Sword God

Vol 20 Chapter 40: Baiyun 5

Yundian is the place where the disciples of Baizong Mountain live.

The disciples in the sky have the right to live in a cloud hall alone. As for the disciples at the prefecture level and human disciples, several people live in a cloud hall.

Yu Nianxin lived at the 211 cloud hall, while Chen Zong lived at the 212 cloud hall.

The building of Yundian is located in the Baiyun Mountain, one after another. Each Yundian covers an area of ​​at least hundreds of square meters. There are places for rest and practice.

Take out the token of your heavenly disciple, open the protective power of Yun Dian, and enter into it. A refreshing breath permeates the whole body and is very comfortable.

Soon, Chen Zong walked through the interior of the Yundian, seeing it clearly and completely grasping it.

With the token of the heavenly disciple in hand, Chen Zong can control the protective power of this cloud temple and open or close it.

After observing, Chen Zong took out the cloud-white silk book and read it.

Baiyun Mountain, 10,000 meters high, stands between heaven and earth, like a sky pillar.

Baiyun Mountain is both a mountain and a force. It is well-known in Qingtian Realm and has been for thousands of years. It is one of the few powerful ancestors with a history of 10,000 years.

Time is most ruthless. Everything will wear away under the erosion of time. Eventually, it will die out. It will exist for thousands of years, and it will continue to be strong. It is very rare.

Regarding some of the history of Baiyun Mountain, Chen Zong also looked at it, remembered, and looked at some rules of the Zongmen and so on.

The rules of the Zongmen are not complicated. The main thing is that they cannot betray the Zongmen and do things that are detrimental to the Zongmen's interests and prestige. In addition, they must not start the same door for no reason. Even if there are any conflicts, they must be reported to Zongmen. The department shall handle the matter and shall not resolve it without permission.

Of course, this means that inside Zongmen, if it is outside Zongmen, even though it is so stipulated, what kind of conflict is really going to happen, Zongmen may not know.

In addition, it is the contribution point.

This is something that every sectarian power must exist.

If you want to practice Zongmen ’s martial arts, martial arts, and even mystery, etc., you must use Zongmen ’s contribution points to exchange them, and the method of obtaining the Zongmen ’s contribution points is naturally to contribute to Zongmen.

Zongmen mission is a way to get Zongmen's contribution.

In addition, you can also contribute points by dedicating something precious to Zongmen.

As a disciple, you can get 10,000 gate contribution points as a reward. In addition, you can get three Yunlong Dan and three Yun Xuandan each year.

Yunlong Dan and Yunxuandan are both top-notch elixirs. Among them, Yunlongdan's effectiveness is to assist in cultivation and improve cultivation, while Yunxuandan is an elixir that can enhance understanding within a certain period of time. Both are very precious.

The treatment of prefecture-level disciples is much worse, and they can only get 5,000 gate contribution points rewards, and get one Yunlongdan and one Yunxuandan each year.

As for the disciples at the human level, the treatment is even worse, they can only get 2,000 door contribution points rewards, three years to get a Yunlong Dan and a Yunxuan Dan.

With this treatment, we can see the gap between the three levels of foreign disciples, and this gap will continue to increase over time.

"Tianyun Road, Lianyun Road, Magic Cloud Road, Liuyun Road, Feiyun Road ..."

Chen Zong thought about it.

Within the powerful eight-star power of Baiyun Mountain, there are different divisions of cultivation practices, a total of five types, each with a Taoist master.

In this way, the middle-aged man who brought himself and others to Baiyun Mountain was one of them.

Thinking of this, Chen Zong could not help breathing down and was frightened.

Each Tao has one Taoist master, and only one Taoist master, Baiyunshan is the strongest standing at the highest place. There are only five people. It is such an honour that they were picked up by one of them.

At the same time, Chen Zong also had deep doubts. A Taoist, regardless of his strength, it is a high-level existence, regardless of his status and status, how could he come and pick them up in person.

However, Gao Ren is unpredictable, he ca n’t even think of it, and Chen Zong did n’t dig into it. No matter what the reason is, he came here to become a disciple of Bai Yunshan or a disciple of Waizong. people.

Baiyun Mountain's five courses, Baiyunshan disciples can specialize in one, or choose one of them to major, and then supplement the other.

However, those who dare to major in one minor and other minors have great confidence in themselves and have extraordinary talents, otherwise they will only drag on each other and eventually make it difficult for them to improve.

Being a disciple of Bai Yunshan, who is not the best among the practitioners, can be regarded as a genius when placed outside.

But geniuses are also high and low.

General genius can't even enter the gate of Baiyun Mountain.

On the silk book, there are also descriptions of the Five Roads in the Baiyun Mountain, giving Chen Zong a more intuitive understanding.

Tianyun Tao masters the height of the sky, the mighty cloud, and the top priority, as the height of the sky is beyond reach.

Lianyundao stresses that Lianyun is powerful, strong and overbearing, and unparalleled in power.

The essence of the magic cloud road lies in a magic word, the cloud is fickle, volatile, and elusive.

Liuyun Road is a continuous stream of clouds, such as flowing water, extremely smooth.

