtian Shangyu. The next time it opens, there is still time in recent years." King Fuyun stared at Chen Zong: "I hope you can stay in the Fuyun Palace to cultivate and improve your strength and strength as much as possible. Even if you ca n’t become a disciple of Jiuxing Shangzong, you can also become a disciple of Eight Star Shangzong. . "

"Thirty-six lower domains, our floating cloud domain is located in the middle and lower areas. Those top-level lower domains are full of geniuses and powerful. In the past ten years of fierce battles, they have often won good rankings. In addition, some of the twelve middle domains now The forces will also participate in the ten-year fierce battle, which will make the competition in the fierce battlefield fiercer. "

"Furthermore, the battlefield of Liegou is not a peaceful place. There are many dangers. Without sufficient capacity, it is impossible to cope with it."

"Limited by the ancestral teachings of the Fuyun Palace, I cannot teach you the techniques and techniques of the Fuyun Palace." Fuyun King said again, feeling sorry.

If Chen Zong is able to practice the top grade exercises and martial arts of the Fuyun Palace, it will certainly be more powerful, but unfortunately, the first generation of the floating cloud king of the Fuyun Palace will leave a legacy, and any martial arts of the Fuyun Palace must not be passed on.

"However, if you are willing to leave the Qingyun Sect and join me in the Fuyun Palace, you can practice any martial arts in the Fuyun Palace." Fuyun Wang also said.

Chen Zong shook his head without hesitation.

Qing Yunzong was not sorry for him, but supported him more. If he left Qing Yunzong and joined the Yunyun Palace, perhaps others can understand it, but Chen Zong himself could not get through the level in his heart.

You treat me with sincerity, I treat you with sincerity.

Maybe, joining the Yunyun Palace can cultivate the spiritual superior quality exercises and spiritual superior quality martial arts that Qing Yunzong does not have, and even the stronger three-grade secret methods, etc., and even get spiritual artifacts, all benefits, which are far from Qingyun Zongneng. compared to.

But Chen Zong has his own principles and persistence.

If it is against your heart to gain any benefits, you will gain benefits on the surface, but actually lose more, which is not conducive to future cultivation.

Chen Zong's refusal was not surprised by King Fuyun.

"Since you do not want to be a disciple of my floating cloud palace, my martial arts of the floating cloud palace cannot be taught to you." King Fuyun gazed at Chen Zong, and said without hesitation, "There are not only many dangers in the ancient battlefield. There are still some chances. If you are lucky enough and have enough abilities, you will be able to get chances from them, and get good skills and martial arts. "

"In addition, I have a practice secret place in the floating cloud palace called Liuyun Secret Realm. I allow you to practice in the secret territory of Liuyun Secret. I hope you can maximize your cultivation and strength in the next one year." The King of Clouds solemnly said.

"Thank you seniors." Although Chen Zong does not know what kind of cultivation secrets the Liuyun secret realm is, but thinking about the cultivation holy land of Taiyuan Tianzong in the Canglan World, he can make some speculations.

The secret place of Liuyun must be a precious sacred place in the floating cloud palace.

This is also the case. Not all disciples in the Fuyun Palace are qualified to enter the secret area of ​​Liuyun. Only the best disciples are eligible. As for other disciples who want to enter, they need to pay the corresponding contribution value.

Chen Zong is not a disciple of the Fuyun Palace, but can practice in the secret realm of Liuyun, which is enough to make many disciples of the Fuyun Palace feel jealous.

"Here, this order of Liuyun secret realm, holding this order can enter and exit the Liuyun secret realm at will." As soon as the voice of Fuyun King fell, a light appeared in front of Chen Zong.

Chen Zong reached out and grabbed the light. The white token lay quietly in the palm of his hand. The token had a strange shape, like a reduced version of the cloud. When he held it in his hand, he felt a little bit It is soft, but when you apply it, it is very hard.

All in all, it feels very comfortable.

There are two quaint words written on this white cloud-like token: Liuyun.

Soon, King Fuyun asked an elder of the Fuyun Palace to arrange accommodation for Chen Zong, and temporarily settled in the Fuyun Palace.

The Fuyun Palace is located on the top of Fuyun Mountain. It has a wide range and there are many palaces. However, there are not many people in the Fuyun Palace, only a hundred of them. Some are places to live.

The strength of the heaven and earth here is even more than that of Qing Yunzong.

Chen Zong's arrival and staying in a palace of the Fuyun Palace caught the attention of his disciples.

There are no more than a hundred people up and down the floating cloud palace, and there are too few people. Therefore, new people are easily noticed. Soon, all the information about Chen Zong is also found.

"Disciple Qingyun Zong."

"The first person to fight the dragon."

"Did he become a disciple of our cloud?"

"No, I heard that the palace master recruited him, but he was unwilling to leave the little Qingyun sect and join our floating cloud palace."

"It's stupid."

"Is this disdain for our floating cloud palace?"

Disciples of the Fuyun Palace have a lot of discussion, with a slight disdain and anger.

"Don't hurry to evaluate ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but I heard that the palace owner gave him an access token for Liuyun's mystery, and he can enter and leave Liuyun's mystery at any time." A long hair covered half of his face His disciple smiled softly, and a gleam flashed under his eyes.

"What!" The other disciples were startled.

"The secret cloud of Liuyun is our exclusive cloud palace. Only the elders have the right to enter and exit at will. Why can a foreigner enjoy such a qualification?"

"Because he was the first person in the battle of Hualong, he was valued by the palace master."

"Well, a disciple of a four-star power, fortunately won the first place in the battle of Hualong, but at the level of transcendent realm, the skills and martial arts of the four-star power cannot be matched with ours Compared to martial arts. "

"Yes, I'm going to challenge him, defeat him, and seize the entry and exit order of Liuyun's secret place."

"Defeat him, and then see if he has any face here."

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