Sword God

Vol 20 Chapter 20: Wu Lingkong

"An Heyu ... Peerless Palace."

Chen Zong stared at the corpse under his feet and muttered to himself.

When he caught up with the third quartet of transcendental realm and killed him with a sword, the other party quickly begged for mercy and reported his identity, intending to deter Chen Zong, but Chen Zong showed his sword mercilessly and beheaded him. kill.

Since the beginning of the murder, Chen Zong did not intend to let go of the other party, unless it is the other party's ability to escape in front of him, like that of the quintessence of the transcendental realm, or other more powerful people intervened to rescue.

However, according to Chen Zong's understanding, there are only two Anheyu under the top of the thirty-six lower ones. The land boundary and even the comprehensive strength can be compared with them.

The Hall of Absolute Wind is one of the three six-star forces in Anhe.

To use the simplest metaphor to describe, the comprehensive strength of Fuyun Domain is only one-third of Anhe Domain, or lower, not higher.

Escaping from the quintessence of the transcendent realm, Chen Zong knew that waiting for himself might not be a small trouble, but Chen Zong did not regret it, and he did not regret it at all.

Since he set foot on the road of cultivation, Chen Zong has been following a principle that the enemy should be killed.

On the ruin-like ground, occasionally some broken buildings can be seen, and the broken walls are scattered.

Chen Zong even saw a guide plate erected on the ground, which marked the direction of the ancient battle city. When he saw the sign above, Chen Zong was relieved.

I shifted my direction, but it wasn't outrageous. With a little adjustment, I was able to go in the right direction.

As for the fake ones, Chen Zong didn't think much about it. The guide plate looks very old, and it is undeniable that if it is fake, it was also deliberately made by the people in Shangzong.

In fact, there is no way to judge whether it is true or not. Chen Zong believes that it is true. If he thinks of himself, he will not be so boring and deliberately make trouble.

As time passed, the sky slowly became dark again, and the wind blowing was a little bit colder, and it seemed to be whimpering in my ears.

"Night is coming again." Chen Zong looked up at the sky and frowned slightly.

When night falls, it means that the wind is rising, and the evil spirits on the battlefield will wake up and wreak havoc on the earth.

If you have n’t experienced the last night, Chen Zong may not have paid much attention to it, but after last night, the battlefield evil ghost that seems to be endlessly beheaded, thinks about the scalp.

Furthermore, the strength of Zi You Xie Ghost also made Chen Zong very daunting. Even though his own strength is now significantly enhanced compared to last night, he is not an opponent of Zi You Xie Ghost, and the gap is too large.

"I just hope to find a shelter tonight." Chen Zong couldn't help secretly thinking that if he could not find a shelter, it would be better to find a secondary space.

But relatively speaking, the subspace is harder to find.

The sky was dim, the night was irreversible, the cloudy wind was humming, and it was carrying a certain mysterious substance, permeating between heaven and earth.

When the sky was dim to a certain extent, a few faint blue strange flames emerged from the ground, more and more, as if fireflies were flying up.

If you only look at it from the perspective of appreciation, you will find that the faint blue flames above the ruins will have a thrilling beauty, but when you think about it, you will feel creepy.

Because every faint blue flame is a ray of ghost fire, and it represents a battlefield evil spirit that is difficult to kill.

At a glance, the fire of ghosts is more than a thousand, there are thousands of them, and they are constantly emerging.

Chen Zong did not pay attention to these ghost fires, because the only thing that can really kill the ghost fire is Tianqiqili. As for the other powers, Chen Zong is not clear and he does not have it.

After last night, Chen Zong also knew very well that even if his own Ziyun Zhenyan could kill the fire of the ghost, it would be endless.

Ignoring it, just rushing at full speed, sharp eyes, and constantly looking for shelter. As for the subspace, you can't see at all. Whether you can enter or not depends on luck.

The wind was stronger, and the sound of clicking and clicking sounded, and a section of dead bones flew from the ground, swirling around a group of ghost fires, and quickly combined.

Chen Zong ignored it and didn't want to waste his strength for it.

Suddenly, there was a flash of purple light, which made Chen Zong's heart tremble and tremble.

Looking intently, it was a strange purple flame that emerged from the ground, a powerful force that swept away around the purple flame, covering a circle of 100 meters, and within 100 meters of the circle, there was no other Ghost fire.

A shocking scene appeared to Chen Zongbei. A section of dead bones floated from the ground with a radius of 100 meters, densely, and shot at the purple ghost fire at high speed.

Chen Zong's scalp was numb.

What this means is that a purple ghost is about to appear.

With the power and speed of Zi You Xie Gui, it is difficult for him to escape.

Suddenly, Chen Zong's eyes burst into a swift and decisive shot, and he took the lead and made a decision immediately.

The legs were slightly bent apart, and the purple dragon was rushing, and heavy and heavy seemed to be rolling into the legs. The naked eye saw that purple flames burst out from Chen Zong's legs, burning, and the amazing high temperature spread. Ignite the surrounding air to make the ground drier and crack.