Feiyun Road's main speed, the speed of clouds, like the wind, fast and fierce.

"Perhaps, I can major in one first, and then try to supplement the other." Chen Zong said secretly, his eyes shone brightly.

How difficult is the cultivation of the Five Paths, Chen Zong is not clear, and there is no concept in his heart. Therefore, he keeps making arrogance and can only choose one of the majors to see.

Want to come as the inheritance of the eight-star power, the difficulty of cultivation should not be low.

So, which one do you major in?

Is it infinitely high?

Is the unparalleled strength of refining clouds?

Or the volatile cloud path?

Or a continuous stream of clouds?

Or the speed of the flying clouds?

Each has its own strengths and emphasis.

"If you can practice the Five Ways ..." Chen Zong suddenly thought, if he could master the Five Ways and integrate the essence of the Five Ways?

Then Chen Zong shook his head and smiled, feeling that he was whimsical.

Now, not even one of them has been cultivated.

In addition, choosing cultivation requires the contribution of Zongmen.

Thinking again and again, eventually Chen Zong made a choice and made a choice based on his inner feelings.

Out of Yun Dian, just right, Yu Nianxin also came out of her Yun Dian.

"Master Chen." Seeing Chen Zong, Yu Nianxin took the initiative to say hello.

In the Baiyun Mountains, Yu Nianxin is not familiar with anyone, and if he wants to say something better, it is Chen Zong.

One entered Baiyun Mountain through the ancient battle city, and the second Chen Zong was excellent. When they were on the 100-meter white cloud, the two had some exchanges, and three of them were selected by that Taoist disciple as a heavenly disciple. , Four Cloud Palace is very close.

"Sister Yu." Chen Zong's repair was not as good as the other party, saying that the sister was also normal.

The direction of the two was the same, which was the Zongwu Palace.

Enter the palace hall, show your own disciple's token, and get the new disciple related.

Ten thousand gate contribution points are directly included in the disciple's token.

Three Yunlongdan and three Yunxuandan were also handed directly to the two. In addition, there was a thumb-sized thing, the whole body was white, like a stone, and it was compressed by cloud gas.

Cloud Seed!

This is the kind of cloud that every disciple of Baiyun Mountain can get. It is the sacred powers of Baiyun Mountain who use special methods to extract cloud gas and finally condense it.

Refining the cloud seeds into the body, and cooperating with the corresponding secret methods, can condense thousands of clouds of gas, and finally condense into an imperial blank cloud, which can carry its own imperial air flight.

After picking up things, Chen Zong and Yu Nianxin returned to their respective cloud temples.

Entering the Temple of Clouds, turn on the protective force to ensure that it will not be disturbed by the outside world. Chen Zong took out his disciple's token and inserted it into the card slot. Suddenly, a wall lit up, and many words and patterns appeared.

This is a redemption that can only be enjoyed by the disciples at the level. The disciples at the human level and the disciples at the level must go to the destination in person to redeem it. Come here.

Condensing cloud is a three-class secret method. Every Baiyun Mountain disciple must exchange it. It doesn't need to consume any contribution points. Its function is to condense the blank cloud based on the cloud seed.

Chen Zong just glanced and directly included Ningyunshu into the required list.

"Next, it should be practice exercises." Chen Zong opened the column of practice exercises and looked carefully.

Cultivation is the key point and the fundamental point. The clever cultivation method is mysterious and abnormal, and it can also cultivate powerful forces.

In the arsenal of Baiyun Mountain, there are exercises that practice Qi, and exercises that practice refining. Chen Zongxian first reviewed the exercises that practice Qi.

There are divisions of Gongfa level, spiritual level and holy level.

The holy level corresponds to entering the holy realm. Of course, the transcendental realm can also practice holy level exercises, but Chen Zong was stunned when he saw the contribution points needed for the conversion of the subordinate holy products.


A complete sacred-grade sublimation method requires millions of contribution points to redeem.

Chen Zong gave up on holy-level exercises and focused on spiritual-level exercises. In fact, even if transcendental practitioners can exchange the holy-level exercises, they may not be able to practice them.

After all, that ’s the practice of going into the holy realm, and the gap between going into the holy realm and the transcendental realm is huge. Even if it is expected to be completed, you do n’t know how much time it will take.

Chen Zong was the first to look at the spiritual masterpieces at www.wuxiaspot.com. There are only a few, but there are actually a lot of them.

You know, no six-star power has spiritual superb skills, and even if they do, they are incomplete.

As for the seven-star forces, they do have spiritual-level superb skills, but they are rarely, often only one, and the top seven-star forces are at most one more superb martial art.

The six spiritual mastery martial arts are different. After Chen Zong swept, his eyes fell on one of them.

Bai Yunji really works!

This is a top spiritual best practice, it is also the most advanced of the six best practice in Baiyun Mountain, and it is the Zhenshan exercise of Baiyun Mountain.

However, to redeem this practice, it actually required 60,000 gate contributions, while Chen Zong currently only has 10,000.

In order to get Zongmen's contribution point, either do the task or contribute precious things to Zongmen, Chen Zong can't help thinking about it.

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