Sword God

Vol 20 Chapter 9: Flowing Clouds

"You weren't your opponent. It really surprised me, but I wouldn't shoot." A young man in his twenties said with both hands.

"Brother, if you don't take the shot, then the order of Liuyun's secret realm is really owned by the other party." This person said anxiously, it was a terrific triple defeat of Chen Zongjian not long ago.

"The token was handed over to the other party by the palace master, and it had its purpose. In addition, I was too old than the other party, and even if I could win, I had no face." This puff cloud palace disciple laughed: "This matter, so far. "

In the Cloud Palace, there are more than a hundred people, most of them are transcendental realms. The transcendental realms are triple to triple disciples, and a small number of disciples are able to achieve the four or even five levels of transcendental realms. Do not belong to the same generation, have their pride, do not want to bully the small.


In the Izumo Hall, Chen Zong took out the token, infused the spiritual power, the token instantly became larger, and turned into a rolling cloud of air that wrapped Chen Zong's body up and down. The light became a masterpiece, quickly condensed and concentrated to a point, and disappeared.

Clouds are lingering and endless, and the rich and powerful vitality of the world is filled with all directions, and a ray of white light surrounds it like a thread.

Suddenly, a little white awn appeared, quickly blooming into white light, and a figure appeared in the white light.

As soon as the figure appeared, his eyes shot sharply and quickly, and he was amazed immediately.

"Very vigorous and pure heaven and earth vitality!" Chen Zong whispered and marveled. The degree of vigor and purity of Xianyuntai's heaven and earth vitality was already several times that of Qing Yunzong, and the heaven and earth vitality and purity within it were again Two or three times as much as Sin Yun Terrace.

Not to mention others, this majestic and pure vitality alone can be called a sacred place of cultivation, at least in the floating cloud domain, which is incomparable.

If you stay in such a place for a long time to cultivate, the improvement of cultivation will be extremely amazing.

In addition to the pure and pure vitality of the heavens and the earth, Chen Zong's eyes gazed on the white silk threads, which was a new power of the heaven and earth's vitality and transformation: the power of heaven and earth.

The power of heaven and earth has no attributes at first, but it will change differently with the martial arts of the practitioner, turning into wind, thunder, and cloud ...

"Liuyun's secret place ..." Chen Zong took a deep breath, swelled vigorously, rushing from all directions, wrapping herself up: "I want to fully promote the cultivation here, and then realize the power of Qingyun."

The power of Qingyun is a kind of extraordinary mystery, because Chen Zong's practice is Qingyun Mi Tian Gong. Based on this method, he is expected to realize the power of Qingyun.

Of course, the more sophisticated the cultivation of the exercises, the easier it will be to understand the extraordinary secrets related to the exercises. Previously, Chen Zong ’s practice was mainly focused on other aspects, but his understanding of the power of Qing Yun was released. Slow, after all, I am only a person, energy and time are very limited, we must focus on.

Looking away, Chen Zong saw a stone platform, and it was empty.

The body flickered, a gust of wind rolled up, and it quickly landed on the stone platform, sitting cross-legged, running Qingyun Mitian Gong.

The cyan cloud is pervasive, and the blue light renders the whole body up and down, distinct from the white hues around it.

The weather energy is like a white python engulfing Chen Zong's body, continuously pouring into the body, quickly being refined into spiritual power, pouring into the third spiritual wheel, so that the third spiritual wheel slowly solidifies and grows. For promotion.

When running the exercises continuously for two hours, I felt a slight pain in the meridians. Chen Zong knew that today ’s cultivation was at its limit. He stopped practicing, guided by Qingyun Mitian Gong, and realized the extraordinary secrets.

The fierce battlefield opened every ten years, and now it is still a short time since the next opening. This period of time is actually very short, not to mention that you are trying to cultivate and improve, and so are other geniuses.

Let's say Lie Jingyu and others, Chen Zong hasn't seen him here, maybe he's already doing his best.

The same is true of other geniuses in the lower tiers, especially those in the top tiers. Cultivation conditions must be better than those in the floating clouds.

Even in the words of King Fuyun, even the people in the Twelfth Central Realm would enter the battlefield of Liegu.

The fierce battlefield will then become the real battlefield of life and death.

Go all out!

Time flies, and a month later, the cyan light diffused all around, surrounding Chen Zong's body, rising to the top of his head, condensing into a green cloud, exuding waves of strong breath.

The blue cloud poured down, poured into the body, and poured into the first spiritual chakra along the meridians. Immediately, the spiritual chakra was rendered, filled with blue halo.

The second and third spiritual chakras were also rendered with a cyan halo.

The second extraordinary secret power: the power of Qingyun.

In general, transcendental realm often masters one kind of transcendental mystery, and only powerful transcendental realms can grasp two types of transcendental mysterious power. As for the third type of transcendental mysterious power, the difficulty increases dramatically.

"The strength of the sword of the heart and the strength of Qingyun, I have improved a lot now." Complement each other.

The power of the Heart Sword is invisible and colorless, so it will not affect the color of the spirit wheel when it is incorporated into the spirit wheel, but the power of the cloud is cyan, rendering the spirit wheel into a cyan halo.

When the idea is moved, the power of the heart sword and the power of Qingyun surge out from the spirit wheel at the same time and converge on Chen Zong's fingers. confrontation.