The purple flames on both legs kept pounding from top to bottom, endless.

With a loud blast, the ground was full of fissures, and the ground was full of cracks. At that moment, it was blasted by a force that was extremely strong. It burst instantly, and the broken earth sputtered away, leaving a hole of several meters.

A figure surpassed the speed of sound and burst out instantly. At the moment, Chen Zong used the power of Ziyan Dragon to propel his body, and his violent explosive force made his instantaneous speed reach the extreme.

Contrast between refining and practicing qi, in the instant burst, obviously refining has more advantages.

Erupting with refining body and continuing with spiritual power, Chen Zong's speed broke through the limit and improved again.

In an instant, Chen Zong crossed several kilometers, the Xuanguang sword came out of the sheath, and a cyan light shone through the sky, like a meteor that draws a curtain of night, and it was as strong as lightning.

The vitality of the heavens and the earth raged from all directions, condensing into a multitude of blue clouds, empty like a tide, and rushing forward like mountains and rivers.

Chen Zong's strength is condensed on a sword, and the sword body is gorgeous.

Qingyun must!

In order to prevent the accident, Chen Zong burst into full force and performed a trick.

This sword, even if it is a five-fold supernatural state born in Zongmen, Chen Zong is sure to kill it.

The green sword like the gold of the gods is vast and violent, and it is blasted away like a sky sword.

Magnificent, sharp, and powerful!

This sword is indestructible.


Qing Yun, who was carrying the power of Ziyun Zhenyan, shattered pieces of dead bone in no time and hit that purple flame.

The purple flame contracted and swelled in an instant, permeating a powerful force, resisting the assassination of Chen Zongyi, making Chen Zong feel extremely strong resistance.

"Kill!" Chen Zong slammed again and exploded again.

Already shot, and say nothing to destroy it.

On the third outbreak, Chen Zong felt that his meridians seemed to be torn, and there was a burst of pain. The sword stabbed forward, breaking through obstacles and hitting the purple ghost fire.

The power of Ziyun Zhenyan erupted and burned in the purple ghost fire.

Chen Zong faintly heard an utterly stern and angry cry, shaking his knowledge of the sea.

One, two, three ...

Time passed quickly, and the purple ghost fire was still stubbornly resisting the burning of Ziyun Zhenyan, which shocked Chen Zong.

You know, the blue ghost fire will be burned before it is dead. It is estimated that the red ghost fire cannot sustain ten breaths, and the purple ghost fire has already passed thirty breaths, and it has not been burned.

Kaka Kaka sounded one after another, and one blue evil spirit rushed in from all directions to kill Chen Zong.

While watching the fire of the purple ghost, Chen Zong waved his sword. The Xuanguang sword was permeated with a layer of purple clouds. The sword gas raged through the wind, and he immediately killed one piece after another of blue ghosts like harvesting straw.

Three consecutive bursts of power did bring some trauma to his body and meridians, but under the domineering physique, Chen Zong could fully withstand it, as long as he did not explode again for the fourth time, he would slowly heal.

Thousands of you blue evil spirits were beheaded and killed. Sixty breaths of time elapsed before and after the fire of the purple ghost was burned, leaving an irregular purple crystal the size of a lotus seed.

When this purple crystal appeared, all the blue evil spirits within ten thousand meters were all violent, and the blue blue ghost fire in his eyes jumped wildly, as if to break through his head.

Chen Zong moved faster, grabbed the purple crystal quickly, had no time to look carefully, and immediately put it into the ring.

As soon as the purple crystals disappeared, the blue spirits were not so violent.

Taking a deep breath, the instinctual feeling, the scarlet crystal and the purple crystal crystal should be very amazing things, but they lack enough knowledge and have no time to study.


When the decision was made, Chen Zongshi displayed his body style, and at the same time also took the elixir to nourish the meridians and restore strength.

This time, Chen Zong's luck was really good. After rushing for several kilometers, he saw a white halo flickering in the distance, his eyes suddenly flashed, and he rushed over.

It was a sanctuary. It was small, about ten meters round, and there was no one in it.

No one is empty, which means that they will not be intercepted by others like last night ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, which makes them have to be surrounded by evil spirits, exhausted, and finally, if it is not good luck, they may have been given killed.

At the same time, Chen Zong also found that in another direction, there was a swift and swift figure, as if tearing the siege of the thunderous blue ghosts, and approaching the shelter.

At the same time, Chen Zong and the thunderous sword-like figure rushed into the shelter, and the high-speed figure was in a flash. The visual impact was extremely amazing.

Chen Zong stared at each other, and the other stared at Chen Zong.

It was a young man wearing a purple armor. His sharp-edged face looked indescribable fortitude, and his eyes were extremely bright and sharp like a blade.

"Lie Wu Yu, Da Tian Lei Men, Wu Lingkong." The other side's sharp eyes gazed at Chen Zong, tearing Chen Zong like a blade, and his voice contained indescribable spirit and chill.

"Fuyunyu, Qingyunzong, Chenzong." Chen Zong smiled slightly.

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