Sword God

Vol 20 Chapter 14: Death crisis (on)

The night was deep, and there were countless faint blue lights flashing on the battlefield like ruins, beating like a flame, very weird.

It was a ghostly fire with a burning flame within the eyes of evil spirits. It was particularly clear in the middle of the night, making people feel like creeping into a ghost park.

With a bang, the heavens and the earth were full of vitality, and a knife-like light cut across the earth, surrounded by purple electric light, breaking a long ditch into the hard ground and spreading continuously. Wherever they passed, the demons demolished.

With a single blade, it cut a length of 100 meters and shattered dozens of evil spirits, but I saw the ghostly fire beating like a ghost, and there was a trace of strange waves. The broken bones flew up and reassembled. Resting time will return to the original, and again culled away.

"Damn, these evil spirits can't be killed at all."

"Don't fall in love, get out of the siege."

The three joined forces to bombard the evil spirits continuously, killing a path from the siege of evil spirits.


The six disciples of the Fuyun Palace joined forces to fight against attacks from evil spirits from all directions, showing their strength one by one, the sky and the earth were full of vitality, the clouds were surrounded, and the mist was white.

Six people shot and the evil spirits culled from all directions were bombarded and killed, but reunited after three breaths.

There are too many evil spirits, as if they are endless. The six of them do not know in which direction to break out for a while, and it takes a lot of strength to break through. It is very unfavorable, so the six will join forces to form a circle to resist the evil spirits. Attack, while repulsing the evil spirit, move slowly.

On the barren ground of the ancient battlefield, there were evil spirits everywhere. Some people were fighting against evil spirits. Some were chased by evil spirits, attacked by evil spirits, and not badly injured.

The night was deep, and Chen Zong brought a pair of magical gloves, which inspired the power in the gloves, so that he could get a standard power increase of extraordinary power, so as to reduce his power consumption.

There are many evil spirits. Chen Zong didn't want to take a shot, but he had to take a shot, because he was surrounded by all directions, and he did not dare to kill him. He was crazy and bloodthirsty and cruel.

There is only one person with limited strength in the body. In the face of the almost endless battlefield evil spirits, it is impossible to resist until the night passes and the day falls.

Therefore, kill the siege and find a shelter.

If no shelter is found, the consequences can be terrible.

The power of Ziyun Zhenyan was mobilized and integrated into his own hands to exert the maximum effect with minimum consumption. Each time, he would kill several battlefield evil spirits and slowly break a road.

The strength of a single battlefield evil ghost is actually not strong. Their bones are as hard as ordinary medium-class weapons, and their attack power is almost ordinary half-step extraordinary level. Even if the powerful person is hit, protect Physical power will not be broken.

But there are many evil spirits on the battlefield.

As the saying goes, it is the same reason that ants bite more elephants. When the number reaches a terrible level, they will continue to attack, and the guardian's spiritual power can sustain for a while, they will continue to consume power, and eventually be broken.

Furthermore, Chen Zong tried it once and found that although the power of the evil spirits on the battlefield was only a half-step extraordinary level, his power was terrible, with a strong will to impact, directly impacting the sea and soul.

One or two or three shocks is nothing, any extraordinary world can withstand it, but if ten or one hundred shocks, the impact will become obvious.

Chen Zong pays for himself, with his powerful soul, he can continuously withstand thousands of times and even tens of thousands of times of the will of evil spirits on the battlefield, but he can avoid it if there is no need.

Suddenly, a ray of strange red light stretched out of the phantom, and quickly passed over the faint blue light, approached Chen Zong, and severely scratched the night, three strange and sharp scarlet scratches, as if frozen in the void.

Doraemon, lightning fast.

Chen Zong's figure shook, and immediately dissipated under the three scarlet claw marks, avoiding it in time, but Chen Zong's complexion was calm, his sharp eyes swept quickly, and landed on a figure approaching again.

The fierce breath and bloodthirsty are the evil spirits on the battlefield, and they are not ordinary battlefield evil spirits.

Burning in the empty eyes was not the faint blue ghost fire, but the scarlet ghost fire, which looked even more weird and more disturbing.

This is an evil level battlefield ghost.

It looks like a human being with legs and arms, but it is very strange. The head is like a bear's head, the hands are like wolf claws, and the feet are like horseshoes. In short, it is like a patchwork of various animal bones. monster.

The speed of this scarlet evil ghost is extremely fast, almost comparable to the standard triplex.

With a punch, he collided with the scarlet evil claw's claws. Chen Zong felt a violent impact, which was equivalent to the triple impact of Dragon Power Realm. It was very powerful, and his bones were harder than ordinary. Need for weapons, close to a magic weapon.


With a bang, the power of Ziyun Zhenyan erupted in an instant, banging at the scarlet evil ghost.

The strength of Ziyun Zhenyan is not weak, almost the same as the power of Qingyun, but it has the blazing high temperature that Qingyun's power does not have, which can cause damage to the demons, real damage, and even kill the demons.

As soon as Ziyun Zhenyan touched the claws of the scarlet evil ghost, it spread like a bone anthrax, covering the whole body of the scarlet evil ghost, and the flames burned.