But the power of the heart sword seemed to be stronger, and the power of Qingyun was suppressed.

After trying for a while, the two forces continued to be consumed, but they were still unable to blend together. Chen Zong temporarily gave up.

From this point of view, it is very good to master the two super secret powers, but if they cannot be combined to make their powers superimpose, it is only a difference in attributes, and the increase in power is not very obvious.

But in fact, Chen Zong hasn't really grasped the mystery of the extraordinary mystery.

Different super secret powers have different attributes, each with its own advantages.

For example, the extraordinary mystery of the lightning department is similar to the martial arts of the lightning department, and they can better fit each other.

For example, the extraordinary mystery of the flame system can better fit with the practice of martial arts of the flame system and exert a stronger power. However, if it is the extraordinary mystery of the water system, it is difficult to match the martial arts of the flame system.

When practicing Qingyun Mitian Gong in Liuyun Mystery, it can absorb the vitality of heaven and earth to the maximum extent, but it cannot be absorbed all the time, and the body will have a load. Therefore, after finishing Qingyun Mitian Gong cultivation, Chen Zong will practice the true flame Gong, practicing swordsmanship, seeing the real sword of the heart and so on.

The unique environment in Liuyun Mystery makes it easier to practice, clear-headed, clear-minded, and difficult to get rid of thoughts. Cultivation here for one day is highly efficient, at least for a few days outside.

The range of Liuyun's secret realm is not small. The stone platforms are suspended in a vacuum. The stone platforms are surrounded by thousands of clouds.

A few kilometers away from the stone platform under Chen Zongzao, there were other stone platforms. There was a figure sitting on the stone platform. Looking closely, it was Zuo Tianyun.

Lie Jingyu, Fan Feiyu, Zuo Tianyun, as the best disciples of the floating cloud palace, will naturally be focused on training. They are also preparing for the coming ten years of fierce fighting and wholeheartedly improve their cultivation and strength.

Two months!

Three months!

Four months!

Chen Zong has been staying in Liuyun's secret territory, and never stops.

The cultivation environment here is excellent, allowing Chen Zong's practice to improve quickly.

Transcendent Mie Mid!

Transcendental Triple Late!

Transcendence Triple Peaks!

Transcendence Triple Limit!

After half a year, Chen Zong's repair was a breakthrough, and the fourth spiritual wheel was condensed, and the power of the heart sword and the power of Qingyun were also enhanced.

Extraordinary quadruple period!

"It took only half a year to improve." Chen Zong frowned slightly.

If you compare it with the blue world, the early stage of transcendence is equal to the seventh level of human extremes, and the early stage of transcendence is equal to the first level of terrestrial spirits. In half a year, it is very incredible to upgrade from the seventh level of human extremes to the first level of terrestrial spirits. , Is simply dreaming.

Even in the floating clouds, it is difficult to upgrade and rebuild in half a year.

However, Chen Zong practiced Qingyun Mitian to the extreme, mastered his skills, and was still in a holy place of cultivation such as the secret place of Liuyun.

Chen Zong felt that it took only half a year to upgrade and rebuild, which was a bit slow.

"If the exercises I practice are spiritual top grades, it is estimated that it only takes three months to upgrade to one." Chen Zong secretly said.

The level of the exercises is limiting their cultivation.

"I hope that in the fierce battlefield, we can get a better practice method." Chen Zong secretly said, rid of misunderstanding, and continue to practice.

In half a year, the practice of Qi training has been upgraded from the early stage of Transcendence Realm to the early stage of Transcendence Realm, and the practice of refining has been upgraded from the initial stage of Longli Realm to the early stage of Longli Realm.

The practice of refining is slower, but it is because of lack of resources. After all, refining is not the same as practicing qi, and it has a low dependence on the vitality of heaven and earth. What is more needed is the resources of refining.

In the eighth month, Chen Zong's Qi training was upgraded to the mid-fourth stage of transcendental realm, and the practice of physical training was to reach the mid-secondary period of Longlijing.

Qingyun Mitian swordsmanship approached the breakthrough.

Qingyun Mitian swordsmanship is a subtle swordsmanship, but it is not static.

Any martial art, as long as you practice to the extreme, and break through again, you can increase the power, but it is very difficult, no less than recreating a martial art of the same level.

It is also in this secret cloud of watching the clouds rise and fall, and the enlightenment of the power of Qingyun ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ that allows Chen Zong to have a deeper understanding of Qingyun Mitian swordsmanship.

Standing on the stone platform, Chen Zong pulled out the Baihe sword and killed it with one sword. The blue light was bright, and the blue cloud gas turned into a halo that spread around the white cloud.

With no extra moves, Chen Zong just waved sword after sword, his energy and spirit were highly concentrated, and his mind completely fell on the sword swinging movement, and he felt every change in it carefully.

The flow and cohesion of spiritual power, the change of strength of breath ...

Ninth month!

Tenth month!

Eleventh month!

On the stone platform, Chen Zongyi sword waved, the blue sword light tore through the sky, rendered the surrounding white clouds into blue clouds, and blasted, like a tidal wave, endless, crushing everything, nothing can be blocked.

Qingyun Mitian sword meaning ... Ling Zhongzhong.

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