The screams were extremely screaming, coming from the scarlet evil ghost's hollow mouth, such as the magic sound penetrating the brain, which caused Chen Zong's complexion to change suddenly. There was a kind of eardrum pierced and torn, and his mind was pierced by an invisible sharp knife. Feeling, but Chen Zong quickly eliminated this discomfort, stemming from a strong soul and will.

Unlike Youlan Evil Ghost, Scarlet Evil Ghost is more resistant to Ziyun Zhenyan. Youlan Evil Ghost is hit by Ziyun Zhenyan, and it will be burned by the ghost fire and die.

More Ziyun Zhenyan covered the whole body of the scarlet evil spirit, spreading in the eye sockets, burning the scarlet ghost fire.

Ghost fire is the root of evil spirits.

Ten Breaths!

For ten full breaths, and during these ten breaths, the Scarlet Evil Ghost kept chasing Chen Zong, as if to end with Chen Zong.

After ten breaths, the ghostly fire of the scarlet evil ghost was burned, and the tyrannical skeletons lost their cohesion and scattered, becoming gray and withered.

"That's ..." At the corner of Chen Zong's eyes, he saw a dazzling red light. At the same time, the blue evil spirits around the red light seemed to riot and rushed towards the red light, not even Chen Zong. Bother.

Raising his hand and catching it, the red light flew and fell into his hand. A cold touch quickly spread, letting Chen Zong be agitated and instantly feel refreshed.

Pure and flawless!

The red light in his hand is just an irregular crystal the size of a lotus seed, filled with bursts of extremely pure breath fluctuations, which are very mysterious, similar to spiritual knowledge, but different.

The scarlet crystals fell into Chen Zong's hands, and the surrounding blue evil spirits became more violent, conveying a longing and greedy will, as if the scarlet crystals in Chen Zong's hands had great attraction to them.

The scarlet crystals were included in the ring, and the riots of the blue evil spirits immediately calmed down, and the goal turned to Chen Zong.

Kill kill!

When I opened my eyes, the strange blue light twinkled, and pale bones appeared around me.

Fierce and bloodthirsty, this kind of breath will make people feel depressed and palpitated, even if Chen Zong has a powerful soul and extremely tough will, for a long time, I feel tired.

No shelter was found, the sky was not bright, and I didn't know how long it would last. This evil spirit could not be killed and cut, as if infernal purgatory, making people feel hopeless.

Ziyun Zhenyan's power was consumed more than half, and Chen Zong was a little tired.

Suddenly, Chen Zong glimpsed a group of bright white light shining between the gaps of the evil ghost's body.

The force erupted, suddenly swept forward, terrifyingly high temperature evaporated around, and the earth became black.

With a bang, the purple flames traveled like pythons, and the blue evil spirits were burned to ashes wherever they passed.

With a flicker of his body, Chen Zong rushed forward, killing while rushing. After about a few hundred meters, Chen Zong's eyes brightened, and the front was the source of white light.

It's like a huge transparent bowl buckled upside down on the ground. That layer of transparency is continuously emitting a soft white light. Chen Zong saw four figures inside.

"Shelter!" Chen Zong immediately burst into joy and rushed over.

According to King Fuyun, the sanctuary was laid out by the Emperor Zongzong in the fierce ancient battlefield. The purpose is naturally to provide a relatively safe resting place for the geniuses in Xia Yu to participate in the ten-year fierce battle.

After all, the battlefield under night is haunted by evil spirits, and it is extremely dangerous. Even if a more extraordinary transcendental realm enters into it, and the fighting is not stopped, it will eventually die under the endless evil spirits.

However, when Chen Zong approached the sanctuary and was ready to rush into it, there was a Mori cold knife light to the front to kill him.

As soon as Chen Zongyi broke through the light curtain of the sanctuary, he would be immediately slashed by the sword.

The vitality of the heavens and the earth surging, condensing into a knife-shaped rolling and rolling, the knife light contains extremely powerful forces, making Chen Zong look dignified.

Body flickered ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Chen Zong immediately appeared in another place of the light curtain, rushed into the light curtain again, but there was a huge palm-print like a disc on the front, the palm-print center rotating like a vortex, containing a Terrible power.

After several attempts, they were all intercepted by three people in the sanctuary. All four had high cultivation, three were fourfold of the transcendental realm, and one reached the fifth level of transcendental realm. Low, the practice is at least spiritual-grade middle-class exercises.

"This shelter is ours. You still obediently become the dim sum of evil spirits." One of them transcended and sneered at Chen Zong coldly, while others stared at Chen Zong with a playful look, as if to see A scene where he was eaten by evil spirits.

The strength of these four people is very strong, even if one's strength is sufficient, one-to-one estimation is not easy, not to mention there is an extraordinary quintessence of five, even if they can break into the shelter, most of them will be besieged.

Furthermore, without the sword, the power of the sword cannot be fully exerted.

When the decision was made, Chen Zong took note of the appearance of the four people, and immediately killed the sorrowful evil spirit surrounded by him, and quickly left.

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